

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自112年4月19日至112年11月30日止,執行含石綿建材建築物調查管理(含意願調查)、石綿建材廢棄物補助申請案件審查及查核作業、辦理25場次民眾或相關單位宣導說明會,以及其他交辦事項等,詳細之工作內容及執行成果分述於各章節中,截至112年11月30日止,本計畫辦理執行情形如下: 一、含石綿建材建築物調查管理(含意願調查): 針對縣內石綿瓦建築物進行實地調查確認現況及清除意願,預計調查數量約2,250棟,並通知屋主該建築物含石綿建材情形及應注意事項,執行石綿建材建築調查管理及資料造冊,截至112年11月30日現況調查已完成2,269件,現況建築物已無石綿瓦則有133件,調查仍有石綿瓦中僅483件為有意願申請補助。 二、石綿建材廢棄物補助申請案件審查及查核作業: 預計於計劃期間辦理66件審查,比對系統及符合特定建築條件者進行補助對象資格審查確認、通知申請者共同會勘作業,確認申請拆除範圍、數量後,再與清除及處理機構(環境部共同公約廠商)進行相關清除處理作業,截至112年11月30日止已收到申請案共計84件,已完成審查69件,尚未完成審查申請案依環保局交辦協助持續辦理結案。 針對核准申請案之清除處理將於11月20日進行第一次清除前會勘作業(共計4個清運點,清除面積約378.648平方公尺);第二次清除前會勘作業則為12月8日(共計7個清運點,清除面積約534.190平方公尺),且分別於112年12月5日、12月9日執行清運。 三、辦理相關說明會及宣傳: 本計畫預計辦理25場次民眾或相關單位說明會,額外辦理1場次專業場說明會,環境部已於112年7月14日完成石綿建材清除處理共同契約簽訂,環保局也於112年8月29日發布免費清理石綿新聞稿,截至112年11月30日止已完成1場次專業說明會、26場次民眾場說明會,已完成履約。 四、其他交辦事項: 協助機關辦理環境部「112年度直轄市及縣(市)政府環境保護績效考核計畫」,提供各項執行進度、計畫考評報表及相關資料,適時提供各大網站或社群媒體蒐集與委辦計畫相關輿情資訊,必要時須即時協助提供回應稿、配合環境部重大政策施行提報資料及其他臨時交辦事項。
中文關鍵字 石綿


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3980 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/19 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 邱俊祥
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃慈純 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿.pdf 7MB

2023 Pingtung County Asbestos Building Material Waste Cleanup and Disposal Plan

英文摘要 The project is set to be executed from April 19, 2023, to November 30, 2023. It includes tasks such as the survey and management of asbestos-containing building materials, which involves conducting(Including Willingness Survey). The project also entails the review and verification of subsidy applications related to asbestos building material waste. Additionally, there are plans to conduct 25 public or relevant unit promotion and explanation sessions. Various delegated tasks and other responsibilities are also part of the project scope. A detailed breakdown of the work content and achievements is provided in each chapter. As of November 30, 2023, the project's execution status is as follows: 1. Asbestos-Containing Building Material Investigation and Management (Including Willingness Survey): Conduct thorough on-site surveys to verify the current status and removal willingness of buildings with asbestos roofing materials in the county. Approximately 2,250 buildings are slated for investigation. Communicate with property owners, informing them about the presence of asbestos-containing building materials and providing necessary precautions. Execute the management of asbestos-containing building material investigations and maintain comprehensive data records. As of November 30, 2023, a total of 2,269 status surveys have been completed. Out of these, 133 buildings no longer have asbestos roofing materials. Further examination reveals that only 483 buildings with asbestos roofing materials have expressed a willingness to apply for subsidies. 2. Subsidy Application Review and Verification for Asbestos Building Material Waste: During the planned period, the review of 66 cases is anticipated. This process involves scrutinizing eligibility for subsidy recipients by cross-referencing the system and ensuring compliance with specific building conditions. Applicants are then notified for joint site inspections to confirm the demolition scope and quantity. Subsequently, coordination with the removal and treatment entities (contractors under the joint agreement with the Environmental Protection Administration) is initiated for the necessary cleanup procedures. As of November 30, 2023, a total of 84 applications have been received, with 69 cases successfully reviewed. Pending reviews are actively being processed in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Bureau. For approved applications, the first joint site inspection for the cleanup operation is scheduled for November 20th. This will cover (a total of four removal points, encompassing an area of approximately 378.648 square meters.) The second joint site inspection before the subsequent cleanup operation is set for December 8th, involving (a total of seven removal points with an estimated area of 534.190 square meters.) The actual cleanup is slated to take place on December 5th and December 9th, 2023, respectively. 3. Conducting Relevant Information Sessions and Publicity: The project aims to organize 25 public or relevant unit information sessions, along with an additional professional briefing. The Environmental Protection Administration signed a joint contract for asbestos building material cleanup on July 14, 2023. Furthermore, the Environmental Protection Bureau issued a press release on August 29, 2023, regarding free asbestos cleanup. As of November 30, 2023, one professional briefing and 26 public information sessions have been successfully conducted, fulfilling contractual obligations. 4. Other Assigned Tasks: Support the agency in implementing the "2023 Environmental Protection Performance Assessment Plan for Directly Administered Cities and Counties" by furnishing updates on project progress, evaluation reports, and relevant information. Ensure timely collection and provision of public sentiment information related to the commissioned project on various websites or social media platforms. Respond promptly to any requests for drafting responses, collaborate with the Environmental Protection Administration in preparing materials for major policy implementations, and handle any other ad-hoc assignments as needed.
英文關鍵字 Asbestos