

中文摘要 根據2023年農業部5月所公布的養豬頭數調查報告統計資料,屏東縣養豬戶數高達1,379戶,飼養豬隻數量111萬3,833頭,數量僅次於雲林縣,為全國第二大養豬重鎮,其中屏東縣境內又以東港溪及武洛溪流域內之畜牧業者最多。養豬廢水具有高濃度有機物質、高懸浮固體量、高鹽度以及高污染負荷等特性,若廢水無經過妥善的處理,對於自然環境及民生用水將造成嚴重威脅。 因應國際環保趨勢,並減少畜牧廢水影響河川水體水質,環境部修正畜牧糞尿作為農地肥分使用規定,符合規定條件下,可全量或部份將產生之畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用,透過本計畫之執行持續推動本縣沼液沼渣農地肥分使用,將原本被錯置,視為污染、廢棄物之沼液沼渣資源化,削減畜牧污染,有效提升本縣水質環境,並減少民眾陳情事件發生。 為有效推廣沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫,減少畜牧廢水對於地面水體的污染,本計畫辦理15場宣導說明會,研擬4篇畜牧污染防治或本縣水污染整治相關成果新聞稿,並發布於中央通訊社、聯合報、屏東環保局網站及FB「屏東環保go」粉絲專頁;與屏東縣各地區巡守隊接洽及農戶自發性要求進行沼液示範施灌,有意願配合示範施灌之農地共236塊,已完成7,308噸沼液提供農民試用,其中41塊農地已完成媒合加入沼液沼渣施灌行列。 為有效提升轄內河川水質,特成立畜牧輔導團,選定30家廢水設施處理成效不彰之畜牧場,進行畜舍調查及廢水處理設施總體檢,並給予客製化輔導改善建議,主要缺失為厭氧池或沉澱池污泥過多(27家、90%)、沉澱池浮渣過多(24家、80%)及SV 30過低(20家、67%)。 對於具辦理沼液沼渣肥分利用意願之畜牧場,安排專人執行申請條件檢核暨現地勘查,若不符合申請條件但水質尚可,將輔導業者辦理放流水回收施灌植物,本計畫已協助提送79場(養豬業68戶、養牛業11戶)沼液沼渣肥分利用計畫,並輔導47場畜牧場辦理放流水回收施灌植物。本計畫亦協助提送8家畜牧場提送變更申請、33家畜牧場提送展延申請及提送163場地下水及土壤之監測報告至地方主管機關備查,監測數據皆符合監測標準,後續皆可持續施灌。 由於轄內河川流量資料闕乏,為有效掌握關鍵測站污染現況及分析相關整治計畫之推動成果,本計畫已完成高屏溪九如橋、東港溪興社大橋及港西抽水站水量檢測作業;九如橋平日監測流量為42萬7,680 CMD,假日為45萬7,920 CMD;興社大橋平日監測流量為230萬4,000 CMD,假日為233萬2,800 CMD;港西抽水站平日監測流量為531萬3,600 CMD,假日為547萬2,000 CMD。 本計畫執行期間配合貴局派員執行畜牧場專案稽查,包含平假日擴大稽查、夜鷹早鳥稽查等作業,針對本縣畜牧業(養豬/養牛業)逐一檢視操作狀況,為了增加稽查效益,本計畫執行稽查採樣流程,係為現場勘查目視放流水水質不佳場家,才予採樣送驗,本計畫已完成稽查畜牧業90家次,採集水質樣品2家次,處分1家次。 依據環境部公告之「112年度水污染防治考核計畫」協助研擬「112年水污染防治考核計畫關鍵測站污染削減計畫」,為取得考核佳績,每月追蹤各項目,定期召開會議進行滾動式檢討,擬定執行方案供各計畫參考及執行,並協助提交上半年成果及112年度水污染防治考核計畫成果報告。
中文關鍵字 沼液沼渣、畜牧糞尿


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 16400 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 王富民
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 杜知宜 執行單位 磐誠工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末all (本+附+意見).pdf 42MB

Livestock Wastewater Ammonia Nitrogen Recovery Promotion and Reducing Total Maximum Daily Load Strategy in Pingtung County,2023

英文摘要 Overview of livestock in Taiwan, Pingtung County is second place, and livestock wastewater has high concentration of organic matter, suspended solids, salinity and high pollution load characteristics. If it is not properly treated, it will threat to the natural environment and domestic water. In order to reduce livestock pollution, and effectively improve the Pingtung's water quality and environment, we will keep promote policy about reuse Liquor and fiber digestate in Pingtung. In order to promote policy about reuse Liquor and fiber digestate as Farmland Fertilizers, this project handled 15 publicity sessions. A total of 7,308 tons of Liquor digestate was provided to farmers for trial use, and 41 agricultural lands were successfully matched to join the ranks of biogas slurry irrigation. This project establish livestock counseling team, and provide 30 livestock farms customized counseling and improvement suggestions. The main shortcomings too much sludge in the anaerobic tank or sedimentation tank (90%),too much sedimentation scum (80%) and are too low SV 30 (67%). For livestock farms that want to use Liquor and fiber digestate , we have arranged to perform the application condition check and on-site survey, and 79 livestock farms have been assisted plan for Implementing Liquor and Fiber Digestate as Fertilizer for Farmlands. Assisted 47 livestock farms to reuse effluent water. Assisted in submitting 8 livestock farms to submit change applications and 33 livestock farms to submit extend applications. Submitting monitoring reports of the ground water and soil of 163 sites to the local competent authority for reference. The monitoring data all meet the monitoring standards. Due to the lack of data on the flow of rivers. This project implements water measurement at key stations. The daily monitoring flow of Jiuru Bridge is 427,680 CMD and 457,920 CMD on holidays; The daily monitoring flow of Xingshe Bridge is 2,304,000 CMD on weekdays and 2,332,800 CMD on holidays. The daily monitoring flow of Gangsi pumping station is 5,313,600 CMD on weekdays and 5,472,000 CMD on holidays. Cooperate with the PTEPB to carry out special inspections on livestock farms, and only poor quality of the discharged water are collected and sent for inspection during the inspection. This plan has completed 90 inspections of livestock and collected 2 water quality samples. According to the ''2023 Water Pollution Prevention and Control Assessment Plan'' announced by the Ministry of Environment ,assisted in the development of the ''2023 Water Pollution Prevention and Control Assessment Plan Key Station Pollution Reduction Plan''. For achieve good evaluation results, we had followed up each project every month, hold regular meetings to conduct rolling reviews, formulate implementation plans for various plans to execute, and assist submit first half results about Pintung river quality and the 2023 water pollution prevention and control evaluation project results report.
英文關鍵字 Livestock Wastewater, Liquor and fiber digestate