

中文摘要 嘉義縣內最主要的河川(朴子溪、北港溪及八掌溪)屬於遭受事業、生活污水以及畜牧業污染的混合型污染河川。為推動河川流域之污染防治工作,嘉義縣環保局委託技佳公司執行「112年嘉義縣畜牧稽查管制暨廢水氨氮回收推動計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),計畫執行期間針對轄內畜牧業加強監測管理、輔導畜牧廢水資源化,致力推動污染消除、改善水質污染等工作。本計畫執行期程為112年1月1日至112年11月30日止,整體成果(統計自112年1月1日至112年11月30日止)達成100%,計畫工作項目包含污染源稽查採樣,稽查非法排放違法情事、畜牧業不明管線、暗管稽查及封管作業、擴大畜牧業沼渣沼液肥分使用、辦理說明會等,其內容茲說明如下: 一、畜牧業不明管線、暗管稽查及封管 查獲11支不明管線,查核人員發現不明管線後,立即要求業者進行說明,若業者無法清楚說明管線用途或合法性,則可判定該管為不明管線或暗管,其均已責付業者完成封管或移除,其查獲不明管線皆屬於「疑似繞流排放管線而要求業者移除」。 二、污染即時監測查緝作業 針對民雄大排、柳溝大排(北港溪流域)、中洋子排水上游、八掌溪橋上游(署測站)、西結橋上游(局測站)、六腳大排(光南橋上游)、朴子溪台林橋上游、朴子溪鴨母寮排水上游、雲嘉大橋上游及觀光大橋上游等執行水質連續監測共計40點位,每1點位至少執行7日,累計完成477日次監測並查獲放流水超標9件次,後續仍針對污染熱區進行監控,掌握排水時段,以利稽查管制。 三、列管畜牧業許可審查及管理 本計畫已完成84件次許可審查作業及111年下半年定檢申報審查認可作業237件;並完成1,274件電腦建檔及維護作業,包括各項水污染稽巡查案件建檔1,046件、許可文件建檔193件及告發及處分案件建檔35件。另針對列管畜牧場符合需取得廢水管理計畫,縣轄內目前飼養頭數20頭至199頭計有45場,現場追蹤輔導結果26場已核准申請廢水管理計畫,11場註銷牧場登記證(解除列管)、2場已辦理頭數變更至20頭以下、5場暫時停養、1場改養羊,針對暫時停養者於計畫期間持續追蹤未發現復養情形。 四、畜牧業廢水排放稽查處分 完成列管畜牧業稽稽巡查1,051件次及非列管鴨鵝稽查輔導218件,採樣235件,其中31件已完成告發處分,處分金額39.8萬元,另外7件陳述意見程序中。 五、事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑 提送「廢水處理設備功能評鑑建議名單」20家,經由環保局圈選核定10家事業單位進行功能評鑑,113年3月7日發文通知進行功能評鑑初評、112年5月23日、26日、6月1日執行複評作業, 112年7月完成初步成果報告、112年8月18日辦理功能評鑑協談會議。 六、推動畜牧廢水氨氮回收 依據環保署所提供之「申請水污染防治措施及檢測申報管理辦法沼渣沼液農地肥分使用計畫範例說明」進行計畫書撰寫工作,截至10月31日已完成申請核准10場,統計示範場飼養規模合計牛隻198頭及豬10,261頭,施灌農地面積合計約29.13公頃,年施灌申請量為16,788.61公噸,種植有水稻、青割玉米、硬質玉米、毛豆、蓮子、樟樹、狼尾草、苦瓜、南瓜、鳳梨、番石榴、芒果等。 七、強化未資源化畜牧場之稽查管制 112年未辦理資源化畜牧糞尿之畜牧場目前均屬小場約100場未達5%資源化,為加強稽查對象,每1場至少1次之稽查採樣,已稽查294家次、採樣132件次,稽查結果16家畜牧場違反水污法事件。經輔導業者申請廢水資源化,已有5家新申請或變更沼渣沼液計畫書、3家申請放流水回收、2家申請個案再利用後達5%資源化比例。 八、沼液沼渣施灌者效益評估 (一)105~111年度嘉義縣申請沼渣沼液農地肥分使用共計有113場,核准申請資料統計,每年可施灌農地約419公頃,年施灌量約273,01公噸,施灌作物包括水稻、狼尾草、玉米及甘蔗等,其施灌量對於河川污染推估BOD削減量1,663.409公噸/年、氨氮削減量64.117公噸/年、SS削減量2,465.744公噸/年。 (二)針對已取得沼液沼渣肥分使用核准之畜牧場,統計至11月實際施灌總量計206,038公噸,依申請施灌統計須達244,833公噸,達成率約84.2%。 (三)和平橋上游列管畜牧場16家,資源化比例由111年14.63%提升112年15.13%,核准施灌量則提升1,258公噸/年,另推估和平橋上游氨氮削減成果,112年度扣除許紘家畜牧場為暫時停養狀況,計14家實際施灌量可削減氨氮8,394.95公斤/年。 (四)嘉義縣溪口鄉全鄉19場畜牧場已全部申請資源化利用,申請施灌面積達79公頃,施灌總量達8萬8,324公噸/年,實際可削減河川BOD約255.7公噸/年、SS約301.5公噸/年、氨氮約8.96公噸/年。統計111年、112年1-11月同時期之實際施灌量,分別為29,477、38,164公噸/年,施灌量增加8,687公噸/年、資源化施灌量提升29.47%。 九、辦理推廣畜牧業廢水氨氮回收 (一)完成3場宣導說明會,包括「推動畜牧糞尿資源化及集中處理案例分享」、「畜牧糞尿施灌栽培使用、農地媒合平台暨農作物施灌示範」、「推動成立畜牧資源化利用運輸施灌車隊暨農地媒合平台登記」,針對畜牧場畜舍異味防治、廢水系統優化改善及操作說明、畜牧糞尿資源化集中處理分享說明、畜牧糞尿施灌栽培使用,並進行現地農作物施灌示範,以及推廣成立畜牧糞尿資源利用運輸施灌車隊,並宣導「全國畜牧糞尿資源化網站」。 (二)利用地方電視台字幕廣告(走馬燈)完成3則發佈訊息,託播沼渣沼液農地肥分利用廣告,針對申請畜牧糞尿資源化現階段所遇問題及獎勵措施進行播放宣導, (三)針對111年已取得核准沼液沼渣且尚未設置告示牌畜牧業者辦理設置,完成14家畜牧場告示牌製作及發放。 十、其他配合相關業務 (一)媒體宣導利用環保局臉書粉絲專頁宣傳畜牧糞尿資源化共22則,冀望藉由深入淺出的說明讓相關事業能夠自我檢視引以為戒,避免重蹈覆轍,並可讓民眾感受環保局對維護環境之用心。 (二) 111年度協助申請「補助購置沼液渣集運車輛施灌或機具農地貯存槽」3件立富畜牧場三場、豪耀畜牧場、陳幸釧畜牧場,分別於111年11月23日、112年8月4日、112年11月28日完成驗收。另112年協助申請廣信畜牧場、福隆種畜場之沼液沼渣施灌營運計畫書,分別由環境部112年9月27日、112年11月22日核准補助,預計於12月底前完成購置並驗收。 另針對補助設置畜牧糞尿資源化處理設施集運處理其他畜牧場畜牧糞尿(簡稱補助大場代小場或集中處理),黃科翔畜牧場於111年8月15日開工,目前整體工程已於10月底竣工函文,提報竣工資料審核後補正中,俟審核後進行驗收程序。
中文關鍵字 廢水氨氮回收、畜牧稽查管制、功能評鑑、連續監測、、沼渣沼液、畜牧糞尿資源化


專案計畫編號 112CY20 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5100 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 陳威憲
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃群超 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 01.執行成果摘要-期末定稿(改個資).pdf 0MB

The 2023 Chiayi County Livestock Inspection, Control, and Wastewater Ammonia Nitrogen Recovery Promotion Plan

