

中文摘要 112年度臺東縣環境稽查管制計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)主要為環境污染管制作業、環境污染案件宣導及檢測作業三部分,計畫執行期程自112年1月1日起至112年12月31日止,整體進度達成率100%,計畫執行成果摘要重點如下: 一、 執行環境污染管制作業: 1. 建置露天燃燒案件及雜草叢生陳情案件地主資料庫:本計畫共完成建置共566筆,其中露天燃燒共261筆(廟會活動焚燒紙錢案件共12筆、燃燒稻草案件7筆);雜草叢生共305筆(公有地共40筆、私有地共246筆、公私混合地共19筆)。 2. 協助陳情案件油煙(防制)輔導工作:依據環保報案中心公害污染陳情案件管理系統篩選111年餐飲油煙陳情案件,以重複被陳情次數較高的業者作為主要巡查名單,篩選出10間餐飲業者進行查核輔導,大部分業者皆有設置集氣設備,而管末處理設備皆為設置簡易水洗桶,其中以文化早餐店評分7分為最低,經現場查核發現該業者未安裝任何排油煙防制設備,已輔導業者加裝排油煙防制設備,於10月31日複查該店家已完成裝設排油煙防制設備。 3. 易遭棄置廢棄物地點,架設縮時攝影機:本計畫共架設127處次,發現違規行為共21件,涉有違規行為人且有明確車牌(得以車追查行為人事證)裁罰共16件、待發陳述意見通知共3件、不裁罰2件(行為人辨識不清),總計裁罰金額共19,200元。 4. 易遭棄置廢棄物地點進行巡查工作:本計畫共巡查261處次,查有棄置廢棄物情形共40件,權管單位經通知限期改善後皆已改善完成。 5. 針對禽畜糞產源或使用巡查工作:本計畫巡查209處次,禽畜糞產源-畜牧場巡查24處次,宣導勿使用或提供其他民眾使用生禽畜糞,其中自行處理所產生之禽畜糞10間、有設置堆肥熟化作業場地8間,並有與臺東縣政府農業處申請生禽畜糞清運三聯單9間;農耕地巡查185處次,皆無發現使用生禽畜糞情形,詢問部分農民使用的肥料種類有化學肥料1處、有機肥料2處、粗糠3處。 6. 違規廣告物巡查:本計畫共巡查107處次,共發現275件廣告物【有與主管機關申請懸掛共89件、違規廣告物共186件】,其中,違規廣告型態以懸掛旗幟及其他材質之廣告物(如:塑膠瓦楞板等)最為常見,而依廢棄物清理法裁罰共4案,累計裁罰金額共4,800元,並依電信法第8條規定函文通知電信事業單位,停止提供該廣告物登載電信號碼之電信服務(即停話)共3案。 二、 執行環境污染案件宣導及檢測作業: 1. 本計畫完成辦理人員教育訓練2場次、共計61人參與,辦理主題以「事業廢棄物稽查管理之法規與實務」、「稽查實務及技巧課程」,透過實際案例分享的方式、稽查實務經驗及技巧及業務上法規的運用及處理方式,增加與會同仁業務上執行的專業能力及執行各項公害陳情案件該有的標準作業流程以及應對陳情人之溝通技巧。 2. 本計畫完成3件異味污染物官能測定,在6月5日黃冠維(私有地存放禽畜糞)、7月11日永泰牧場第二分場及9月19日元明牧場,其中永泰牧場第二分場檢測異味值為41,已超過固定污染源排放標準(30),臺東縣環境保護局於9月6日依違反空氣污染防制法第20條第1項規定裁處新臺幣10萬元整罰鍰,其餘檢測皆符合固定污染源排放標準(30)。 3. 本計畫完成辦理限制露天燃燒宣導會議2場次,共計77人參與,於宣導會議上向農民宣導並導正錯誤觀念,稻草、果樹枝葉等農業廢棄物就地燃燒後不僅會將原農田中的有機物質全部燒掉外,燃燒後的「灰粉」元素亦無益於增加土壤肥沃度,並於會上與農民宣導以農業循環再利用之方法來降低燃燒稻草等農業廢棄物的行為。 4. 112年3月14日完成購置宣導品1.5萬元,並提送至臺東縣環境保護局於宣導會及教育訓練辦理時發放。 5. 本計畫完成每月村里長或陳情人關懷訪談48件次,其中1件訪談結果陳情人反應對案件處理時間沒有達到有效的結果,其餘47件皆感到非常滿意。 6. 環保專業證照訓練:已由臺東縣環境保護局指派人員參加「公私場所噪音狀況檢查或鑑定人員訓練」課程,於3月份完成課程訓練及測驗,並於6月1日取得證照。 7. 112年4月27完成針對常駐機關所在地之專責人員實施身體一般健康檢查,並提送至臺東縣環境保護局。 8. 本計畫執行臺東市區商店四周環境、舊衣回收箱四周環境及主、次要街道環境等巡查工作,工作成果以週統計,每週執行1次且路線不重複,共計44週次。 (1). 臺東市區商店四周環境:列管店家名單共計111間,完成巡查1,246間次,發現2間髒亂情形(歐巴馬食品有限公司、鮮Q堂),當下即輔導店家派員清理。 (2). 舊衣回收箱四周環境:臺東市區原設置舊衣回收箱共66處,自112年4月起撤除之原設置點,為避免破窗效應,計畫人員仍會每周安排前往巡查,完成巡查246處次,發現24處次髒亂情形,通報臺東市公所清潔隊清理。 (3). 主、次要街道環境:共14個路線,平均區分4個區域(A、B、C、D),完成巡查350路段,發現5處次髒亂情形,通報臺東縣環境保護局-綜合計畫科清理4處次(新生路、泰安街、太平溪北側防汛道路發現2次)、臺東縣政府交通及觀光發展處-觀光管理科清理1處次(捷地爾入口處-建康段1074地號)。 三、 其他行政配合事項 1. 本計畫完成提供22則新聞、機關臉書(FB)及TTPush推播素材。 2. 相關業務管考績效情形: (1). 提供「花東永續發展基金」補助本計畫執行情形現地查核簡報。 (2). 每月提供工作執行數填報「臺東縣政府施政平台」。 (3). 每月提供違規廣告物告發或裁處數據填報環境部「生活廢棄物質管理資訊系統」。 (4). 每月提供友善店家巡查照片填報環境部「友善店家認養系統」。 (5). 每季(3月、6月、9月、12月)之10日前,上傳髒亂點整頓之執行成效至「112年署考核-環境督察總隊(第七科)」Google雲端硬碟(網址:https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1lEpGdGkDoNuihhCx9AbrNqooF99cdUC-)。 (6). 協助年度彙整「112年直轄市及縣(市)政府環境保護績效考核計畫」項次7(重大專案稽查成果及配合環境督察業務成效)、項次14(由地方參考重大施政及環境改善項目自行研提創新作為項目及執行方式與成果-環境執法相關創新作為)考核資料。 3. 本計畫彙整臺東縣重大污染案件共計11件:(1).臺東市建農掩埋場火災案、(2).鹿野鄉中華段471、471-1地號及卑南鄉稻葉段97地號掩埋廢棄物案、(3).臺東市知本段7807-1地號堆置廢棄物案、(4).臺東市馬蘭段944-6地號掩埋廢棄物案、(5).臺東縣海端鄉崁頂段145地號掩埋廢棄物案、(6).成功鎮2515防風保安林地棄置廢棄物案、(7).成功鎮小湊段小港小段628地號、小湊段美山小段473地號棄置廢棄物案、(8). 臺東市中興路四段2巷129弄47號後方空地、南平橋排水口油污污染、(9).臺東市岩灣路101巷27號油污污染(10).臺東縣太麻里鄉多良村13鄰上大溪67號左前方空地棄掩埋營建廢棄物、(11).臺東縣臺東市豐原段1134地號棄置清溝污泥。 4. 評選承諾事項 (1). 於6月7日購買TT-Push金幣新臺幣2萬元整。 (2). 依照機關需求來執行UVA空拍1場次,今年度無空拍需求。 (3). 承諾112年辦理綠色採購新臺幣3萬元以上。
中文關鍵字 重大污染、街道環境、舊衣回收箱、市區商店四周環境、關懷訪談、露天燃燒宣導、異味污染物官能測定、違規廣告物、禽畜糞產源或使用、易遭棄置廢棄物地點、架設縮時攝影機、油煙(防制)輔導工作、雜草叢生


專案計畫編號 111400130668 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3900 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 廖君庸
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 羅培卿 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 112年度臺東縣環境稽查管制計畫期末報告(定稿).pdf 18MB 112期末報告定稿

112th Annual Taitung County Environmental Audit Control Plan

