

中文摘要 本案計畫目標,包括針對本市高污染潛勢地區及事業進行相關輔導或調查工作,控制污染源防止污染持續擴大,並針對土壤及地下水辦理定期監測作業,以達預警應變功能,並辦理污染改善成效驗證工作以及相關宣導會議。提供市民安全舒適的生活環境,達成土地資源永續利用目標。 整體工作重點,可分類為農地定期監測及同步採樣作業、貯存系統申報審查、篩檢輔導及查證作業、污染場址驗證作業、事業預防管理、底泥品質管理作業,以及因應民陳與應變事件調查作業等工項,執行摘要如下: 一、農地土壤定期監測及同步作物採樣作業 農地土壤定期監測作業,今年度完成40個坵塊農地土壤定期監測作業,其中2個坵塊現況已非農用,實際採樣為38個坵塊。依據「農地定期監測作業原則」,其中31個坵塊中,28個坵塊監測結果仍有超過監測標準且過去為系統性污染、2個坵塊全量分析結果超過監測標準、1個坵塊全量轉換值超過監測標準且位於列管場址下游,建議每5年監測1次;6個大里區坵塊低於監測標準但過去為系統性污染、1個大雅區坵塊目前未有種植作物,但位於列管場址下游及排放口灌溉渠道下游處,可每8年1次監測工作。此外,2個坵塊因現況已非農用(停車場、工廠用地),建議停止監測。 農地同步作物採樣作業,第一期作農地土壤同步採樣作業共完成61個坵塊土壤採樣,其中54個坵塊土壤採樣由合約項目支應(7個坵塊為環保局自行採樣),並支應1樣品土壤XRF篩測作業,另2個樣品土壤重金屬全量分析作業由(111至112年全國環境樣品開口契約)支應。第二期作環管署下達執行名單共42個坵塊,本計畫共執行完成41個坵塊,其中29個坵塊由合約項目支應(12個坵塊為環保局自行採樣),並由緊急應變執行1樣品土壤全量分析。土壤分析結果均未超過土壤污染監測標準(食用作物監測基準),並針對該坵塊入水口及上游渠道辦理水質監測,監測結果均符合灌溉用水水質標準。 二、農地定常性預防監測作業 環境部環管署將臺中市內297個灌溉小組依污染潛勢分區,為65個污染防治區、32個污染預警區及200個優良保護區,針對各分區訂定土壤、灌溉水、縮時膠囊之監測原則,於今年度辦理農地定常性預防監測作業。已完成9條高污染潛勢圳路連續水質監測作業(共20月站)、47點次灌溉渠道水質單點抽測及5樣品複驗工作、17個灌溉小組環境勘查評估作業及313組土壤採樣及100組樹脂包調查。 今年度土壤監測結果,污染防治區65個灌溉小組監測結果,共4筆土壤篩測值有超過土壤污染管制標準、13筆土壤超過監測標準;污染預警區26個灌溉小組監測結果,共3筆土壤篩測值有超過土壤污染管制標準,2筆土壤篩測超過監測標準;優良保護區21個灌溉小組土壤篩測作業,則為1筆土壤篩檢超過管制標準、1筆土壤為超過監測標準。優先針對超標/超管區域辦理縮時膠囊調查作業,並已限縮高污染潛勢區域範圍。 三、底泥品質管理作業 臺中市灌溉渠道底泥申報值高於底泥品質指標上限值及且高於土壤污染管制標準共計3條幹線,包括大突寮圳、涼傘樹一圳、阿罩霧第二圳,已完成3條幹線共計30組底泥採樣與XRF篩測、45組樣品灌溉渠道水質檢測工作及60組縮時膠囊監測。 截至期末報告期間調查結果,阿罩霧第二圳幹線在U03至U04點位範圍有重金屬鋅、鉛明顯累積的情況,研判此區域為高污染潛勢區。大突寮圳幹線及周邊渠道,於引水口處即可觀察到底泥重金屬銅、鎳累積的情況,經過匯流及流精工廠密集區後U08、U09點位均有底泥多項重金屬顯著累積的情況,歸納此區域屬高污染潛勢區。涼傘樹一圳幹線主要重金屬污染情況源自於旱溪,在引水口處即可觀察到重金屬銅、鎳、鉛累積之情況,顯示在引水前水體品質已相對不佳。 四、列管場址監督查核及驗證作業 本市轄內計污染列管整治場址8處、污染列管控制場址38處、依土污法第七條第五項提出應變必要措施場址1處、地下水限制使用區2處,總計49處。本計畫依計畫規範於1、3、5、7、11月至各場址進行定期現場巡檢及監督作業,並進行各場址依法提交之相關書件報告初步審查作業,計47件次,以掌握各場址之改善作業進程及法規符合度。目前L10122臺中市豐原區翁明段249、250(部分)、282地號(興國鍊鋼股份有限公司)、大甲區幼獅段0875-0000地號目前為加速改善場址,持續定期進場巡查現況及輔導提出改善作業;B12059祐綸實業有限公司未依法限期提出進度報告,計畫第二次變更缺技師簽證,後續未於期限內修正故駁回,目前依第一次計畫核定內容執行,均依法規規定進行處置;B11886至B11895臺中市后里區金城段河川地合計10處場址,經協商輔導第三河川局已提出污染控制計畫。其它場址均依核定計畫持續進行改善作業。本計畫今年度完成3處列管場址改善完成驗證作業,包括B12049景順實業股份有限公司、B11772長伸股份有限公司與L10305永日化學有限公司。 五、貯存系統申報審查及篩檢查核作業 完成112年1月(111年第3次)、112年5月(112年第1次)、112年9月(112年第2次)事業申報資料提醒及審查工作,申報完成率為100 %。針對新納入貯存系統管制名單,今年度已完成58處貯存系統臨場輔導作業輔導與追蹤複查工作,其中岠燁工業股份有限公司(L88A0303)等5處已停用地上貯存系統,德光熱處理股份有限公司(L0401505)等2處暫停營業狀態。經輔導後法規符合度不足之問題仍以巡檢表單缺失為最大比例。 加油站測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測作業,依環境部環管署評價25站與本計畫自訂15站,合計完成40站次土壤氣體監測井油氣檢測,並依檢測結果進行土壤氣體GC-FID分析作業1點次;正豪加油站儲槽區土壤氣體監測井A08、A09之篩測結果超過警戒值(500 ppmV),GC-FID之檢測結果呈現異常高值,環保局已於5月份輔導正豪加油站自行檢視及改善,並於7月份完成站內輸送設備管線汰舊換新作業。 貯存系統查證部分,完成宏恕倉儲裝卸股份有限公司土壤及地下水查證作業,今年度查證結果,於土壤甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯及總石油碳氫化合物超過土壤污染管制標準,地下水甲苯及總石油碳氫化合物超過地下水第二類管制標準,建議後續依《土污法》相關規定公告列管。 六、事業土地污染預防管理作業 今年度事業污染預防管理作業採分級分群之管理方式,環境部環境管理署於2月下達之分群名單後,3月完成各分群事業單位名單確認工作,本計畫已於5月18日完成2場事業預防管理行前說明會議,完成預防管理群41家事業單位事業自評表審查及現場確認及場址環境現場評估等工作,並依現勘結果篩選4家事業完成土壤查證作業,共計3家事業土壤有檢出污染物濃度超過土壤污染管制標準、1家事業土壤查證結果超過土壤監測標準。 此外,期間輔導自主管理群填報及提出自主預防管理計畫及初步審查作業,並於9月15日至10月2日期間完成16家自主管理群現場檢核作業以及完成18家檢視管理群之現場稽查工作。 七、緊急應變作業 今年度完成4件緊急應變作業,包括:(1)臺中工業區地下水三氯乙烯污染穩定同位素環境鑑識案件,將位於地下水限制使用區內(現已公告廢止)地下水監測井及相對上游事業單位內監測井地下水進行同位素分析,鑑識結果屬同一污染團,茲將該事業與限制使用區公告為地下水污染管制區。(2)砂石廠非法棄置案件之地下水查證,重金屬皆低於管制標準情形。(3)太平區配合檢調執行事業周邊水體底泥調查案件,經關聯性調查結果,比對唐振公司及嘉仕寶公司廠內製程產出污泥餅重金屬指紋特徵,與緊鄰排溝之底泥特徵相符,顯示對於南側頭汴坑圳第六給水底泥重金屬污染有貢獻。(4) 烏日區番仔園溝圳非法傾倒應變事件,經受傾倒點灌溉渠道上下游處底泥檢測分析結果,上下游處兩處之環境指紋特徵相似,均以重金屬鋅為主,受廢棄物傾倒點下游位置,底泥重金屬仍有累積情況,建議未來能持續留意此條渠道底泥品質變化。(5) 后里區墩北段783、784(部份)、785(部份)、786(部份)地號同步採樣土壤全量分析,檢測結果各重金屬項目均低於土壤污染監測標準(食用作物監測基準)。 八、其他工作成果 本計畫除執行各項維護轄區土壤及地下水品質之監測與調查工作,包括協助彙整今年度工業區預警監測管理與檢測資料、完成71件土壤污染評估調查及檢測作業審查及35場現場勘查作業;並持續辦理今年度績效考評進度管控已及配合績效考評要求,提出今年度1案創新作為工作;土壤及地下水資訊管理系統資料各資料上傳及管理工作,協助各項行政交辦事項、辦理土壤及地下水污染改善推動小組審查會議及加速改善場址推動作業。
