

中文摘要 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為持續進行轄內土壤地下水潛在污染區域定期監測及調查,並針對污染列管場址進行驗證、及相關管制措施,經公開評選後委託傑美工程顧問股份有限公司執行「112年度宜蘭縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),本計畫經費為新臺幣9,000 ,000元整,計畫期程自112年1月1日至112年12 月31 日,各項工作執行說明如後。 一、土壤定期監測 本計畫已於112年4月24 日至28 日完成19處農地土壤定期監測,檢測結果顯示1處區域(宜蘭市凱旋二段569 、570地號)檢測結果重金屬砷濃度超過管制標準,將依照「土壤砷污染判定及處理原則」進行判定;11處區域檢測結果超過監測標準,持續辦理定期監測。 二、農地土壤同步農作物採樣 本計畫配合農業處進行同步採樣,執行8點次土壤採樣,農作物檢測結果重金屬無異常,無須進行後續農地土壤分析。 三、農地污染預防管理 本計畫於112 年6月進行定常監測環境勘查評估、7-10月執行農地定常土壤抽測、灌溉水抽測及樹脂縮時膠囊監測,預防性抽測結果顯示土壤及渠道水質皆符合法規標準,其中1筆農地抽驗砷超過監測標準,持續辦理定期監測;樹脂縮時膠囊結果顯示各圳路無人為污染情形,水質狀況大致良好,部分點位水中重金屬有非常態性偏高,可持續關注。 四、灌溉渠道底泥溯源調查 本計畫已於2-3月進行隆恩圳現場環境勘查作業、7-9月執行隆恩圳底泥、渠道水質調查,結果顯示渠道水質符合法規標準,底泥因累積效應造成砷、鋅濃度超過底泥品質指標上限值,屬自然環境非人為污染所致,建議後續可執行底泥疏濬作業;樹脂縮時膠囊結果顯示4批次連續監測未發現有人為污染情形,水質狀況大致良好,部分點位水中重金屬有非常態性偏高,可持續關注。 五、事業土地污染預防管理 本計畫已於5月辦理事業分群分級管理與自主污染預防管理計畫輔導說明會、7-10月辦理A群10 家次、B群6家次、C群19 家次事業現勘,依照現勘結果及事業污染潛勢滾動式管理;A群2家次事業調查,其中興佳工業有限公司調查發現鉻、鎳超過土壤污染管制標準,後續依土污法進行公告列管。 六、台化龍德廠工業管線調查 本計畫已於9-11月執行台化龍德廠工業管線調查,以地球物理探測以確認管線位置,再進行土壤、地下水及土壤氣體調查,土壤及地下水檢測結果皆符合法規標準、土壤氣體PID/FID檢測有1處超過警戒值,建議參考貯存系統異常管理流程,依水污法第28 條第1項規定採取維護及防範措施。 七、入境土石方 本計畫已完成12車次入境土石方隨機採樣抽測工作,重金屬濃度均低於食用作物農地監測標準,無須進行後續重金屬分析及追蹤監控機制。 八、地下水監測作業 本計畫已於112年5月18 -24 日完成21口場置性監測井執行地下水採樣作業,檢測結果顯示3口監測井地下水砷濃度超過第二類地下水監測標準、9口監測井一般項目超過第二類地下水污染監測標準,持續辦理定期監測。 九、監測井維護管理 本計畫已完成本年度2次監測井巡查維護工作,並完成5口監測井井體外部維護、2口監測井設施修復、2口監測井廢除及1口標準監測井設置工作;本年度挑選10 口監測井進行井況評估,並根據評估結果及再完井篩選原則,挑選5口監測井進行再完井及異物排除工作。 十、污染場址管理 本計畫執行迄今針對各列管場址每月至少執行1次巡查工作,並協助環保局辦理場址相關書面審查、場址改善完成後驗證作業。「台灣中油股份有限公司蘇澳供油服務中心」第1次驗證結果未能符合改善標準及法規標準、第2次驗證結果符合法規標準,刻正辦理解除列管中;「蘇澳油料分庫(代號CC -13 -30 營區-1) 」土壤驗證結果未能符合改善標準及法規標準,另調查發現地下水有超過法規標準情形,後續建議修正公告為土壤及地下水污染場址並持續列管。 十一、公告事業管理 本計畫協助環保局辦理土污法八、九條公告事業書面資料審查及公告事業現場查核工作,本年度於9月執行污染潛勢公告事業(東南亞實業社)土壤污染查證作業,結果顯示南亞實業社總石油碳氫化合物(TPH)超過土壤污染管制標準,後續依土污法進行公告列管。 十二、貯存系統管理 本計畫已協助環保局完成3季網路申報資料審查工作,申報審查率皆為100%,並於4月完成9處地下儲槽業測漏管檢測、於11月完成15處符合新增業別定義之貯存系統執行法規符合度確認及輔導,共有9處仍有缺失,將列入未來改善追蹤建議名單內,以確認其改善之情形。東寶加油站申報資料異常,已依貯存系統異常管理流程,請事業依水污法第28條第1項規定採取維護及防範措施。 十三、工業區土壤及地下水品質管理 本計畫協助確認及彙整工業區土壤及地下水申報檢測資料,工業區申報資料除竹科宜蘭園區因環境背景導致氨氮、鐵、砷較高外,其餘皆符合法規標準。龍德工業區因區內新增1處控制場址尚未開始執行改善(提出控制計畫中),故配合燈號調整至橘燈,其餘工業區為綠燈。 十四、緊急應變及其他調查工作 本計畫已緊急應變經費辦理之工作包含「東南鹼業公司二(G00021)標準監測井廢井」、「東寶加油站測漏管測試及檢測」、「農地定期監測增加檢測項目」、「員山鄉永結段463地號土壤調查」、「宜蘭市凱旋二段569、570地號富砷調查」、「台灣中油股份有限公司蘇澳供油服務中心地下水檢測」、「環管署及環保局計畫合約變更支應經費」、「台灣化學纖維股份有限公司龍德廠工業管線地下水檢測」。 十五、相關活動辦理及行政協助 本計畫已辦理1場次「土污法第八、九條相關法規宣導暨事業太陽能光電設置推廣說明會」、1場次「貯存系統法規及管理申報作業要點宣導說明會暨事業太陽能光電設置推廣說明會暨事業太陽能光電設置推廣說明會」及1場次「事業分群分級管理與自主污染預防管理計畫輔導說明會」,參與總人數為130人。
中文關鍵字 驗證、土壤、監測井、定期監測、農地、地下水、輔導、查核


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 9000 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 范康登
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 張哲均 執行單位 傑美工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112宜蘭土水期末(定稿)_內文合併.pdf 72MB 112年期末報告

2023 Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Yilan County

