

中文摘要 近年來民眾健康意識顯著提升,加上傳統空氣污染稽查方法效益不彰,環境部自106年起積極發展物聯網、人工智慧、感測等技術,以整合布建面、智慧應用面、研發創新面等面向,與地方政府合作推動空氣品質感測物聯網,導入智慧治理為主的應用,並於109年完成全國約1萬點空氣品質感測器的里程碑,感測器密度成為全球之冠,同時為全球首創將感測物聯網導入智慧環境稽查的應用,大幅提升空污治理效能,並提供民眾即時在地化空氣品質資訊。至112年累積建構10,406點空品感測物聯網,涵蓋工業區感測點共3,804點、社區感測點共3,584點、交通感測點共945點、輔助感測點共89點、特殊感測點共1,984點,監控約8萬家列管工廠,發展大數據分析及AI人工智慧技術,累計達成智慧稽查逾10,742件次,告發逾1,333件次,告發金額逾2億5,769萬元,追繳空污費約4.2億元。於109年9月起推動水質感測物聯網,陸續與18個地方政府應用195臺移動式水質感測器及360臺手持式水質感測器,111年至今累計成功稽查違法廠家逾16件次,裁罰金額已超過1千萬元。智慧稽查成果豐碩,有效嚇阻廠商非法排放,並提升民眾生活環境品質,驗證輔助環境治理的成效。 本計畫以延續環境感測物聯網相關計畫所建立的基礎下,今(112)年度持續協助 環境部強化空品感測器建構智慧化環境管理系統,包含研析國際技術與應用資訊,掌握最新發展脈絡;研發優化移動式感測器與應用分析;利用雲端數據檢核技術,確保環境感測數據品質;透過管控策略、溝通協調與最適化分析,協助地方政府執行感測物聯網建置工作;並透過參加淨零城市展與成果網站,達成對外展示成果亮點之效益。整體而言,有效協助環境部落實整合推動環境感測物聯網之政策,細部成果摘述如下: 1.研析國際物聯網之發展資訊: (1)國際面對過度城市化、氣候變遷日趨嚴重與淨零減碳的議題下,對於智慧城市的應用大多著重於以「人為核心」和「多元環境數據為基礎」來發展符合在地化、民眾有感的創新應用服務,並朝環境永續願景邁進。 (2)成本、體積、靈敏度、氣體選擇性等仍是氣體感測器最主要的考量點,目前主流技術為電化學式與半導體式(MOS),然而仍會受到環境等因素影響,導致性能飄移,故均需要定期校正,此外能否偵測到ppb等級濃度,為未來能否作為一般環境監測用的關鍵。 2.移動式感測器(MoT)研發與應用分析: (1)完成既有100組移動式感測器之維運及新增50組感測器的生產,並完成相關性能驗證。 (2)持續優化移動式感測器性能,車速在0~67km/hr範圍內的偏差量影響不超過10%,決定係數(R2)也都能高於0.6,相對器差(Bias)中位數皆能在±25.0%範圍內,顯示在中濃度環境下,移動式感測器內不受車速影響,可執行後續的場域應用。 (3)結合多元移動車輛載體,進行多種不同場域測試應用,發展環境治理新應用服務模式。 3.輔導環境感測數據品質應用實務: (1)藉由優化智慧雲端數據檢核分析技術,協助地方環保局有效管控感測數據品質,並降低維運成本。 (2)辦理手持式水質感測器及空品感測數據品質提升實務教育訓練課程,強化環保局對感測器及雲端數據分析的概念,也協助環保局建立自行管考維運團隊的設備維護及數據品質維運的基礎能力,有助於未來地方政府自主推動環境感測物聯網。 4.協助地方政府感測物聯網建置工作: (1)透過管控策略,定期追蹤合辦計畫工作、經費執行進度與確保地方政府數據服務穩定無虞,所有進度均符合原先規畫,數據完整率也均符合規範。 (2)綜整最適化布建執行經驗,建置感測器布建現況與最適化分析架構,明確將分析所需的相關資料蒐集、處理、分析流程和方法提供地方環保局參考,可做為未來最適化點位評估的參考依據。 5.整合驗證環境感測物聯網執行成效: (1)運用感測器應用於各類型的環境議題,以感測數據解析環境問題,進而需求解決方案。分析各廠牌感測器的長期性能,協助環境部瞭解各型感測器的性能優劣,協助國內廠商優化感測設備,提供環保單位應用感測數據時應關注的風險。 (2)管控智聯網計畫工作與經費執行進度,並協助解決計畫執行問題,有效提升整體計畫執行率,協助計畫達成預定進度關鍵成果。 (3)藉由參加國際性2050淨零城市展覽,展示計畫亮點成果,並提升能見度讓民眾更為有感。 這個計畫在支援環境部在環境監測方面的努力上發揮了關鍵作用,有助於改善空氣和水質,並推動智慧治理實踐。計畫團隊透過推動和創建智慧環境物聯網應用和服務,致力實現多項效益,包括提升感測數據品質及應用、擴大環境物聯網服務、守護國民生活環境,以及共同創建宜居的永續環境。同時,這項計畫著眼於實現數位建設項目中「建構開放政府及智慧城鄉服務」的主軸,並以「國民普遍使用智慧服務,改善生活品質」為目標。計畫的願景與蔡總統提出的「2030實現創新、包容、永續之智慧國家」相契合,推動國家社會整體的數位轉型,建立智慧國家的新典範。 同時,這項計畫也致力於應對「2050淨零轉型」目標,運用環境物聯網計畫的成果,進行數位和綠色雙轉型。這項努力有助於協助實現永續發展目標,推動社會朝向更具創新、包容性和永續性的未來邁進。
中文關鍵字 智慧化巡檢、移動感測、專案管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 19000 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/31 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 陳家磐
主辦單位 環境部監測資訊司 承辦人 黃健瑋 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 FY112 成果報告.pdf 40MB