中文關鍵字 土壤定監、定常監測、底泥、場址驗證、貯存系統、事業預防管理、緊急應變


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 13207 千元
專案開始日期 2022/12/19 專案結束日期 2023/12/20 專案主持人 高靖閔
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 盧育荷 執行單位 靖業工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度大土水期末-f.pdf 20MB

Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification -Taichung City in 2023

英文摘要 The aims of this project include conducting relevant guidance or investigation on areas and enterprises with high pollution potential in the city, controlling pollution sources to prevent the expansion of pollution; conducting regular monitoring for soil and groundwater to achieve early warning; and handling promotion meetings for pollution improvements and certification operation. Providing citizens with a safe environment and sustaining the land resources. The main works can be classified into regular monitoring of farmland and soil co-sampling with crops; storage system management; contaminated site certification; enterprises preventive management; sediment quality management; and response to public complaints and emergency event investigation, the executive summary is as follows: (1). Regular monitoring of farmland and soil co-sampling with crops The monitoring of 40 farmland plots was completed this year. Based on the "Principles for Regular Monitoring of Farmland", the monitoring results of 28 farmland plots that were systematically polluted in the past still exceeded the monitoring standards. The total analysis results of 2 farmland plots exceeded the monitoring standards, and the results of the XRF conversion value of 1 farmland plot exceeded the monitoring standard which is downstream of a contaminated site. These 31 farmland plots mentioned above were recommended to be monitored once every five years. 6 farmland plots in the Dali District were systematically polluted in the past below the monitoring standard. The monitoring result of 1 farmland plot in the Daya District located downstream of contaminated sites and drainage outlet was not under cultivation. These 7 farmland plots were recommended to be monitored once every eight years. In addition, 2 farmland plots were no longer used for agricultural purposes (parking lots, factory land) and it is recommended that the monitoring be stopped. Soil co-sampling with crops was implemented in 61 farmland plots and 42 farmland plots in the first season and second season respectively. After confirmation on site, 1 farmland plot was not sown as scheduled, so we applied to the Environmental Management Department for exclusion. 4 farmland plots were detected with crops exceeding the standard of the tolerance of heavy metals in rice; therefore, soil XRF screening and total analysis were implemented. The water inlet of the farmland plot and its upstream irrigation canal were tested for water quality by the Environmental Inspection Department. 