

中文摘要 石綿(Asbestos)係纖維狀水合矽酸鹽礦之總稱,主要分為蛇紋石(溫石綿,或稱白石綿)及角閃石(褐石綿、青石綿、角閃石、陽起石及透閃石)。石綿具有多種特性,包括:防火性、耐高溫、絕緣、耐磨損、耐酸鹼、耐腐蝕、耐高張力、纖維柔軟、可撓性、可紡性等,故石棉在危害資訊尚未普及的年代,石棉廣泛被應用在各種材料中,像是建材(如:屋瓦、磁磚與石棉水泥等)、摩擦類製品(如:汽車離合器、煞車及傳動套件等)、耐高溫纖維、包裝、墊片及包覆塗料等。 隨著醫學衛生科技進步,陸續有研究報告指出,石綿纖維可能對人體有害,吸入石綿粉塵不僅會導致肺部纖維化,形成肺塵病,還可能誘發支氣管肺癌、胸腹膜間皮瘤和其他惡性腫瘤,世界衛生組織(WHO)的附屬機構國際癌症研究機構(IARC)於1973年正式指出石綿有罹癌風險,並於1977年確認石綿為一級致癌物,世界各國亦陸續減用甚至禁用石綿。我國環境部也於1989年5月,將石棉公告為第二類毒性化學物質,並於1990年至今多次修正石棉相關運作及許可用途之規定,以降低石棉在我國環境暴露的風險。 然而,我國在1950~1980年代曾大量使用石綿做為建材,石綿雖已於1989年被環境部公告為列管毒性化學物質,逐年減少使用,但石綿引起肺癌的誘導期大約30~40年,間皮瘤則為40~50年,而一旦石綿瓦、石綿板、含石綿隔熱建材、含石綿管線等進行拆除、翻修,或天災所造成的破壞,則立即可能引發石綿的環境污染問題。 目前全國列管之石綿瓦屋頂共238,421棟,推估含石綿屋頂建材約541,820噸,其中以臺南市、高雄市、雲林縣、嘉義縣、彰化縣為前五多之縣市。苗栗縣列管棟數為7,384棟,居全國第10位。 故苗栗縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局或貴局)辦理本計畫,為掌握含石綿建材建築物現況,並協助家戶建築物拆除後石綿建材廢棄物妥善處理,以降低對人體與環境危害。此外,亦透過廣播及媒體託播方式,促使民眾更加了解含石綿廢棄物之危害特性及正確清理方式。
中文關鍵字 石綿


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 1756 千元
專案開始日期 2023/07/19 專案結束日期 2023/11/20 專案主持人 蘇世昌
主辦單位 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 謝文浩 執行單位 嘉德技術顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112 年度苗栗縣石綿建材廢棄物清除處理計畫-結案成果報告書.pdf 0MB

Miaoli County Asbestos Building Materials Waste Removal and Treatment Plan in 2023

英文摘要 Asbestos is the general name for fibrous hydrated silicate minerals, mainly divided into serpentine (chrysotile, or white asbestos) and amphibole (brown asbestos, bluestone, amphibole, actinolite and tremolite). Asbestos has a variety of properties, including: fire resistance, high temperature resistance, insulation, wear resistance, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, high tension resistance, fiber softness, flexibility, spinnability, etc. Therefore, asbestos has not yet been exposed to hazard information. In the era of popularization, asbestos was widely used in various materials, such as building materials (such as roof tiles, tiles and asbestos cement, etc.), friction products (such as automobile clutches, brakes and transmission components, etc.), and high-temperature resistant fibers. , packaging, gaskets and coatings, etc. With the advancement of medical and health science and technology, research reports have successively pointed out that asbestos fibers may be harmful to the human body. Inhalation of asbestos dust will not only cause pulmonary fibrosis and form pneumoconiosis, but may also induce bronchial lung cancer, thoracoperitoneal mesothelioma and For other malignant tumors, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an affiliate of the World Health Organization (WHO), officially pointed out that asbestos poses a cancer risk in 1973, and confirmed that asbestos is a first-level carcinogen in 1977. Countries around the world have also successively reduced the risk of cancer. Use or even ban asbestos. The Ministry of Environment of my country also announced asbestos as a Category II toxic chemical substance in May 1989, and has revised the regulations on asbestos-related operations and permitted uses many times since 1990 to reduce the risk of asbestos exposure in my country's environment. However, China used a large amount of asbestos as building materials from the 1950s to the 1980s. Although asbestos was announced as a scheduled toxic chemical substance by the Ministry of Environment in 1989, its use has been reduced year by year. However, the induction period of lung cancer caused by asbestos is about 30~ 40 years, and 40 to 50 years for mesothelioma. Once asbestos tiles, asbestos boards, asbestos-containing insulation building materials, asbestos-containing pipelines, etc. are demolished or renovated, or are damaged by natural disasters, it may immediately Environmental pollution problems caused by asbestos. Currently, there are 238,421 asbestos tile roofs under management nationwide, and it is estimated that asbestos-containing roof building materials are approximately 541,820 tons. Among them, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Yunlin County, Chiayi County, and Changhua County are the top five counties and cities. Miaoli County has 7,384 listed buildings, ranking 10th in the country. Therefore, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Miaoli County Government (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Bureau or your Bureau) is responsible for this project in order to understand the current situation of buildings containing asbestos building materials and assist households in properly disposing of asbestos building material waste after the buildings are demolished, so as to reduce Harmful to human body and environment. In addition, broadcasts and media broadcasts are also used to help the public better understand the hazardous characteristics of asbestos-containing waste and the correct cleaning methods.
英文關鍵字 Asbestos