

中文摘要 本計畫主要係配合環境部「高屏地區空氣污染物總量管制計畫」之推動,以及配合「固定污染源空氣污染物實際削減量差額認可保留抵換及交易辦法」及「總量管制區空氣污染物抵換來源拍賣作業辦法」等法規的公告,協助高雄市環保局持續執行高屏地區空氣污染物總量管制的相關工作;另針對高雄市轄內金屬表面塗裝、銅箔基板製程或機關指定揮發性有機物管制行業別執行清查作業;與以空氣品質模式模擬高雄市轄內污染源對空氣品質的影響,期持續改善及提升高雄市整體空氣品質,並針對模式模擬結果提出分析報告,作為未來持續提升高雄市空氣品質策略推動執行業務之參考。 本計畫契約執行期間自112年4月26日至112年12月31日止,主要之工作重點為辦理公私場所總量管制文件之申請、審查、核發及管理行政作業,總量管制文件核發前應至公私場所執行現場勘查作業。依據新設或變更達一定規模固定污染源污染物排放量增量案件辦理實際削減量差額證明之抵換、交易,及於有效期限內之展延、換發及補發等相關審查及核發作業、確認公私場所污染排放量抵換之作業進度、辦理指定揮發性有機物管制行業別清查作業、模擬高雄市轄內污染源對空氣品質的影響,並配合參加工作檢討會。以下簡要針對期末報告之執行成果摘要彙整如后。 截至112年12月,高雄市第一期程總量管制列管對象計有已完成排放量認可440家,而尚未取得操作許可者為28家將納入下一期程列管,因此,至下一期程所管制之對象將增至468家。已核發第一期程認可排放量,其各污染物的總認可排放量分別約為:粒狀污染物(TSP) 13,714.9公噸、硫氧化物(SOx) 48,794.6公噸、氮氧化物(NOx) 57,996.9公噸、揮發性有機物(VOCs) 21,851.5公噸。指定削減目標之各污染物的總削減排放量分別約為:TSP 653.8公噸、SOx 2,417.9公噸、NOx 2,888.2公噸、VOCs 1,083.4公噸;預估削減後高雄市各污染物的總排放量分別約減為:TSP 13,061.2公噸、SOx 46,376.7公噸、NOx 55,108.8公噸、VOCs 20,768.1公噸。 另提出削減量差額認可申請的業者累計共147家次,有107家次取得差額證明,核發之削減量差額量分別為:TSP 800.5公噸、SOx 5,645.1公噸、NOx 8,112.7公噸、VOCs 2,811.6公噸。共有80家次公私場所於削減量差額交易完成後向環保局申請削減量差額交易轉移,並已辦理33家次固定污染源空氣污染物削減量差額抵換。已完成16家次公私場所提出新設或變更達一定規模固定污染源污染物排放量增量抵換來源案件申請審核,及56家次未達規模之設置或操作許可證申請之案件會審審查。 另已完成126家次清查作業,初步推估每年約可增加17萬元空污費稅收,並已完成4場次VOCs減量協談會議,顯示仍有改善及減量空間,預估完成後可減少156公噸排放量,與部分許可量與現況有較大差異應再修正情形。及由模擬結果顯示,削減58家指定固定污染源對臭氧八小時值,除美濃站是降低改善以外,其他各站均是上升、對PM2.5及Sulfate等空氣品質改善有正面效益;於空氣品質不良時臭氧八小時值之差值僅在美濃站有改善之作用而且其改善幅度隨AQI上升而增加;細懸浮微粒濃度之差值於(AQI>100)時,僅林園站與美濃站之細懸浮微粒濃度降低幅度大於年平均值,顯示於空氣品質不良時,於較下風處之改善較為顯著。削減全國NOx及VOCs排放量對細懸浮微粒濃度均有降低成效,順序應以線源NOx為最優先;削減VOCs排放量均可使臭氧八小時值降低,優先順序為面源。 本計畫彙整分析過去及現階段所產生之重要疑義與建議對策以供環境部法令研修參考,並建議環境部應加速公告實施下一期程總量管制,明確訂定下一階段政策目標及減量責任,及針對下一期程列管對象、排放量是否須重新認可條件、實際削減量差額及總量管制制度之排放量增量抵換問題等內容提出建議,希望環境部對於現行各項管制政策及法規有一致性與連貫性,藉此加速落實高屏地區總量管制分期減量精神以及提高業者自發性減量意願。此外,本計畫執行期間皆配合環保局按時提交上月工作進度成果報表,及配合協助環保局辦理總量管制相關增量抵換疑義案件與交辦事項。
中文關鍵字 總量管制計畫、總量管制、抵換、交易、空氣品質模式