英文摘要 The 2012 Taitung County Environmental Audit and Control Plan (hereinafter referred to as the plan) mainly consists of three parts: environmental pollution control operations, environmental pollution case publicity and detection operations. The plan execution period is from January 1, 2020 to 112 As of December 31, 2019, the overall progress achievement rate was 100%. The summary of plan implementation results is as follows: 1. Implement environmental pollution control operations: 1. Establish a landowner database for open burning cases and overgrown weed cases: This project has completed the establishment of a total of 566 cases, including 261 cases of open burning (12 cases of burning paper money at temple fairs and 7 cases of burning straw) ); a total of 305 overgrown lands (a total of 40 public lands, a total of 246 private lands, and a total of 19 mixed public and private lands). 2. Assist in the counseling of oil fume (prevention and control) complaints cases: screen 111 catering oil fume complaints cases based on the environmental pollution reporting center’s pollution complaint case management system, and use the operators with a higher number of repeated complaints as the main inspection list to screen 10 catering operators were inspected and provided guidance. Most of them have installed gas collection equipment, and the end-of-pipe processing equipment is equipped with simple water-washing buckets. Among them, the Wenhua Breakfast Restaurant scored the lowest with a score of 7. After on-site inspection, it was found that this operator did not install it. Regarding any oil fume control equipment, the store has been coached to install oil fume control equipment, and the store was reviewed on October 31 to have completed the installation of oil fume control equipment. 3. Set up time-lapse cameras at locations prone to abandoned waste: This project installed a total of 127 times, and a total of 21 violations were found. The violators involved had clear license plates (personnel certificates for vehicle tracing) and a total of fines were imposed. 16 cases, a total of 3 notices of statement of opinions are pending, and 2 cases will not be fined (the perpetrator cannot be identified), with a total fine of 19,200 yuan. 4. Inspection work at locations prone to abandoned waste: A total of 261 inspections were conducted under this plan, and a total of 40 cases of abandoned waste were detected. The management unit has been notified of improvements within a time limit and has completed improvements. 5. Inspection work on the source or use of poultry and livestock manure: This plan inspected 209 times, and the source of poultry and livestock manure - livestock farms was inspected 24 times. We publicized not to use or provide other people with raw poultry and livestock manure, including self-produced poultry and livestock manure. There are 10 facilities for processing the generated poultry and livestock manure, 8 facilities have set up compost curing operation sites, and 9 facilities have applied for triple orders for the removal and transportation of raw poultry and livestock manure with the Agriculture Department of the Taitung County Government; 185 inspections of farmland were conducted, but no use was found. Regarding the situation of raw poultry and livestock manure, some farmers were asked about the types of fertilizers used, including 1 chemical fertilizer, 2 organic fertilizers, and 3 coarse bran fertilizers. 6. Inspection of illegal advertising materials: A total of 107 inspections were conducted in this plan, and a total of 275 advertising materials were found [a total of 89 items have been applied with the competent authority to hang, and a total of 186 illegal advertising items]. Among them, the illegal advertising type is hanging flags. Advertising materials made of other materials (such as plastic corrugated boards, etc.) are the most common. A total of 4 cases were fined under the Waste Cleanup Law, with a total fine of NT$4,800. Telecommunications companies were notified by letter in accordance with Article 8 of the Telecommunications Law. There were 3 cases in which the unit stopped providing telecommunications services (i.e., stopped calling) for the telecommunications numbers published in the advertisements. 