3 of the soil and irrigation water test results did not exceed the food crop monitoring standard /irrigation water quality standard, and one test is under analysis. (2). Routine monitoring for farmland pollution prevention Continuous water quality monitoring for 9 canals with high pollution potential, 4 sampling tests of water quality in irrigation canals and 5 sample re-inspections, environmental assessment of 69 irrigation groups, 313 sets of soil samplings, and the investigation of 80 sets of time-lapse resin capsule have been completed. The investigation with time-lapse resin capsules is still in progress. In the 65 irrigation groups of the pollution control area, the soil XRF screening values exceeded soil pollution control standards at 4 locations and exceeded monitoring standards at 13 locations. In the 26 irrigation groups of the pollution warning area, the soil XRF screening values exceeded soil pollution control standards at 3 locations and exceeded monitoring standards at 2 locations. In the 21 irrigation groups of excellent protected areas, the soil XRF screening values exceeded soil pollution control standards at 1 location and exceeded monitoring standards at 1 location. Priority was given to areas that exceeded control standards to conduct time-lapse resin capsule surveys. Currently, 80 sets of monitoring have been completed, and the rest are being analyzed. (3). Sediment quality management There are 3 trunk lines of irrigation canals in Taichung City where the reporting values of sediment were higher than the upper limit of the sedimentation quality indicators and the soil pollution control standard, including Datuliao Canal, Liangsanshu First Canal, and Ajhaowu Second Canal. 30 sets of sediment sampling and XRF screening, 30 sets of water quality testing, and 60 sets of time-lapse resin capsule monitoring for these 3 canals were completed. The analysis of the time-lapse resin capsule is still in progress. As of the revision period, the investigation results showed that there is a significant accumulation of heavy metals zinc and lead at points U03 to U04 on the Ajhaowu Second Canal. In the Datuliao canal and surrounding canals, the accumulation of heavy metals copper and nickel in the sediment can be observed at the water inlets. After confluence and passing through the concentrated area of factories, there is a significant accumulation of multiple heavy metals in the sediment at points U08 and U09. Depending on the situation, these areas were concluded as having high pollution potential. The main heavy metal pollution of the Liangsanshu First Canal originated from Hanxi Creek. The accumulation of heavy metals copper, nickel, and lead can be observed in the water inlets. Since the time-lapse resin capsule is being monitored, the investigation results will be added to the final version. (4). Supervision, inspection, and certification of regulatory listed site Within the jurisdiction of Taichung City, there are 8 pollution remediation sites, 38 pollution control sites, 1 site follows Article 7, Item 5 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, and 2 groundwater restricted use areas, totaling 49 sites. Our team conducted regular inspections and supervision on each site in January, March, May, July, and November following the provision of this project and reviewed the relevant reports, totaling 47 cases, to understand the progress