英文摘要 "The main rivers in Chiayi County, including Puzi River, Beigang River, and Bazhang River, suffer from mixed pollution from industrial, domestic sewage, and livestock farming. In order to promote pollution prevention and control in the river basin, the Chiayi County Environmental Protection Bureau commissioned Tech Excellent Company to execute the 'Chiayi County Livestock Inspection and Control of Ammonia Nitrogen Wastewater Recovery Promotion Plan for the Year 2023' (hereinafter referred to as 'this project'). During the project period, efforts were made to enhance monitoring and management of livestock farming within the jurisdiction, guide the resource utilization of livestock wastewater, and strive to promote pollution elimination and improvement of water quality. The project was executed from January 1, 2023, to November 30, 2023, achieving an overall completion rate of 100% for the entire period (statistics from January 1, 2023, to November 30, 2023). The project's work items include pollution source inspection and sampling, inspection of illegal discharge violations, unidentified pipelines related to livestock farming, inspection and sealing operations, expanding the use of livestock manure and slurry, and conducting explanatory meetings. The details of these are explained as follows: 1. Inspection and Sealing of Unidentified Pipelines related to Livestock Farming: Eleven unidentified pipelines were discovered. Upon discovery, the inspection team immediately requested explanations from the operators. If the operators could not clearly explain the purpose or legality of the pipelines, they were deemed unidentified or clandestine. Operators were then required to seal or remove these pipelines. All discovered unidentified pipelines were related to 'suspected diversion discharge pipelines and required removal by operators.' 2. Immediate Monitoring and Inspection Operations for Pollution: Forty monitoring points were established, including locations in Mingxiong Drain, Liugou Drain (Beigang River Basin), Zhongyangzi Drain Upstream, Bazhang River Bridge Upstream (Station), Xijie Bridge Upstream (Bureau Station), Liujiao Drain (Guangnan Bridge Upstream), Puzi River Tailin Bridge Upstream, Puzi River Yamu Liaor Drain Upstream, Yunjia Bridge Upstream, and Guanguang Bridge Upstream. Each point was monitored for at least seven days, totaling 477 days of monitoring, with nine instances of exceeding discharge standards identified. Subsequent monitoring was conducted in pollution hotspots to track discharge periods, facilitating inspection and control. 3. Licensing Review and Management of Livestock Farms: The project completed 84 license review operations and 237 inspections for the second half of the year 2022. Additionally, 1,274 computer documentation and maintenance operations were completed, including 1,046 case filings for water pollution patrols, 193 license document filings, and 35 filings for reports and dispositions. Regarding listed livestock farms required to obtain wastewater management plans, there are currently 45 farms within the county's jurisdiction, ranging from 20 to 199 heads of livestock. Results from on-site tracking: 26 farms had their wastewater management plans approved, 11 farms cancelled their livestock farm registrations (delisted), 2 farms reduced their livestock numbers to below 20 heads, 5 farms temporarily suspended operations, and 1 farm switched to raising sheep. Continuous tracking of temporarily suspended farms during the project period did not find any cases of resumed operations. 