

中文摘要 本計畫監測車自109年11月起正式運轉,共涵蓋100個監測項目,包含NIEA A715所適用之87種揮發性有機物、7項一般空品測項、2項異味測項,以及4項氣象資料,計畫目標為維持GC/MS監測車及監測設備正常運轉,監測期間執行例行品保品管作業,資料可用率均達90%以上;參照環境部空品監測品保作業規範委託第三方查核單位及專家委員執行績效查核,查核結果均符合數據品質目標。 本計畫期程為112年3月27日至12月31日,期間主要監測對象為六輕離島工業區,並依據氣象條件(上下風),於麥寮鄉六輕南門海豐宿舍及麥寮鄉第四岸巡四二中隊等地進行定期監測。 南門海豐宿舍監測結果顯示一般測項O3八小時平均值、PM10二十四小時平均值有發生高於空氣品質標準之情形,分別占總監測筆數的32.73%、0.59%,NH3平均濃度亦有發生高於異味閾值之情形分別占總監測筆數的6.31%;揮發性有機物僅甲苯有發生高於異味閾值之情形,高於異味閾值之筆數,占總監測筆數的0.09%。111及112年同期結果顯示,一般空品測項僅NO2、TRS、NH3平均濃度有下降的趨勢,112年丙烷、丙酮、甲苯平均濃度高於111年,其中以丙烷差異最大,主要來自Flare排放。 第四岸巡四二中隊監測結果顯示,一般測項僅O3八小時平均值有發生高於空氣品質標準之情形,占總監測筆數的4.41%;NH3平均濃度亦有發生高於異味閾值之情形,占總監測筆數的2.04%;揮發性有機物僅苯乙烯有發生高於異味閾值之情形,占總監測筆數的7.91%。110及112年同期結果顯示,一般空品測項SO2、NO2、TRS、NH3平均濃度有下降的趨勢,112年丙烷、丙酮、甲苯平均濃度亦高於111年,其中以丙烷差異最大,主要亦來自Flare排放。 已完成離島工業區指紋地圖及斗六工業區周界指紋地圖,並持續累積監測數據,掌握污染物排放特性,並藉以發現並主動進廠巡查發現台化麥寮廠PC廠二氯甲烷濃度異常高值與歲修期間管線更換作業有關,且定期邀請離島VOC計畫召開跨計畫VOC聯繫會議及監測結果說明,以協助持續追蹤改善。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質監測、揮發性有機物、熱脫附/氣相層析質譜儀


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-112-029 經費年度 112 計畫經費 8520 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/27 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 施志恆
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 侯冠宇 執行單位 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112期末報告 定稿 全.pdf 50MB 112年度雲林縣氣相層析質譜儀(GCMS)監測車操作維護及指紋鑑定計畫_期末報告(定稿)

Plan of Operating and Maintaining the Hazardous-Air-Pollutants Monitoring Vehicle and Pollutant Identification in Yunlin County in 2023

英文摘要 The project's monitoring vehicle has been in operation since November 2020, covering a total of 100 monitoring items, including 87 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) covered by NIEA A715, 7 general air quality measurements, 2 odor measurements, and 4 meteorological data items. The project goals included maintaining the GC/MS monitoring vehicle and instruments properly, conducting the routine quality assurance and control during the monitoring period, and reaching the data availability rate more than 90%. Refer to the regulation of quality assurance by Ministry of the Environment, the performance audit was held by third-party auditors and experts, and the results meet the goals in data quality. The project period is from March 27 to December 31, 2023. The main monitoring target is the Yunlin Offshore Industrial Park, and according to the meteorological conditions such as windward and leeward, we carried out the regular monitoring at Nanmen Haifeng Dormitory and the 4th Coastal Patrol 42nd Squadron in Mailiao. The monitoring results of Nanmen Haifeng Dormitory showed that the eight-hour average of O₃ and the 24-hour average of PM₁₀ were higher than the air quality standards up to 32.73% and 0.59% of the total number of monitoring respectively. The average concentration of NH₃ was above the odor threshold also occurred up to 6.31% of the total number of monitoring. Only toluene, a volatile organic compound, was above the odor threshold up to 0.09% of the total number of monitoring. The results of monitoring from 2022 to 2023 within the same period show that the average concentrations of NO₂, TRS, and NH₃ plummeted slightly, but propane, acetone, and toluene had edged up, especially propane which is mainly from the flare gas. The monitoring results of the 4th Coastal Patrol 42nd Squadron showed that only the eight-hour average of O₃ was higher than the air quality standard up to 4.41% of the total number of monitoring. The average concentration of NH₃ was also higher than the odor threshold up to 2.04% of the total number of monitoring. Only styrene, a VOC, was above the odor threshold up to 7.91% of the total number of monitoring. The results of monitoring from 2021 to 2023 within the same period show that the average concentrations of SO₂, NO₂, TRS, and NH₃ plummeted annually, and solvents such as acetone and methanol as well. But the average concentration of propane, pentane, and isopentane had edged up moderately. We completed the fingerprint maps of the Yunlin Offshore Industrial Park and the Douliu Industrial Park and continued to collect monitoring data to knowing the pollutant characterization. Based on the above, we were proactive in entering the factory and found that the concentration of dichloromethane was higher during pipeline replacement in the annual repair period. In addition, to follow up on improvements, we work with related project (such as the project of VOC inspection and hazardous air pollutants investigation plan in offshore industrial zones) and call the meeting regularly to discuss the results of monitoring.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality Monitoring, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCₛ), Thermal Desorption-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (TD-GC/MS)