2. Carry out environmental pollution case publicity and testing operations: 1. This project has completed 2 educational training sessions for management personnel, with a total of 61 people participating. The management topics are "Regulations and Practices of Industrial Waste Audit Management" and "Auditing Practice and Skills Courses". Through practical case sharing, auditing Practical experience and skills, as well as the application and handling of business laws and regulations, will increase the professional capabilities of colleagues in business execution and the standard operating procedures for executing various public nuisance petition cases, as well as the communication skills for dealing with petitioners. 2. This project completed the functional testing of 3 odor pollutants at Huang Guanwei (privately stored poultry and livestock manure) on June 5, the second branch of Yongtai Ranch on July 11, and Yuanming Ranch on September 19. Among them, Yongtai Ranch The odor value detected at the second branch site was 41, which exceeded the fixed pollution source emission standard (30). On September 6, the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau fined NT$100,000 for violating Article 20, Item 1 of the Air Pollution Prevention Act. A fine of RMB 10,000 was imposed, and all other tests were in compliance with stationary pollution source emission standards (30). 3. This project has completed 2 publicity meetings on restricting open burning, with a total of 77 people participating. At the publicity meetings, farmers were disseminated and misconceptions corrected. After agricultural waste such as straw, fruit branches and leaves are burned on the spot, not only will In addition to burning all the organic matter in the original farmland, the "ash" element after burning is not conducive to increasing soil fertility. At the meeting, we promoted agricultural recycling methods to farmers to reduce the burning of agricultural waste such as straw. behavior of things. 4. On March 14, 2012, the purchase of promotional materials worth 15,000 yuan was completed and submitted to the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau for distribution during promotional meetings and education training. 5. This project completed 48 monthly caring interviews with the village head or Chen Qingren. In one of the interviews, Chen Qingqing responded that the case processing time was not effective, and in the remaining 47 cases, she was very satisfied. 6. Environmental protection professional certificate training: Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau has assigned personnel to participate in the "Public and Private Places Noise Situation Inspection or Appraisal Personnel Training" course. They completed the course training and test in March and obtained the certificate on June 1. 7. On April 27, 2012, the general health examination for the dedicated personnel stationed at the location of the agency was completed and submitted to the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau. 8. This plan implements inspections of the environment around stores, used clothes recycling bins, and main and secondary streets in Taitung City. The work results are calculated on a weekly basis. It will be carried out once a week and the routes will not be repeated, for a total of 44 weeks. Second-rate. (1). The environment around stores in Taitung City: There are 111 stores in the list of stores under management, 1,246 inspections have been completed, and 2 stores were found to be dirty (Obama Food Co., Ltd., Xian Q Hall), and the stores were immediately provided with guidance Members clean up. (2). Environment around used clothing recycling bins: There were 66 used clothing recycling bins originally installed in Taitung City. The original installation locations have been removed since April 2012. In order to avoid the broken window effect, planners will continue to install them every week. Arranged inspections, completed 246 inspections, found 24 messy areas, and notified the Taitung City Office Cleaning Team to clean them up. (3). Main and secondary street environment: 14 routes in total, divided into 4 areas (A, B, C, D) on average. 