and regulatory compliance of each site. The land numbers 249, 250 (part), and 282 of Wongming Section, Fengyuan District, Taichung City (L10122, Xingguo Steel Co., Ltd.) and land number 0875-0000, Youshih Section, Dajia District are sites awaiting improvement measures. Inspection of the current situation and guidance for improvement were continuously provided. B12059 Youlun Industrial Co., Ltd. failed to submit the progress report within the legal deadline. The second change of the remediation plan lacked the technician’s signature and the subsequent amendment was not made within the time limit and was rejected. Hence, this site must follow the approved content of the first plan and be disposed of by regulations. There are 10 sites in the Jincheng section of B11886 to B11895, Houli District, Taichung City. After consultation, the Third River Bureau has proposed a pollution control plan. Other sites were continuing to implement improvement work by approved plans. This plan completed the certification of 3 sites this year, including B12049 Jingshun Industrial Co., Ltd., B11772 Changshen Co., Ltd. and L10305 Yongrih Chemical Co., Ltd. (5). Storage system report review and inspection Report review in January 2023 (the third time in 2022), May 2023 (the first time in 2023), and September 2023 (the second time in 2023), and the completion rate of reporting was 100%. Because of the newly included storage systems in the control list, there were 58 storage systems requiring guidance and follow-up review this year. Inspections of 54 storage systems have been completed so far, of which 5 have ceased using above-ground storage, for example, Jyuye Industrial Co., Ltd. (L88A0303). 2 storage systems were temporarily closed including Deguang Heat Treatment Co., Ltd. (L0401505). After guidance, the lack of inspection forms occupies the largest proportion of insufficient compliance with regulations. The leakage detection pipe functional test and oil gas detection were implemented based on the evaluation of 25 stations by the Environmental Management Administration and 15 stations customized in this project. 40 stations of oil gas detection were completed, and GC-FID analysis for soil gas was performed once due to the test results. The test results of soil gas monitoring wells A08 and A09 in the storage tank area of Jhenghao gas station exceeded the warning value (500 ppmV), and the GC-FID test results showed abnormally high values. The Environmental Protection Bureau guided this station to conduct self-inspection and improvement and completed the replacement of old conveying equipment and pipelines in the station with new ones in July. The soil and groundwater investigation of Hongshu Storage and Loading Co., Ltd. was completed. The results showed that toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil exceeded the soil pollution control standards; meanwhile, toluene and total petroleum hydrocarbons in the groundwater exceeded the second-category control standard for groundwater. It is recommended that this gas station be announced as a regulatory listed site in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. (6). Enterprise land pollution prevention and management 2 briefing meetings for preventive management were held before May 18. The review of the