

中文摘要 臺南市政府環境保護局為有效改善車行揚塵污染問題,並延續歷年施政方針,特專案辦理「112年度臺南市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫」,統計112年4月7日至113年4月6日間,本計畫規劃執行進度及達成狀況,如表一及表二所示,茲將現階段各項工作執行成果摘要說明如下: 1.本計畫執行道路洗街作業長度合計70,553.8公里,計畫進度達成率為100.8%,總計洗街用水量為73,901.29噸,平均單位長度(公里)用水量1.04公噸,均大於合約規範用水量。依環境部削減係數推估,可削減TSP 973.6公噸、PM10 183.4公噸、PM2.5 42.8公噸。 2.本計畫共規劃有20處之合格放流水取水點,於112年6月、112年9月、112年12月及113年3月水質檢測作業,取水點懸浮固體(SS)濃度介於<2.5至50.0 mg/L之間。溶氧量(DO)介於2.9至8.4 mg/L之間,氫離子濃度(pH)介於6.9至8.8之間,除安平水資源回收中心之溶氧量(DO)未符合標準,已於112/7/11採樣送檢複驗合格;其餘洗街用水之檢測結果均符合本計畫用水規範。 3.進行道路髒污調查作業,共計完成道路普查分級共1,292條,合計4,333.66公里,其中A級道路共1,176條,計3,841.66公里(佔88.6%);B級道路共116條,計492公里(佔11.4%);無C級道路。此外,B級道路已橫向通報區隊、清管科等單位列入清掃範圍。 4.關於洗街成效評估,採用街塵檢測分析進行,本計畫於112年6月6、7日;9月12、13日;12月5、6日及113年3月5、6日,完成四季檢測分析,共計96點次。四季檢測洗街作業前平均街塵負荷量為0.7981 g/m2、坋土負荷量為0.2322 g/m2,而洗街作業後平均街塵負荷量降低為0.3495 g/m2、坋土負荷量為0.0869 g/m2。洗街作業對街塵及坋土之削減率分別56.2%及62.6%。 5.本計畫定期每月彙整本市各洗掃作業執行資料,總計本市推動洗掃作業總長度422,275.91公里(含企業認養38,561.01公里),依據環境部訂定之洗掃街作業對TSP、PM10、PM2.5削減之公式計算,推估可削減TSP達5,295.3公噸,PM10達997.7公噸,PM2.5達232.9公噸。(因削減係數係針對機具洗掃作業推估,而企業認養多採人力方式執行,故不列入計算) 6.本計畫依據分工協商會議決議,15區高密度農作區(後壁、柳營、新營、下營、東山、白河、鹽水、六甲、官田、新市、佳里、西港、麻豆、善化、歸仁)共計45條農耕示範路段,計畫執行期間共計巡查225次。 7.本計畫協助局內執行多項積極管制作業,包括:(1)空品惡化緊急應變措施;(2)協助局內進行各類宣導作業;(3)藉由微感器及交通測站分析PM2.5濃度變化趨勢;(4)配合環境部逸散污染源空氣污染物排放管制及減量計畫通報清掃作業。
中文關鍵字 道路洗街、車行揚塵、街塵負荷


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-112-AN-30104 經費年度 112 計畫經費 12900 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/07 專案結束日期 2024/04/06 專案主持人 江政祿
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭惠婷 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 期末報告定稿V2.pdf 20MB 期末報告定稿

Tainan City Project for Intensified Dust Flushing in 2023

英文摘要 (1)Execution of street flushing The total length of road washing operations in this project was 70,553.8 kilometers, and the midterm progress attainment rate was 100.8%. The total water consumption for street washing was 73,901.29 tons. The average monthly water consumption per unit length (km) was 1.04 metric tons. The average unit water consumption was also the same, which was greater than the contractual water consumption. Estimated according to the reduction factor of the Environmental Protection Agency, TSP can be reduced by 973.6 metric tons, PM10 183.4 metric tons, and PM2.5 42.8 metric tons. (2)Water quality testing The project planned a total of 20 qualified discharge water intake points. Water quality testing operations will be carried out in June 2023、 September 2023. and December 2023.The suspended solids (SS) concentration at the water intake points will be between <2.5 and 50.0 mg/L. The dissolved oxygen (DO) is between 2.9 and 8.4 mg/L, and the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) is between 6.9 and 8.8. Except for the dissolved oxygen (DO) of the Anping Water Resources Recycling Center, which does not meet the standards, it has been The samples were taken for re-inspection on July 11, 2023, and passed the test; the test results of other street washing water are in line with the water specifications of this plan. (3)Road dirt survey Carrying out road pollution survey operations. A total of 1,292 road surveys were completed, totaling 4,333.66 kilometers, of which a total of 1,176 A-level roads, totaling 3,841.66 kilometers (accounting for 88.6%); A total of 116 B-level roads, totaling 492 kilometers (accounting for 11.4%); and there was no C-level road. In addition, B-level roads had been horizontally notified to the district team, pigging department, and other units to be included in the cleaning range. (4)Performance evaluation for the street flushing. The evaluation of the effectiveness of street washing was carried out by the use of street dust detection and analysis. Completed two quarters of detection and analysis on June 6 and 7、September 12 and 13, 2023、December 5 and 6 ,2023 and March 5 and 6 ,2024, a total of 4 roads with 96 points. Before the street washing operation in the four seasons, the average street dust load was 0.7981 g/m2, and the soil load was 0.2322 g/m2. After the street washing operation, the average street dust load decreased to 0.3495 g/m2, and the soil load was 0.0869 g/m2. The reduction rates of street dust and soil from street washing operations were 56.2% and 62.6%, respectively. (5)Collection of cleaning operations in this city This plan regularly collected the implementation data of various cleaning operations in this city every month, with a total of 422,275.91 kilometers (include corporate adoptions 38,561.01 kilometers) in total length of the city’s cleaning operations. It was calculated according to the formula for reducing TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 through street cleaning operations stipulated by the Ministry of Environment. It was estimated that TSP could be reduced by 5,295.3 metric tons, PM10 by 997.7 metric tons, and PM2.5 by 232.9metric tons. (The reduction coefficient is estimated for mechanized cleaning operations, and since corporate adoptions mainly use manual labor, they are not included in the calculations.) (6)Agricultural Pollution Bulletin According to the resolution of the consultation meeting on the division of labor, 15 high-density farming areas (Houbi District, Liuying District, Xinying District, Xiaying District, Dongshan District, Baihe District, Yanshui District, Liujia District, Guantian District, Xinshi District, Jiali District, Madou District, Guiren District, Shanhua District, and Xigang District) a total of 45 agricultural demonstration road sections, and A total of 225 inspections were carried out during the implementation of the plan (7)Active control measures A. Emergency response measures against air quality deterioration B. Assist the bureau to carry out various publicity operations C. Analyze the changing trend of PM2.5 concentration by micro-sensor and traffic station. D. Cooperate with the Ministry of Environment to notify the cleaning operation of the air pollutant emission control and reduction plan of fugitive pollution sources.
英文關鍵字 street flushing, Dust from car dealership, Street dust load