

中文摘要 為落實我國淨零轉型目標,實現2050淨零排放之願景,環境部已提出「淨零綠生活關鍵戰略行動計畫」。本計畫係配合淨零綠生活之推動主軸,辦理包括:蒐集國外推動企業淨零綠生活之創新模式或作法;擬定我國企業淨零綠生活商業模式之推動目標與具體措施;訂定綠色辦公行動計畫、標準作業流程及指南;輔導企業推動綠色辦公;邀請績優企業共同籌組綠色辦公聯盟(宣導推動團隊);以多元管道讓民眾、企業及民間團體瞭解淨零綠生活之推動方式與成效;辦理駐臺使節綠色辦公交流活動等工項。 茲將計畫執行成果摘要說明如下: (一) 完成國內及國外(包括美國、英國、德國、丹麥、荷蘭、比利時、日本、紐西蘭等12個國家)推動企業淨零綠生活之創新模式或作法等資料蒐整,並提出可應用於我國推動策略建議。 (二) 完成3場次企業淨零綠生活商業模式專家諮詢會議,擬定企業淨零綠生活(綠色辦公)之推動目標、推動策略、推動措施、具體行動與作法,並提出企業淨零綠生活商業模式推動方向與施行路徑。 (三) 擬定推動綠色辦公策略與作法、推動綠色辦公行動計畫、標準作業流程、綠色辦公指南、綠色辦公響應操作說明影片與懶人包、企業綠色辦公評比指標與評鑑制度。 (四) 完成2場次綠色辦公輔導活動,提供綠色辦公專業諮詢與現場輔導,協助企業推動與響應綠色辦公。 (五) 完成1場次綠色辦公專家諮詢會議以及3處綠色辦公績優企業示範觀摩活動,分享績優企業推動綠色辦公措施與成效。 (六) 擬定企業綠色辦公聯盟(宣導推動團隊)之推動規劃,包括目標、作法、誘因及預期效益等。 (七) 完成1場次綠色辦公聯盟(宣導推動團隊)合作備忘錄協調會議以及2場次綠色辦公聯盟(宣導推動團隊)宣導說明會,廣邀企業加入綠色辦公響應與聯盟(宣導推動團隊)。 (八) 完成日本、越南、泰國等國家之綠色辦公實際執行政策與行動計畫資料蒐整,並提出可交流議題之建議。 (九) 完成3場次淨零綠生活活動之辦理情形錄製,並透過社群平台(包括Facebook粉絲專業、YouTube)以及新聞稿發布等多元管道廣宣本計畫相關活動之辦理情形與活動資訊。 (十) 完成推動企業及民間團體參與淨零綠生活之中英文簡報及綠色辦公績效報告製作。 (十一) 配合計畫需求製作包括綠色辦公室共享商業模式推動方式、綠色辦公聯盟(宣導推動團隊)推動說明簡報、結合大學USR中心推動淨零綠生活之規劃等資料,並針對「企業永續報告書」作為綠色辦公宣告方式之適性進行評估。
中文關鍵字 淨零綠生活、淨零路徑、綠色辦公


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3309.449 千元
專案開始日期 2023/07/24 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 蔡人傑
主辦單位 環境部綜合規劃司 承辦人 楊乃瑾 執行單位 台灣水環境再生協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年推動企業及民間團體參與淨零綠生活專案工作計畫-成果報告_1228.pdf 10MB

Working Project of Promoting the Enterprises and Civil Society Organizations to Participate the Net-Zero Green Lifestyle

英文摘要 In order to implement Net-zero transition goal and accomplish the vision of net-zero emissions in 2050, the Ministry of Environment has proposed the "Net-zero Green Lifestyle Key Strategic Action Plan". This project was conducted in line with the main axis of promoting the net-zero green lifestyle. The tasks in this project include:(1) collect the foreign innovative models or measures for promoting net-zero green lifestyle, (2) formulate the promotion goals and specific measures for the net-zero green lifestyle business model for enterprises, (3) develop the green office action plans, standard operating procedures and guidelines, (4) provide consulting service for enterprises to promote the green office measures, (5) invite the outstanding enterprises to jointly organize the green office alliance, (6) Use multiple channels to let the public, enterprises and civil society organizations understand the promotion methods and effectiveness of net-zero green lifestyle, (7) hold green office exchange activities for envoys stationed in Taiwan, etc. Results obtained from this project are summarized as follows: (1) Collected the domestic and foreign innovative models or practices of enterprises for promoting net-zero green lifestyle (including 12 countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Japan, and New Zealand, etc.), and proposed the strategies that can be applied to promote the domestic net-zero green lifestyle. (2) Conducted three expert consultation meetings on the net-zero green lifestyle business model, and formulated the promotion goals, promotion strategies, promotion measures, specific actions and practices of net-zero green lifestyle and green office for the enterprises, as well as proposed the promotion direction and business model pathway of net-zero green lifestyle for the enterprises. (3) Formulated the strategies, measures, action plan, standard operating procedures, guidelines, green office operation instruction video and lazy bag, as well as evaluation indicators and system for green office. (4) Completed two green office coaching event, providing professional consultation and on-site coaching for the enterprises to promote and respond to green office measures. (5) Completed one green office expert consultation meeting and three companies with outstanding green office performance to conduct demonstration activities for sharing their measures and effectiveness of green office. (6) Formulated a promotion plan for the green office alliance, including goals, measures, incentives and expected benefits, etc. (7) Completed one green office alliance MOU Coordination meeting, and two green office alliance promotional briefings for inviting the enterprises to join the alliance. (8) Collected the actual implementation policies and action plans of green offices in Japan, Vietnam, Thailand and other countries, and proposed the suggestions for exchangeable topics. (9) Recorded three video of net-zero green lifestyle activities and promoted these activities information through multiple channels such as Facebook , YouTube, press releases, etc. (10) Proposed promotion presentations of green office (in Chinese and English) and the performance reporting of net-zero green lifestyle. (11) Produced presentation materials based on project needs including green office sharing business model promotion methods, green office alliance promotion instructions, planning on promotion of net-zero green lifestyle with the university's USR Center, and evaluated the suitability of “Corporate Sustainability Reports” as a green office declaration method.
英文關鍵字 Net-Zero Green Lifestyle