

中文摘要 本年度計畫作業項目包含:(1)環境監測作業(2)固定污染源稽查檢測及現場查核作業(3)工業區污染源追蹤及判定(4)審查及建置空氣污染突發事故緊急應變措施計畫書。本計畫合約期程為112年3月14日起至112年12月31日,各項工作結果說明如下:壹、環境監測作業 本年度戴奧辛、重金屬及HAPs環境監測位置為南部科學園區(南科消防分隊),分別於3月份至6月份,8月份至11月份每個月份各監測1點次,完成HAPs、重金屬及戴奧辛環境監測作業,測得物種為HAPs(丙烷、甲醇、丙酮、乙腈、二氯甲烷及甲苯)、酸性氣體(硝酸、醋酸、氯氣及氨氣)、醛酮類化合物(甲醛、乙醛、戊醛及壬醛)、重金屬(PM10、鐵、鋁及鎂)及戴奧辛,比對固定污染源系統及空污費申報系統顯示,上述污染物來源可能來自南部科學園區積體電路業、光電材料及元件製造業、廢棄物處理業等,已將名單橫向聯繫至相關計畫進行調查作業。貳、具排放有害空氣污染物之行業別現場查核作業 依據去年度有害空氣污染物管道檢測結果,本年度將篩選領有操作許可證之表面塗裝相關產業,且近一年未執行過查核作業之公私場所進行現場查核,計畫期間已完成38家/66張操作許可證現場查核,其中15家/21張製程未符合操作許可所核定內容,現階段已完成改善共10張製程,尚有11張製程辦理許可證異動中,已橫向聯繫相關計畫進行追蹤。參、工業區污染源追蹤及判定 一、本年度於官田工業區執行至少兩台OP-FTIR監測,已於112年6月13日至112年6月20日完成2點次OP-FTIR連續監測,主要的有害空氣污染物為甲苯和間-二甲苯,來源均指向測線東南至南南東方向的工廠。二、藉由OP-FTIR溯源分析,於112年9月21日在官田工業區污染物熱區執行不鏽鋼桶採樣搭配氣相層析質譜儀(GC/MS)分析6件次,主要測得甲苯、乙苯以及二甲苯。三、藉由OP-FTIR及不鏽鋼桶採樣搭配氣相層析質譜儀(GC/MS)量測結果,進行管道檢測,已針對可疑汙染源執行2根次管道檢測,其發現1家甲苯、甲醛超標。四、南部科學園區運用衝擊瓶(Impinger)採樣離子層析儀(IC)分析酸性氣體6點次監測作業,測得空氣中主要酸性氣體為硫酸。肆、審查及建置空氣污染突發事故緊急應變措施計畫書 112年度共列管97家需提報緊急應變措施計畫書之業者,依空污事故緊急應變作業辦法規定,若有新增列管物種或發生重大空污突發事故須重新提送計畫書,112年度共8家新增列管,7家新增管制物質重新提送,4家為撤銷有害管制物質或廢止空氣污染操作許可證,因基本資料或原物料等變動則有61家申請核備,前述80家已完成80家之審查作業。在演練控管部分,於112年05月09日發文通知各公私場所名單於112年12月底前完成空氣污染突發事故演練。
中文關鍵字 重金屬、戴奧辛、有害空氣污染物


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-112-AN-30111 經費年度 112 計畫經費 9800 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/14 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 張育誠
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林冠宏 執行單位 翌暘工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年有害期末報告-定稿本(公開版).pdf 13MB

2023 Control and inspection of Stationary sourcrs on Hazardous air pollution

英文摘要 This plan includes work items as follows (1) Monitoring of hazardous air pollutants; Monitoring of heavy metals in the air and factory chimney detection; Monitoring of dioxin in the air and factory chimney detection; (2) Using standard air pollutant testing methodto inspect plumes of stationary sources; (3) Using scientific instruments to trace the source of pollution; (4) Review of the plan for emergency response to air pollution. This project, started from 14th March 2023 till 31th December 2023, was empowered by a contract which issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan city. Summaries of work items are as follows: 1.Hazardous air pollutant monitoring operations These HAPs, heavy metal and dioxin are monitored in March 3, April 17, May 17, Jun 12, August 9, September 8, October 16, 2023. The result reveal HAPs, acid gas, carbonyls, heavy metal, and dioxin derived from integrated circuit industries, optoelectronic materials, components manufacturing, and waste treatment industries, comparing with stationary air pollution source system and emissions reporting, respectively. 2. Inspection of Hazardous air pollution The surface coating industries were selected and preformed permit and inspection system in recent year. Total 36 cases of application for operation permit of stationary pollution sources are accomplished, in which 15 cases were discrepant. 3. Using scientific instruments to trace the source of pollution:(1)Main hazardous air pollutions are Toluene and m-xylene by OP-FTIR derived from southeast factories between 13 and 20 in Jun, 2023. (2)Analysis by OP-FTIR, the main detections are Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene by GC/MS in the polluted areas. (3)The sampling protocols followed by OP-FTIR and GC/MS. The results showed the Toluene and Formaldehyde were exceeding limits. (4)The acid gas is comprised of sulphuric acid by impinge and IC in Southern Taiwan Science Park. 4. Review of the plan for emergency response to air pollution The 97 cases of industries provided the environmental pollution incidents in 2023. Increment controllition of 8 cases, Increment material of 7 cases, abolishment of 4 cases, change of basic information and material of 61 cases, were performed. Therefore, all industries were performed the environmental pollution incidents in December, 2023.
英文關鍵字 HAPs, heavy metal, Dioxin