專案計畫編號 (112)高市環局秘字第 085 號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 10109.8 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/26 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 宋國安
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 謝秀燕 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度高雄市清查管制暨空品模式模擬計畫-期末報告定稿_公開版.pdf 7MB 已遮蔽工廠資訊

Project of inventory、management stationary sources of air pollution and air quality modeling in 2023

英文摘要 Cooperating with Ministry of Environment implementing “Plan of Total Quantity Control of Air Pollution in Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung”, “Regulations of the Emissions Reduction Recognition for Reserve Exchange & Transactions” and other laws and regulations, this project assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government (EPB) in promoting and implementing total quantity control in Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung. Additionally, this project conducted inspections within Kaohsiung City for industries involved in metal surface coating, copper foil substrate manufacturing processes for controlling volatile organic compounds(VOCs). Furthermore, it utilized an air quality model to simulate the impact of pollution sources within Kaohsiung City on air quality, and presented analytical reports as a reference of enhancing the air quality in Kaohsiung city. The main tasks of this project was to handle the application, review, issuance, and management the documents of the plan of total quantity control, and on-site inspections should be executed before issued. In addition, depending on the implementation situation of the total quantity control, it was also necessary to executed the reviews and issuance of the emission reduction recognition, which were exchanged, traded and extended by firms. The information on the webpage of the project were maintained and updated continuously for authorities and firms. The summary of the implementation results of this project is as follows: As of December 2023, a total of 468 existing stationary pollution sources have been placed under supervision, 28 firms that have not yet obtained the operating permit will be included in the next phase of the plan. In phase 1, the approved emission included 13,714.9 tons of PM, 48,794.6 tons of SOx, 57,996.9 tons of NOx, and 21,851.5 tons of VOCs; the designated reductions included 653.8 tons of PM, 2,417.9 tons of SOx, 2,888.2 tons of NOx, and 1,083.4 tons of VOCs. Besides, 107 firms were approved the emission reduction recognition (147 firms submitted applications in total), including 800.5 tons of PM, 5,645.1 tons of SOx, 8,112.7 tons of NOx, and 2,811.6 tons of VOCs; 80 cases of transfer and 33 cases of exchange were accomplished; 16 review cases of exchange reaching the certain scale and 56 review cases of the operating permit under the scale were accomplished; 126 inspections have been completed, with an annual increase of approximately 170,000 dollars in air pollution fees. Additionally, four sessions of VOCs reduction negotiation meetings have been conducted, with a reduction of 156 tons in emissions can be achieved. There were significant differences between certain permitted quantities and the current situation, indicating a need for further adjustments. According to the simulation results, reducing emissions from 58 designated stationary pollution sources has shown an observed decrease in O3-8hr at the Meinong station, but other stations have shown an increase in these values. However, there have been positive benefits in improving PM2.5 and sulfate across all stations. During periods of poor air quality, the impact on O3-8hr has only improved at the Meinong station; furthermore, the degree of improvement increases as the Air Quality Index (AQI) rises. The improvement in PM2.5, when the AQI is greater than 100, indicates that only the Lin Yuan and Meinong stations have reductions in PM2.5 greater than the annual average. This suggests that improvements are more pronounced in downwind locations during periods of poor air quality. Therefore, reducing emissions in NOx and VOCs has demonstrated efficacy in decreasing PM2.5, with priority given to reducing line-source NOx emissions; reducing emissions in VOCs has consistently led to reductions in O3-8hr, with a priority focusing on area sources. Analyzing the important doubts and countermeasures in the past and the current stage, this project gave suggestions about the next phase of total quantity control plan, related to the list of objects, the regulation of emissions re-approval, the target of specified reduction, emission reduction recognition, exchange, and development project emission reduction recognition involved with environmental impact assessment. In addition, this project suggested that Ministry of Environment should announce the implementation of the next phase of total quantity control plan as soon as possible, and clearly define the objectives and reduction responsibilities. The current policy should be consistent and coherent, not only to accelerate the implementation of the spirit of total quantity control and phased reduction, but also to increase the willingness of firms to reduce the emission voluntarily.
英文關鍵字 total quantity control plan, total quantity control, exchange, trading, air quality model