

中文摘要 本計畫於112年8月25日開始執行,工作內容包含感測器發展現況及陳情熱區既有資料解析、感測器項目及規劃布建作業、感測器數據品管機制、感應數據應用及分析。 在感測器項目及規劃布建作業上,計畫於112年8月25日提送異味監測點位設置規劃書,經環保局審核後於9月11日獲核定,並於9月15日完成30點移動感測器及10點風向風速感測器佈建作業。 統計設置完成至計畫結束為止,總共執行30次異常現場確認,經統計所有異常告警均來自於設備異常或者斷線所致,所有異常皆於48小時內完成排除作業,全數測項之監測資料完整率約98%。 彙整9月至11月公害陳情系統中,在斗南鎮及虎尾鎮的陳情案件共計有97件,在惠來及田頭里中共計有6件,其中有4件為露天燃燒,2件為豬屎、柴油異味,分別發生於112年10月24日及11月18日。11月18日之事件經分析鄰近異味感測器的VOC、NH3、H2S等數據,結果顯示在上午7點前後,前述監測項目皆未有明顯的高值產生,研判當時該異味濃度持續不久或者該異味與目前感測元件未有相關靈敏度,以致無法透過時間序列與濃度的關係做污染趨勢分析;10月24日之事件,以鄰近5台感測器的VOC、CH4S、NH3、H2S等當日中午12點左右數據,以克利金法分析污染熱區,結果顯示VOC、CH4S及H2S之測值以3100114感測器附近濃度是較高處,NH3的高濃度區域則是3100134感測器附近。綜上所述,當時風向多介於西到北北東及靜風(<1m/s)狀況下,研判該次民眾陳情空氣中有明顯的豬屎臭味可能是鄰近點位之畜牧場逸散的臭味所致。
中文關鍵字 異味感測器、空氣品質監測網、環境物聯網


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 2940 千元
專案開始日期 2023/08/25 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 李東軒 執行單位 捷思環能股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 雲林縣異味感測器溯源輔助監測計畫-期末報告-定稿.pdf 10MB

Yunlin County odor sensor traceability auxiliary monitoring plan

英文摘要 This project commenced on August 25, 2023, and encompassed the development of sensor technology, analysis of existing data on odor complaint hotspots, planning and deployment of sensor projects, implementation of sensor data quality control mechanisms, and the application and analysis of sensor data. In the aspect of sensor project planning and deployment, the project submitted the Odor Monitoring Point Setup Plan on August 25, 2023, which was approved by the Environmental Protection Bureau on September 11,2023. Subsequently, on September 15, 2023, the deployment of 30 mobile sensors and 10 wind direction and speed sensors was completed. From the initiation of the project until its conclusion, a total of 30 on-site verifications of anomalies were conducted. All anomalies were resolved within 48 hours, resulting in an overall completeness rate of approximately 98% for the monitoring data. Between September and November 2023, a total of 97 odor-related complaints were received in Dou Nan Town (斗南鎮) and Hu Wei Town(虎尾鎮). Among these, 6 cases were specifically from Hui-Lai (惠來里) and Tian-Tou (田頭里), with 4 involving open burning and 2 related to pig manure and diesel odor, occurring on October 24 and November 18, respectively. Analysis of the incident on November 18, based on the data from nearby odor sensors for VOCs, NH3, H2S, indicated no significant high values around 7 am. This suggests that either the odor persisted for a brief duration or the current sensor components lacked sensitivity, making it challenging to conduct pollution trend analysis based on the relationship between time series and concentration. For the incident on October 24, analysis of data around noon from 5 nearby sensors for VOCs, CH4S, NH3, H2S using kriging revealed higher concentrations near sensor 3100114 for VOCs, CH4S, and H2S, while NH3's high concentration area was near sensor 3100134. In summary, during these incidents, the wind direction varied from west to north-northeast, and under calm wind conditions (<1m/s), it was deduced that the noticeable pig manure odor reported by residents may have originated from odor dispersion from nearby livestock farms.
英文關鍵字 odor sensor, IOT