

中文摘要 桃園市112年度環境教育推動執行計畫以多元方式推動桃園市各項環境教育活動,讓更多民眾可透過不同的方式接觸環境教育。本計畫可分為 環境教育繪本推廣、環境教育多元活動等兩方面執行,從環境教育繪本創作徵選及特色圖文繪本製作,展現在地環境特色並創造永續環境話題並從繪本圖文中宣導節能、減碳、惜食、氣候變遷、文化保存、環保綠生活,以繪本影響市民力行永續綠生活,讓學童從小接觸環境教育,了解生活中的食衣住行等皆要環保,並透過繪本中傳達環境保護行動,延伸至日常生活動,落實綠生活的養成 。 另透過多元競賽來鼓勵不同年齡層、領域別的學生、市民、學校、團體參與環境教育活動,促進民眾參與了解、投入環境教育之機會提升民眾在生活中關心環境議題與永續環境的實踐。 本年度辦理的環境教育活動包含辦理環境知識競賽、惜食料理食譜暨教案甄選、環境教育繪本創作徵件、暑期環境教育體驗營、環境教育繪本推廣、印製、頒獎典禮、創意內容等 。本計畫透過上述各項環境教育執行工作,辦理相關活動讓環境教育生活化激發民眾關心生活周遭的環境問題,提升民眾的環境素養與行動力 。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、環境教育推廣


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4300 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 段沛晶
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蔡沐恩 執行單位 鼎澤科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告2.pdf 0MB

Environmental Education Project of Taoyuan City 2023

英文摘要 The Taoyuan City Environmental Education Promotion Implementation Plan for 2023 promotes various environmental education activities in Taoyuan City through diverse means. It aims to reach a broader audience through different approaches. The plan is executed in two main aspects: Environmental Education Picture Book Promotion and Diverse Environmental Education Activities. The plan involves the creation and production of environmental education picture books, showcasing the unique environmental characteristics of the local area and creating discussions on sustainable environmental topics. It also advocates for energy conservation, carbon reduction, food waste reduction, climate change awareness, cultural preservation, and eco-friendly living through the content of these picture books, encouraging citizens to em brace sustainable green living. The plan aims to introduce environmental education to children from a young age, hoping to teach them the importance of environmental protection in everyday life, including aspects such as food, clothing, housing, and transportation. The plan conveys the message of environmental conservation and encourages people to integrate these practices into their daily lives. Additionally, the plan includes various competitions designed to encourage students, the public, schools, and organizations of different age groups and fields to participate in environmental education activities. It promotes involvement, awareness, and engagement with environmental education, ultimately enhancing people's understanding of environmental issues and their commitment to sustainable living. The environmental education activities conducted this year include environmental knowledge competitions, the selection of food conservation and waste reduction recipes and teaching materials, environmental education picture book creation contests, summer environmental education experience camps, environmental education picture book promotion, printing, award ceremonies, creative content, and more. Through the aforementioned environmental education efforts, this plan brings environmental education to life, motivating the public to care about the environmental issues in their daily lives and enhancing their environmental literacy and their ability to act.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education, Environmental Education education promotion, environmental education marketing