英文摘要 1. Soil Reguler Analysis This year, a total of 19 sites, where the contamination in soil exceeds the monitoring standard, were investigated. The result shows that the concentration of heavy metals Arsenic(As) were found to exceed control standards in 1 site, where some of area that the lands irrigated using groundwater full of As. Other 11 sites were found to exceed monitoring standards. 2. Simultaneous sampling of soil and crops The project has cooperated with Agriculture department to finished simultaneous sampling of soil and crops. Because the crops aren’t abnormal, so no soil analysis required. 3. Agricultural land pollution prevention management This project is set to conduct regular environmental surveys and assessments in the month of June in the year 112, with soil sampling on agricultural land and water for irrigation taking place between July and October. The results indicate that the soil and irrigation water quality are in accordance with monitoring standards, among them, 1 sites were found to exceed monitoring standards. 4. Source investigation of sediment in the irrigation channel “Long-En” channel conducting investigations into sediment and irrigation water quality. The outcomes reveal that the channel water quality complies with regulatory standards, while the accumulation effect has led to elevated concentrations of arsenic and zinc in the sediment, exceeding the prescribed limits. The contamination is not of anthropogenic origin. It is recommended that subsequent measures include the execution of sediment dredging operations. 5. Industrial land pollution prevention management From July to October, on-site inspections have already been carried out for 10 entities in Group A, 6 entities in Group B, and 19 entities in Group C, pertaining to their environmental inspection(Phase I surveyed). The project choce 2 Group A factories those moer potential to soil and groundwater contamination verification. One of them, the results showed that chromium(Cr) and nickel(Ni) in soil concentration have exceeded the control standards, subsequently, regulatory measures will be enforced in accordance with legal requirements. 6. Industrial pipeline investigation Between the months of September and November, an industrial pipeline investigation will be carried out. Geophysical surveys will be employed to confirm the pipeline locations, followed by soil, groundwater, and soil gas investigations.soil The results show that soil were complied with monitoring standards,whatever, soil gas PID/FID testing, one location has exceeded the alert threshold. It is advisable to take maintenance and preventive measures in accordance with water pollution regulations. 7. Earthwork waste materials management The random sampling and testing of earthwork waste materials materials reveal that the concentrations of heavy metals remain below the monitoring standards. 8. Groundwater Analysis Sampling work of all 21 wells has been done in May, 2023, and the results in 3 monitoring wells, the underground water exhibits arsenic concentrations surpassing the monitoring standards, while in 9 monitoring wells, the general parameters exceed the specified monitoring criteria. 9. Wells Maintenance and Checking The project had completed, as contracted, a total of 2 times of quarterly work of the checks and maintenance of regional and on-site monitoring wells, according to the results, 5 of them went through the external maintenance after the assessment, 2 facilities of wells has been repaired; 2 of it was abolish;the establishment of a single well. In addition, for the condition assessment on 10 monitoring wells; according to the results, 5 of them went through the internal maintenance after the assessment, and 5 of them went through the well development again followed by camera shooting inside the well to assure of tidiness. 