4. Livestock Wastewater Discharge Inspection and Penalties: Completed 1,051 inspections for listed livestock farms and provided guidance for 218 inspections for unlisted duck and goose farms. Sampling was conducted for 235 cases, leading to 31 instances of penalties with a total fine of 398,000 NTD. Additionally, seven cases are in the statement of opinion procedure. 5. Evaluation of Business Wastewater Treatment Facility Functions: Submitted a list of 20 recommendations for wastewater treatment equipment functionality assessments. The Environmental Protection Bureau selected and approved 10 business units for functional evaluations. The preliminary evaluation took place on March 7, 2023, with subsequent reviews on May 23, 26, and June 1, 2023. The initial results report was completed in July 2023, followed by a functional evaluation meeting on August 18, 2023. 6. Promotion of Livestock Wastewater Ammonia Nitrogen Recovery: Following the guidelines provided by the Environmental Protection Administration, work was carried out on drafting project proposals. As of October 31, 2023, ten applications have been approved. Demonstrative farms collectively raised 198 cattle and 10,261 pigs. The total area for irrigation was about 29.13 hectares, with an annual application of approximately 16,788.61 tons. Crops included rice, forage corn, dent corn, edamame, lotus seeds, camphor trees, Miscanthus, bitter melon, pumpkin, pineapple, guava, mango, etc. 7. Strengthening Inspection and Control of Non-Utilized Livestock Farms: In 2023, approximately 100 small-scale livestock farms (less than 5% resource utilization) did not engage in resource utilization. To enhance inspections, each farm underwent at least one inspection and sampling. A total of 294 inspections were carried out, with 132 samples collected, resulting in 16 instances of livestock farms violating water pollution laws. Through guidance, five farms newly applied or modified their slurry and sludge plans, three farms applied for wastewater recycling, and two farms, after application, reached the 5% resource utilization ratio. 8. Evaluation of Efficiencies for Slurry and Sludge Irrigation: • From 2016 to 2022, Chiayi County had 113 approved slurry and sludge land fertilization applications. Statistics from these applications indicated an annual irrigation area of about 419 hectares, with an annual irrigation volume of about 273,010 tons. Crops irrigated included rice, Miscanthus, corn, and sugarcane. The estimated reduction in river pollution was approximately 1,663.409 tons/year for BOD, 64.117 tons/year for ammonia nitrogen, and 2,465.744 tons/year for suspended solids (SS). • For approved slurry and sludge users, actual irrigation totaled 206,038 tons up to November, while the required amount was approximately 244,833 