

中文摘要 本計畫為配合環境部升格,協助研析我國水體品質提升政策方向策略,並須針對氣候變遷及水資源循環利用議題,探討我國水資源利用政策對未來水體水質變化及影響,研析以水資源利用角度調整我國河川水質評估之可行性。本計畫已完成美國、澳洲、日本、韓國等國外水體品質提升政策及水質評估機制等資料蒐集,彙整研析國內目前已推行之相關政策成效,並完成北區2條重要河川及1條南區河川之測站適宜性評估等工作。 全國50條河川水質RPI由91年3.8下降改善至112年2.6,嚴重污染測站數由91年66站減少改善至112年10站,嚴重污染長度比率由91年14%,降至112年3.3%,長期水質呈現改善趨勢。常呈嚴重污染9處測站,有5處(新海大橋、大埔橋、大檜溪橋、竹圍大橋及五空橋)112年水質RPI已降至中度污染,另4處(蚊港橋、台19甲線急水溪橋、前州橋及九如橋)112年水質RPI仍屬嚴重污染,且部分測站RPI仍有惡化情形。 本計畫協助機關進行淡水河系整治目標達成分析、彙整各部會整治措施執行成果並召開3場次河川整治研商會議,研析測站未達標原因並滾動檢討水質改善策略。淡水河系107年至112年尚未符合計畫目標,全流域水體水質整體BOD達成率為79%,且全流域仍有4個測站於部分月份達嚴重污染,因此整治措施仍需相關單位協助推動。爰此,賡續辦理「淡水河系污染整治後續實施方案」113年至116年執行計畫實為必要,並延續原計畫目標持續列管。 南崁溪流域112年僅支流茄苳溪橋受河道施工影響造成RPI跳級至嚴重污染,其餘測站RPI水質均呈中度污染;而113年1-4月大埔橋、大檜溪橋、宏太橋及星見橋RPI平均值屬嚴重污染,主要受枯水期影響,導致水質異常頻率的提升。老街溪流域水質近年明顯改善,112年至113年4月各測站RPI水質均屬中度污染。 106-112年環境部核定補助地方政府辦理81案資本門計畫(含共同核定),補助縣市包括基隆市、新北市、桃園市、新竹市、苗栗縣、臺中市、南投縣、彰化縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣、嘉義市、臺南市、高雄市、屏東縣、宜蘭縣及連江縣等16縣市,推動污水截流及水質淨化等水環境改善工作,期能改善河川水體水質。截至113年5月工程完工62案。 經農政機關及環保單位共同合作水質監測及污染源稽查作業,近年來各縣市加強重金屬銅管制已明顯展現成效,已陸續完成全國共5縣市13水體總量管制區、加嚴5縣市7水體放流水標準。於113年1-3月各縣市重金屬銅灌溉水質基準值合格率均達100%,相較於管制前已大幅提升水質。
中文關鍵字 水環境改善、污染削減、水質管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 15900 千元
專案開始日期 2023/07/24 專案結束日期 2024/05/24 專案主持人 胡惠宇
主辦單位 環境部水質保護司 承辦人 張復翔 執行單位 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度前瞻河川水質環境管理計畫(北區)_全文.pdf 32MB

Forward-Looking Plan for River Water Quality Management in Northern Taiwan, 2023

英文摘要 To support the elevation of the Ministry of Environment, this project aims to assist in analyzing the strategic directions and policies for improving water quality in Taiwan. Additionally, it addresses the issues of climate change and water resource recycling, exploring the impact of our water resource utilization policies on future water quality changes. The feasibility of adjusting river water quality assessments from a water resource utilization perspective will also be analyzed. This project has completed the collection and analysis of data on water quality improvement policies and assessment mechanisms from countries such as the United States, Australia, Japan, and South Korea. It has also compiled and analyzed the effectiveness of relevant policies currently implemented domestically. Furthermore, the project has conducted suitability assessments of monitoring stations in two major rivers in the northern region and one river in the southern region. The RPI of 50 rivers nationwide has improved, decreasing from 3.8 in 2002 to 2.6 in 2023. The number of monitoring stations indicating severe pollution has reduced from 66 stations in 2002 to 10 stations in 2023. The proportion of severely polluted river lengths has decreased from 14% in 2002 to 3.3% in 2023, showing a long-term trend of water quality improvement. Among the nine monitoring stations that consistently indicated severe pollution, five stations (Xin Hai Bridge, Da Pu Bridge, Da Kuai River Bridge, Zhu Wei Bridge, and Wu Kong Bridge) have improved to moderate pollution levels in 2023. However, the remaining four stations (Wen Gang Bridge, Jishui River Bridge on Provincial Highway 19A, Qianzhou Bridge, and Jiu Ru Bridge) still indicate severe pollution in 2023. Additionally, some monitoring stations have shown signs of RPI deterioration. This project assists the agency in analyzing the achievement of remediation targets for the Tamsui River system, consolidating the implementation results of remediation measures by various ministries, and convening three river remediation coordination meetings. The project examines the reasons why some monitoring stations have not met their targets and continuously reviews water quality improvement strategies. From 2018 to 2023, the Tamsui River system has not yet met the project objectives. The overall BOD achievement rate for the entire basin is 79%, and four monitoring stations in the basin still exhibit severe pollution in certain months. Therefore, the assistance of relevant agencies is still required to promote remediation measures. Consequently, it is necessary to continue the "Follow-up Implementation Plan for Tamsui River Pollution Remediation" from 2024 to 2027, maintaining the original project objectives under continuous monitoring. In 2023, only the Qiedong River Bridge in the Nankan River Basin showed a significant increase in the River Pollution Index (RPI) to severe pollution due to river channel construction, while the RPI at other monitoring stations indicated moderate pollution. However, from January to April 2024, the average RPI at Dapu Bridge, Dakuai River Bridge, Hongtai Bridge, and Xingjian Bridge indicated severe pollution, primarily due to the impact of the dry season, which increased the frequency of water quality anomalies. In contrast, the water quality in the Laojie River Basin has significantly improved in recent years, with all monitoring stations indicating moderate pollution from 2023 to April 2024. From 2017 to 2023, the Ministry of Environment approved subsidies for local governments to implement 81 capital projects (including joint approvals). The subsidized municipalities and counties include Keelung City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Hsinchu City, Miaoli County, Taichung City, Nantou County, Changhua County, Yunlin County, Chiayi County, Chiayi City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Pingtung County, Yilan County, and Lienchiang County, totaling 16 regions. These projects focus on wastewater interception and water quality purification to improve the water quality of river bodies. As of May 2024, 62 projects have been completed. Through the collaborative efforts of agricultural authorities and environmental protection agencies in water quality monitoring and pollution source inspection, significant progress has been made in recent years in controlling heavy metal copper across various counties and cities. Nationwide, a total of 13 water bodies in five counties and cities have been designated as Total Quantity Control Zones, and effluent standards have been tightened for seven water bodies in five counties and cities. From January to March 2024, the compliance rate for the irrigation water quality standard for heavy metal copper in all counties and cities reached 100%, showing a significant improvement in water quality compared to the period before the implementation of controls.
英文關鍵字 Water Environment Improvement, pollution reduction, water quality management