Environmental sensing Internet of Things integration promotion and project management plan 2023

英文摘要 In recent years, public awareness of health has significantly increased. Coupled with the limited effectiveness of traditional methods for monitoring air pollution, the Ministry of Environment (MOENV) has been actively developing technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and sensors since 2017. This initiative aims to integrate aspects like infrastructure development, smart applications, and research and innovation. The MOENV collaborates with local governments to promote an IoT-based air quality monitoring network, emphasizing smart governance applications. In 2019, they achieved a milestone with approximately 10,000 air quality sensors deployed nationwide, boasting the world's highest sensor density. This project pioneered the integration of IoT with smart environmental inspection, significantly enhancing the efficiency of air pollution control. Real-time localized air quality information is provided to the public. By 2023, the MOENV has established a network of 10,406 air quality sensors, covering 3,804 industrial zone sensors, 3,584 community sensors, 945 traffic sensors, 89 auxiliary sensors, and 1,984 special sensors. The system monitors approximately 80,000 registered factories. The MOENV has developed big data analytics and AI technology, resulting in over 10,742 smart inspections, over 1,333 reported violations, a fine amount exceeding 257.69 million NTD, and the recovery of approximately 420 million NTD in air pollution fees. Starting in September 2019, the MOENV expanded its efforts to water quality monitoring using IoT. Collaborating with 18 local governments, they deployed 195 mobile water quality sensors and 360 handheld water quality sensors. From 2021 to the present, they have successfully conducted inspections, leading to over 16 instances of legal action with fines exceeding 10 million NTD. The smart inspection efforts effectively deter illegal emissions, contributing to improved living environments and validating the effectiveness of supplementary environmental governance. This year's project builds upon the foundation of previous environmental IoT projects, assisting the MOENV in enhancing the intelligent environmental management system for air pollution sensors. The goals include analyzing international technology and application information, developing and optimizing mobile sensors and application analytics, ensuring the quality of environmental sensing data through cloud data verification, assisting local governments in implementing IoT sensor networks, and showcasing project highlights through participation in exhibitions and online platforms. Overall, this project effectively supports the MOENV in implementing policies related to integrated environmental IoT. Specific achievements include the following: 1. Analysis of International IoT Development Information: (1) Focus on developing innovative application services with a "human-centric" and "multifaceted environmental data-based" approach for smart cities. (2) Considerations for gas sensors include cost, size, sensitivity, gas selectivity, and the ability to detect ppb-level concentrations, which is crucial for general environmental monitoring. 2. Development and Application Analysis of Mobile Sensors (MoT): (1) Successfully maintained and expanded the fleet of 100 existing mobile sensors and added 50 new sensors, completing performance verification. (2) Continue to optimize mobile sensor (MoT)performance, when the vehicle speed is in the range of 0~67 km/hr, the deviation effect does not exceed 10%, the coefficients of determination (R2) are also higher than 0.6, the median of the relative error (Bias) is within the range of ±25.0%, it shows that in a medium concentration environment, the mobile sensor is not affected by vehicle speed and can be used in future field applications. (3) Combined with multiple mobile vehicles, conduct a variety of test applications in different fields, and develop new application service models for environmental management. 3. Guidance on Practical Application of Environmental Sensing Data Quality: (1) Assisted local environmental protection agencies in effective data quality control, reducing operational costs. (2) Conducted practical education and training courses on improving the quality of handheld water quality and air quality sensing data, empowering local agencies in equipment maintenance and data quality management. 4. Assistance in Local Government IoT Implementation: (1) Tracked the progress of joint projects, funding execution, and ensured the stability of local government data services. (2) Integrated and optimized the deployment experience, providing clear guidance on data collection, processing, and analysis for environmental protection agencies. 5. Integration and Verification of Environmental IoT Implementation: (1) Applied sensor data to address various environmental issues, analyzing data to find solutions. (2) Managed the progress and funding execution of the smart IoT project, resolving execution issues and improving the overall execution rate. (3) Participated in international exhibitions to showcase project highlights, increasing visibility and public awareness. This project has proven to be instrumental in supporting the MOENV 's efforts in environmental monitoring, contributing to the improvement of air and water quality and promoting smart governance practices.This project team aims to achieve various benefits by promoting and creating applications and services in the realm of smart environmental Internet of Things (IoT). These include improving the quality and applications of sensor data, expanding IoT services for the environment, safeguarding the living environment of the people, and collectively creating a sustainable and livable environment. Gradually implementing the "Constructing an Open Government and Smart Urban-Rural Services" pillar under the forward-looking digital construction plan, the goal is to achieve "widespread use of smart services by citizens to improve their quality of life." This aligns with President Tsai's vision of achieving an innovative, inclusive, and sustainable smart nation by 2030, fostering the overall digital transformation of the country and establishing a new paradigm for a smart nation. Simultaneously, leveraging the outcomes of the environmental IoT project, the team aims to facilitate a dual transformation—digital and green. This effort contributes to attaining the national goal of "2050 Net Zero Transformation." It involves using the results of the environmental IoT project to drive the digital and green transformation, assisting in achieving the country's vision for a sustainable and innovative future. This project has proven to be instrumental in supporting the MOENV 's efforts in environmental monitoring, contributing to the improvement of air and water quality and promoting smart governance practices. This project has proven to be instrumental in supporting the MOENV 's efforts in environmental monitoring, contributing to the improvement of air and water quality and promoting smart governance practices.
英文關鍵字 Intelligent inspection, Mobile sensing, Plan management