tons, achieving an 84.2% completion rate. • In the upstream of Heping Bridge, the resource utilization ratio increased from 14.63% in 2022 to 15.13% in 2023. The approved irrigation volume increased by 1,258 tons/year, and it was estimated that, excluding temporary suspension cases, actual irrigation could reduce ammonia nitrogen by 8,394.95 kg/year. • Xikou Township had 19 livestock farms that completely applied for resource utilization, with an irrigation area of 79 hectares and an annual irrigation volume of 88,324 tons. Actual reductions were estimated at about 255.7 tons/year for BOD, 301.5 tons/year for SS, and 8.96 tons/year for ammonia nitrogen. Comparing irrigation volumes between 2022 and 2023 (January to November), there was an increase of 8,687 tons/year, and resource utilization irrigation increased by 29.47%. 9. Promotion of Livestock Wastewater Ammonia Nitrogen Recovery: • Three seminars were conducted, including sessions on promoting livestock manure resource utilization, showcasing examples, livestock manure irrigation and cultivation, matching agricultural land platforms, demonstrations on crop irrigation using livestock manure, and promoting the establishment of livestock manure resource utilization transport fleets, in addition to advertising the 'National Livestock Manure Resource Utilization Website.' • Three subtitle advertisements were aired through local TV stations, focusing on the challenges faced in the current stage of livestock manure resource utilization and the incentives available for applicants. • Fourteen livestock farms were provided with signboards indicating their approved slurry and sludge utilization. 10. Other Collaborative Activities: • 22 promotional posts were made via the Environmental Protection Bureau's Facebook fan page to promote livestock manure resource utilization, aiming to enlighten related businesses to avoid repeating mistakes and to showcase the bureau's dedication to environmental preservation. • In 2022, assistance was provided for three applications for the purchase of slurry and sludge collection and irrigation equipment for livestock farms. The farms included Lifu Livestock Farm (3 locations), Haoyao Livestock Farm, and Chen Xingchuan Livestock Farm. These were completed on November 23, 2022, August 4, 2023, and November 28, 2023, respectively. Furthermore, assistance was given in applying for the operation plan for slurry and sludge irrigation for Guangxin Livestock Farm and Fulong Breed Farm. These were approved by the Ministry of Environment on September 27, 2023, and November 22, 2023, respectively, and were expected to be completed and accepted by the end of December. Additionally, concerning subsidies for the installation of livestock manure resource utilization facilities for large-scale farms to handle other farms' manure (known as supporting large farms on behalf of small farms or centralized treatment), Huang Kexiang's Livestock Farm began construction on August 15, 2023. The overall project was completed by the end of October, but due to the need for further review after submission, the completion verification is pending."
英文關鍵字 Wastewater Ammonia Nitrogen Recovery, Animal Husbandry Inspection and Control