

中文摘要   面對國際淨零排放目標與因應趨勢,我國中央政府公布「臺灣2050淨零排放路徑」與三讀通過《氣候變遷因應法》跟上國際腳步,象徵國家氣候治理邁入新的里程。進行長期氣候變遷與淨零排放素養調查有助以數據為基礎的政策擬定。為發展我國分眾氣候變遷與淨零排放素養調查架構及項目、辦理素養問卷調查與資料分析、建立長期氣候變遷與淨零排放素養資料庫並強化互動功能、研擬長期提昇全民氣候變遷與淨零排放素養之政策建議方針。本計畫參照國內外文獻並徵詢各類專家的建議,設計適合112年時空背景的核心題目及各分眾群體的特殊題目。於今年7-10月間以分層比例隨機抽樣、分層配額抽樣、分層比例系統抽樣分別獲得全國國民、公務人員、中小學教師、高中職學生、國中學生、國小學生有效問卷2,492、1,883、1,356、1,695、1,810、1,911份,共計11,147份有效樣本。調查發現多數分眾呈現「情意影響行動」而「知識影響情意」的結果,成人與學生素養呈現世代差異,成人對氣候變遷發生與緊急狀態的感受更勝於學生,學生則又隨年齡而下降。我國民眾逐年提高氣候變遷對國家安全的重視,但是公民參與卻下降。公務人員素養提升,跟上我國政策趨勢,但是對因應策略不熟悉。中小學教師跳脫氣候變遷為自然學科的既定印象,認同氣候變遷對學生發展的影響,然面臨缺乏氣候變遷教育增能管道的困難。學生保守同意氣候變遷將影響自己的未來,對氣候變遷議題關注下降。資料庫線上測驗平台已建置並界接既有功能,將能提升研究團隊管理效率。最後,本團隊建議政府需加速氣候變遷教育主流化,提升教師教學增能資源,擬定提升行動誘因的推廣策略,落實公部門重點培訓,提升全民氣候變遷與淨零排放素養。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷素養、調查研究、資料庫


專案計畫編號 EPA-112-AA-168 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4000 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/21 專案結束日期 2023/12/10 專案主持人 伍佩鈴
主辦單位 氣候署淨零推動組 承辦人 林思璠 執行單位 臺灣環境解說與自然教育協會


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期末報告 EPA-112-AA-168.pdf 40MB

National Survey and Capacity Building on Climate Change and Net Zero Emission Literacy

英文摘要 In response to the international goal of net-zero emissions and corresponding trends, the central government of Taiwan has announced the "Taiwan 2050 Net-Zero Emission Pathway" and passed the "Climate Change Response Act" in its third reading, aligning with global initiatives and symbolizing a new milestone in national climate governance. Conducting long-term surveys on climate change and net-zero emission literacy is pivotal for data-driven policy formulation. To develop a segmented survey framework and items for climate change and net-zero emission literacy in Taiwan, and to conduct literacy surveys and data analysis, we designed core and special questions suitable for the 2023 context, drawing from domestic and international literature and expert advice. Between July and October this year, we obtained 11,147 valid samples through stratified random sampling, stratified quota sampling, and stratified proportional system sampling, including 2,492 from the general population, 1,883 from civil servants, 1,356 from junior high and elementary school teachers, 1,695 from high school and vocational students, 1,810 from junior high students, and 1,911 from elementary students. The survey revealed that, except for high school and vocational students, all groups showed that 'affective components can enhance action' and that 'knowledge can predict affective aspects'. Additionally, a generational gap was observed between the samples of the general population, civil servants, teachers, and students. The former groups demonstrated a stronger perception of the occurrence and urgency of climate change compared to students, with younger students showing even less awareness of the urgent nature of climate change. Taiwanese citizens' concern for national security issues arising from climate change has been increasing yearly, yet civic participation has been declining. Civil servants have improved their literacy on climate change, aligning with national policy trends, but are unfamiliar with response strategies. Analysis of primary and secondary school teachers, through statistical methods and expert meetings, revealed a gradual shift in their perception of climate change education. They have moved beyond the stereotype of treating climate change solely as a natural science topic, recognizing its impact on student development and agreeing on the growing challenges of climate change in the future. However, a lack of resources in climate change education, including teaching materials and teacher empowerment channels, poses a threat to future education in this area. Students conservatively agree that climate change will affect their future, with a declining interest in the topic. Testing platform for the database has been established, enhancing the research team's management efficiency. Finally, our team suggests that the government should accelerate the mainstreaming of climate change education, enhance teacher training resources, develop strategies to motivate action, implement key training in the public sector, and improve public literacy on climate change and net-zero emissions.
英文關鍵字 Climate Change Literacy, Survey Research, Database