

中文摘要 《氣候變遷因應法》(下稱《氣候法》)業於2023年2月15日經總統公布施行,除了將2050年達淨零排放之長期目標明確入法,並提升層級強化氣候治理、明定徵收碳費專款專用、增訂氣候變遷調適專章、強化排放管制及誘因機制促進減量,也劃分中央與地方權責事項,其修正要點中提出因應全球暖化及氣候變遷之衝擊,增列追求達成淨零排放之長期願景及基本政策方針,而達成淨零排放之目標,指各個碳排活動藉由其他移除大氣中等量溫室氣體的計畫(如植樹造林或碳捕捉、再利用、封存(Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage, CCUS)等負排放技術),達到碳排放平衡。故發展 CO2捕捉與封存技術,即成為未來我國實質減碳作為之不可避免方向。除此之外,氣候法第39條規定事業辦理 CO2捕捉後之封存,應提出試驗計畫或執行計畫送向中央主管機關申請核准,計畫內容至少應包含座落區位、封存方法、環境衝擊、可行性評估及環境監測等,因此本計畫針對碳封存計畫之需求項目蒐集國際相關資訊供環境部參考。目前國內推動碳捕捉及封存工作仍有法規制度、技術標準等困難需要逐步克服。因此本計畫就法規研商、技術指引等進行規劃,協助環境部建立本土 CCS 示範計畫審查機制,以利產業加速投入 CCS 計畫。
中文關鍵字 碳捕獲與封存、法規、作業指引


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 10650 千元
專案開始日期 2023/05/11 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 陳俊佑
主辦單位 氣候署排放管理組 承辦人 梁喬凱 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度碳封存法規建置及管理制度計畫_成果報告(定稿本)_公開版.pdf 30MB 本文及附件一至附件三

Carbon Storage Regulations Establishment and Management System Project

英文摘要 The "Climate Change Response Act" (hereinafter referred to as the "Climate Act") was promulgated by the President on February 15, 2023. In addition to clearly enshrining the long-term goal of net-zero emissions in 2050, it also upgraded the level to strengthen climate governance and clearly defined Collect special funds for carbon fees, add a special chapter on climate change adaptation, strengthen emission control and incentive mechanisms to promote reductions, and also divide central and local responsibilities. Among the key points of the revision, it is proposed to add pursuits in response to the impact of global warming and climate change. The long-term vision and basic policy guidelines for achieving net-zero emissions. To achieve the goal of net-zero emissions, it means that each carbon-emitting activity is accomplished through other programs that remove an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere (such as afforestation or carbon capture, reuse, and storage). (Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage, CCUS) and other negative emission technologies) to achieve carbon emission balance. Therefore, the development of CO2 capture and storage technology has become the inevitable direction for my country's substantial carbon reduction efforts in the future. In addition, Article 39 of the Climate Law stipulates that enterprises that deal with the storage of CO2 after capture should submit a pilot plan or implementation plan to the central competent authority for approval. The plan content should at least include location, storage method, environment Impact, feasibility assessment and environmental monitoring, etc. Therefore, this plan collects international relevant information for the Ministry of Environment's reference based on the demand projects of carbon sequestration plans. At present, there are still difficulties in promoting carbon capture and storage in China, such as regulations, systems and technical standards, which need to be gradually overcome. Therefore, this project plans regulatory discussions, technical guidance, etc., and assists the Ministry of Environment in establishing a local CCS demonstration plan review mechanism to facilitate industry’s accelerated investment in CCS projects.
英文關鍵字 Carbon Capture and Storage, Regulations, Operation Guideline