self-assessment forms of 41 enterprises and on-site environmental assessment of the site in the prevention management group were completed and soil verification was executed on 4 enterprises. The concentration of pollutants detected in the soil exceeded the soil pollution control standards in 3 enterprises and exceeded the soil monitoring standard in 1 enterprise. In addition, the self-management groups were assisted in filling out reports and proposing self-prevention management plans. From September 15 to October 2, inspections of 16 enterprises of the self-management group and 18 enterprises of the supervised-management group were completed. (7). Emergency response operation Four emergency response operations were completed, including (1) Stable isotope environmental identification case of groundwater trichloroethylene contamination in Taichung Industrial Park: Conducted isotope analysis of groundwater on monitoring wells located in groundwater restricted use zone (now abolished) and monitoring wells in the upstream enterprise. The result indicated that the pollution plumes have the same characteristics; thus, the groundwater restricted use zone was announced as a pollution control area. (2) Groundwater verification of illegal disposal cases at a sand and gravel plant found that the content of heavy metals was below control standards. (3) The investigation of sediments around the enterprise in the Taiping District: After correlation investigation, the heavy metal characteristics of the sludge cakes produced by Tangjhen Company and Jiashihbao Company matched the sludge cakes adjacent to the drainage ditch. It implied that these two companies contributed to the heavy metal pollution of sediment in the sixth water supply of the Toubiankeng Canal. (4) In response to the illegal dumping incident in Fanzihyuan Canal, Wuri District, the sediment detection and analysis results indicated that the upstream and downstream of the dumping place had similar environmental characteristics, both were dominated by the heavy metal zinc. It seemed that heavy metals kept accumulating in the sediment downstream of the dumping place. It is recommended that attention be paid to changes in sediment quality in this canal in the future. (8). Other works In addition to implementing various monitoring and investigation tasks to maintain the quality of soil and groundwater in the jurisdiction, this project assisted in the compilation of this year's industrial park monitoring management and testing data, completing 71 soil pollution assessments and test reviews, and 35 on-site inspections. Continuing to manage the progress of this year's performance appraisal and cooperate with relevant requirements, proposed an innovative operation; uploaded and managed the data of the soil and groundwater information management system, assisted in various administrative tasks, and handled soil and groundwater pollution improvement promotion meetings.
英文關鍵字 Regular monitoring of farmland and soil co-sampling with crops, Routine monitoring for farmland pollution prevention, Sediment quality management, Supervision, inspection, and certification of regulatory listed site, Storage system report review and inspection, Enterprise land pollution prevention and management, Emergency response operation