350 road sections were inspected and 5 dirty and messy conditions were found. Taitung County Environmental Protection was notified Bureau - Comprehensive Planning Section cleaned up 4 times (2 discoveries were made on Xinsheng Road, Tai'an Street, and the flood control road on the north side of Taiping Creek), Taitung County Government Transportation and Tourism Development Department - Tourism Management Section cleaned up 1 time (Jie Dier Entrance No. 1074, Jiankang Section). 3. Other administrative cooperation matters 1. This project is completed and provides 22 news items, agency Facebook (FB) and TTPush push materials. 2. Relevant business management performance evaluation situation: (1). Provide an on-site verification briefing on the implementation of this project subsidized by the "Huadong Sustainable Development Fund". (2). Provide the number of work performed on the "Taitung County Government Governance Platform" every month. (3). Provide reporting or disciplinary data on illegal advertising materials to the Ministry of Environment's "Domestic Waste Management Information System" every month. (4). Provide friendly store inspection photos every month and submit them to the "Friendly Store Adoption System" of the Environment Department. (5). Before the 10th day of each quarter (March, June, September, and December), upload the implementation results of rectification of dirty spots to the "112th Department Assessment-Environmental Inspectorate (Section 7)" Google Cloud Hard Drive Dish (URL: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1lEpGdGkDoNuihhCx9AbrNqooF99cdUC-). (6). Assist in the annual compilation of the "112 Municipal and County (City) Government Environmental Protection Performance Assessment Plan" Item 7 (Major project audit results and cooperation with environmental inspection business results), Item 14 (Reference of major local policies) and environmental improvement projects independently develop innovative projects and implementation methods and results - environmental law enforcement related innovative actions) assessment materials. 3. This plan collects a total of 11 major pollution cases in Taitung County: (1). Taitung City Jiannong Landfill Fire Case, (2). Land No. 471, 471-1, Zhonghua Section, Luye Township and Beinan Township Case of buried waste at land No. 97, Inaba Section, (3) case of waste piled at land No. 7807-1, Zhiben Section, Taitung City, (4) case of buried waste at land No. 944-6, Malan Section, Taitung City , (5). The case of burying waste at land No. 145, Kanding Section, Haiduan Township, Taitung County, (6). The case of discarding waste at 2515 Windproof Security Woodland, Chenggong Town, (7). The case of land 628, Xiaogang Xiao Section, Xiaozuo Section, Chenggong Town No. 473, Xiaominu Section, Meishan Section, No. 473, (8). Oil pollution in the open space behind No. 47, Lane 129, Lane 2, Section 4, Zhongxing Road, Taitung City, and at the drain outlet of Nanping Bridge, (9). Taitung City Yan Oil pollution at No. 27, Lane 101, Wan Road (10). Construction waste buried in the open space in front of No. 67, Shangdaxi No. 13, Duoliang Village, Taimali Township, Taitung County, (11). 1134, Fengyuan Section, Taitung City, Taitung County Disposal of ditch cleaning sludge. 4. Selection of commitments (1). Purchase TT-Push gold coins for NT$20,000 on June 7. (2). Carry out 1 UVA aerial photography session according to the needs of the agency. There is no demand for aerial photography this year. (3). Commit to handle green procurement of more than NT$30,000 in 112 years.
英文關鍵字 major pollution, street environment, Used clothes recycling bin, The surrounding environment of urban shops, caring interview, Open burning awareness, Functional determination of odor contaminants, Illegal advertising materials, Source or use of livestock manure, Locations prone to waste disposal, Set up a time-lapse camera, Oil fume (prevention and control) guidance work, Overgrown