

中文摘要 嘉義市轄內最主要的河川為牛稠溪(朴子溪流域)及八掌溪,皆為與嘉義縣交界之跨縣市河川,於嘉義市境內主要污染來源為生活污水,在污水下水道系統建設並不普及之情況下,為有效掌握及改善各流域水體水質狀況,期藉由「主動稽查管制」、「追蹤輔導改善」、「生活污水減量」、「河川防治宣導工作」及「推動沼液沼渣農地肥分使用」等作為,積極管制各事業水污染防治措施、杜絕非法排放及推廣畜牧業相關之環保法令及政策,以降低各流域河川水質污染惡化情形,有效減輕水體環境負荷程度。 在水污染源稽查、水質採樣工作部分,已完成124家次(100 %)的稽查作業,除部分廠家於廢水處理設施發現不明管線外,其餘均未發現明顯違規,其4支不明管線已完成拆除/封除工作。共計完成17家次之採樣作業,3家超過放流水標準,其中除1家因採樣當日為手動啟動排水閥門,後續經局內簽准不予裁處外,其餘2家分別於6月21日、11月27日依水污染防治法進行告發、裁處,其餘廠家之檢測結果均符合放流水標準。已完成本市全數26家之社區稽查、定型化契約宣導作業,均有正常開機操作,開機率100 %,此外針對社區之電表、管線標示、放流口設置、流量計設置、污泥設施、抄表紀錄等進行查核,均未發現明顯違規。 在水污染許可審查、營建工地及未列管事業查核部分,已協助63件審查作業,其中有52件核可、3件同意變更、1件同意試車、1件逾期未補正駁回申請、6件補正中,包含變更15件、展延6件、展延暨變更39件、新申請1件、重新申請2件;25件逕流廢水審查作業、18件次之稽查,其施工工地均未見動工,無違反水污染防治法情事,後續複查有3家未施工,其餘施工中,無違反水污染防治法情事、30件之未登記工廠現場勘查作業,均非屬水污染防治法之列管對象;完成4家次深度查核作業,並於同日召開協談會議,業者於11月30日前陸續提送改善期程規劃書,已有2家提送改善成果報告書,其中1家已完成許可證之變更作業,1家完成委員建議之槽內隔板及傾斜度調整等設施,餘2家將於12月30日前提送改善成果報告書。 在水污染防治基金管理及運作部分,嘉義市已累計徵收約442萬元,分配至地方約265萬元,今年度已完成7家次之水污費徵收查核作業,1家因申報水量有誤,涉及水污費需重新核算,環境部已依提交之查核結果完成複審作業,該廠需補繳水污費298元,並協助1家電鍍業取得水污費停徵結算作業之核定。 在畜牧廢水氨氮回收部分,本市4家畜牧場均已取得畜牧糞尿資源化利用之核准,112年1~11月施灌量較111年同期成長(增加120.85公噸),實際施灌比率較低者為明O畜牧場(26.4 %)及國立嘉O大學動物試驗場(32 %)。明O為申請之核准施灌量較實際需求高;嘉O大學則因未有槽車,故後續明O將降低核准施灌量;輔導嘉O大學申請環境部之槽車補助,以提升實際施灌量。 在省水減污宣導部分,已完成1場次之省水減污宣導活動,除現場宣導外,於活動當天在嘉義市政府環境保護局之官網臉書PO文按讚,並於下方留言自身的省水減污妙招及手拿牌照片的民眾,進行抽獎活動,本次抽獎活動吸引民眾481按讚、155次分享、415則留言,觸及4,505人。 於會議、活動辦理部分,已辦理2場次「嘉義市水污染整治規劃推動小組會議」、1場次「水污染防治相關法令及宣導說明會」、2場次之巡守隊教育訓練、1場次「水環境巡守隊領袖會議(第一場)」、1場次「水環境巡守隊領袖會議(第二場)暨績優巡守隊表揚頒獎」、1場次「河川淨溪(潭)活動」,並發布4則新聞稿。
中文關鍵字 水污染、水污費、沼液沼渣


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 291.9 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/17 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉姵萱 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(全).pdf 17MB 期末報告

Chiayi City Water Pollution Source Audit, Permit Review, and Water Sewage Fee Collection Verification Program in 2012

