

中文摘要 毒化物工作事項: (一)每季訪查本縣3家事業單位(海淡廠、珠山電廠、自來水廠)及1家潛在化工原料販售業者,例如烘焙材料行、傳統商店及賣場等納入輔導訪查,每季共4家次。 (二)全年執行市售環境用藥產品標示查核150件及旅館業者環境用藥查核30家次,兩項合計共180件次。 (三)112年4月至8月執行市售環藥成分檢驗(最少5件樣品),檢測環藥品項由機關指定。 (四)辦理環境用藥安全暨非農地雜草管理宣導於本縣北竿鄉、莒光鄉、東引鄉各1場次,總共3場次;每場人數規模至少須達30人次,需含宣導品、餐盒、講義等項目。 (五)食安五環源頭查核暨毒性及關注化學物質防治相關宣導會舉辦2場次;每場人數規模至少須達30人次,需含宣導品、餐盒、講義等項目。 (六)協助配合辦理其他有關毒化物管理業務之工作。
中文關鍵字 毒性化學物質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 208 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/06 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 林玥彤
主辦單位 連江縣環境資源局 承辦人 林鈺喬 執行單位 長慧環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 CH3、CH5計畫執行成果(毒化物成果用).pdf 5MB

112 Lianjiang County Toxic and Chemical Substances of Concern Source Management Plan

英文摘要 Toxic matter work items: (1) Visit 3 public institutions (desalination plant, Zhushan plant, water plant) and 1 potential chemical raw material seller in the county every quarter, such as baking material stores, traditional shops and stores, etc. to be included in the coaching visits and inspections, every A total of 4 visits per quarter. (2) During peak hours, 150 environmental labeling inspections of commercially available products and 30 environmental inspections of railway operators were carried out, of which a total of 180 items were carried out. (3) From April to August 2012, the ingredients of commercially available environmental drugs will be tested (at least 5 samples). The testing items for environmental drugs will be designated by the agency. (4) Conduct publicity on environmental safety and non-agricultural land weed management in Beigan Township, Juguang Township, and Dongyin Township of this county, one session each, for a total of 3 sessions; each session must have at least 30 people, and must include propaganda Products, lunch boxes, handouts and other items. (5) Hold 2 publicity meetings related to the source inspection of food safety and environmental protection chemicals and the prevention and control of chemical substances of concern; each meeting must be attended by at least 30 people and must include promotional materials, lunch boxes, handouts and other items. (6) Assist in handling other tasks related to toxic substances management business.
英文關鍵字 toxic chemicals