10. Restrained Sites Management and Verification The PVEEC has carried out the monthly inspection over restrained sites for the progress of improvement and the latest condition in hand and evaluate the predicted effects for the site where the remediation plan has been accomplished. Currnently, there are totally 2 sites that has completed post-improvement verification. “台灣中油股份有限公司蘇澳供油服務中心” and “蘇澳油料分庫(代號CC-13-30營區-1” verification results still exceed the control standards, necessitating ongoing control measures. 11. Management of businesses with pollution concerns The PVEEC has completed 11 soil and groundwater legal-related written review, 13 soil and groundwater legal-related on-site inspection. In September, the verification of soil contamination for businesses with pollution concerns will be conducted, the results showed that TPH in soil concentration have exceeded the control standards, subsequently, regulatory measures will be enforced in accordance with legal requirements. 12. Designated pollutant storage system management The PVEEC has been associate with EPB to complete the storage system reports of Q3 in 2022 (from Sep to Dec) and Q1 in 2023 (from Jan to Apr) and Q2 in 2023 (from May to Aug), with 100% of inspection. We also had monitored gas stations of 9 Subterranean storage tank system. Additionally, there will be the execution of compliance verification, guidance, and reevaluation efforts for 15 storage systems that align with the newly defined industry categories. In cases of pollution concerns, it is advised to implement maintenance and preventive measures in accordance with water pollution regulations. 13. Management of soil and groundwater quality in industrial zones The PVEEC aims to assist in verifying and consolidating the reporting and testing data for soil and groundwater in industrial zones. With the exception of the Hsinchu Science Park Yilan Park, where elevated levels of ammonia nitrogen, iron, and arsenic are attributed to environmental factors, the industrial zone reporting data conforms to regulatory standards. 14. Emergency Response The total number of tasks that our company has assisted in handling with the emergency contingency funds amounts to eight. 15. Event Handling and Routine Business This year, there have been completed 1 conferences for interpreting the new law “Regulations for Installation and Management of Facilities for Preventing Pollution of Groundwater Bodies and Monitoring Equipment in Underground Storage Tank System” (total audience number: 46); 1 conferences for the Article 8th and 9th Regulations on Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Law (total audience number: 39); 1 conferences for Guidance seminar on business categorization and classification management, as well as self-regulated pollution prevention management plans (total audience number: 50); 10 educational sessions and 1 training courses (total audience number: 407). The PVEEC has also filming the video based on the work of this project.
英文關鍵字 soil, Simultaneous sampling of soil and crops, Contamination Potential Area Survey