英文摘要 The main rivers within the jurisdiction of Chiayi City are Niuchou Creek (Puzi River Basin) and Bazhang Creek. Both cross the border of Chiayi County. The main pollution source in Chiayi City is domestic sewage. Since sewage sewer systems have not been universalized, this project realized and improved water quality in various river basins by "active inspection and control", "improvement tracking", "domestic sewage reduction", "river pollution prevention campaigns" and "promoting biogas manure as fertilizer” to prevent water pollutions, illegal discharges and promote environmental protection laws and policies related to animal husbandry to reduce of water pollution in various river basins and effectively reduce the environmental load of water bodies. In terms of water pollution source inspection and water quality sampling work, inspections of 124 enterprises (100%) have been completed. No obvious violations were found except for some manufacturers with unknown pipelines in wastewater treatment facilities. Four of the unknown pipelines have been dismantled. Sampling of 17 enterprises were completed. There were 3 enterprises which exceeded the water discharge standard. Among them, 1 enterprise was not sanctioned due to manually activated the drainage valve in the sampling day. The other 2 enterprises were sanctioned by Water Pollution Control Act on June 21 and November 27. Community inspections and standardized contract promotion for all 26 communities in the city were completed and all were in normal operations, with 100% of operation rate. In addition, the project team also checked community’s electricity meters, pipeline labels, discharge outlet settings, flow meter settings, sludge facilities, meter records in communities and no obvious violations were found. In terms of water pollution permit review, construction site and unlisted enterprise review, this project has assisted in reviewing 63 cases. Among them, 52 cases were approved; 3 cases were approved for changes; 1 case was approved for commissioning; 1 case without correction during specific period was rejected, and 6 cases were in amendment, including 15 cases for changes, 6 cases for extensions, 39 cases for extensions and changes, 1 cases for new application, and 2 cases for re-applications; 25 cases for runoff and wastewater review, and 18 cases for inspections, the construction sites did not start working projects and were no cases that violated Water Pollution Control Act. During subsequent re-inspections, 3 enterprises did not start their construction and the other enterprises has started their construction without violating Water Pollution Control Act. There were inspections for 30 unregistered factory sites, and they were not included in Water Pollution Control Act. The project team also completed 4 in-depth inspections and held a negotiation meeting at the same day. The enterprises submitted improvement schedule before November 30. 2 enterprises have already submitted improvement reports, and 1 enterprise has improved facility design based on committee members’ suggestions. The remaining 2 enterprises will submit improvement reports before December 30. In the management and operation of the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Fund, Chiayi City has collected a total of approximately NTD 4.42 million and distributed approximately NTD 2.65 million to local government. This year, water pollution fees and auditing of 7 enterprises have been completed. Since 1 enterprise reported incorrect water volume, water pollution fees had to be recalculated. The Ministry of Environment has completed the re-examination based on the auditing results. The factory had to pay the water pollution fee NTD 298. The project team also assisted an electroplating industry in obtaining approval for the suspension and settlement of water pollution fee. In terms of reusing ammonia and nitrogen from livestock wastewater, 4 livestock farms in Chiayi City have obtained approval of reusing livestock manure. The amount of irrigation increased in 2023 compared with the same period in 2022 (increased 120.85 metric tons). There were two livestock farms with low actual irrigation rate, including Mingxiu Livestock Farm (26.4%) and experimental husbandry farm of National Chiayi University (32%). The approved irrigation volume of Mingxiu Livestock Farm was higher than actual demand. Therefore, Mingxiu Livestock Farm will lower the approved irrigation volume in the future. There was no tank car in Chiayi University. Therefore, the project team will assist Chiayi University in applying subsidy for tank car from the Ministry of Environment to increase the actual irrigation volume. In terms of water conservation and pollution reduction campaigns, one water conservation and pollution reduction campaign has been completed. Participants could not only join on-site activities, but also click “like” and comment on Environmental Protection Bureau’s official Facebook and join a lottery game. The lottery game attracted 481 likes, 155 shares, 415 comments, and reached 4,505 people. In terms of meeting and event, 2 sessions of "Chiayi City Water Pollution Remediation Planning Promotion Group Meeting", 1 "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Related Laws and Public Meeting ", 2 sessions of education and training for patrol team, 1 "Meeting for leaders of Water patrol teams”, 1 “Meeting for leaders of water patrol team and Awarding of Outstanding Patrol Teams”, 1 "River (Pond) Cleaning Activity” ", and issued 4 press releases.
英文關鍵字 Water pollution, water pollution fee, biogas slurry