

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作項目分別為:「建構區域型生物質資源循環機制」、「執行固體再生燃料(SRF)驗證及品管工作」、「其他配合工作事項」等三大工作項目,自結標日起開始協助執行相關工作。截至112年11月30日止,本計畫辦理執行情形如下: 一、建構區域型生物質資源循環機制 本計畫協助環保局執行調查分析廢棄生物質產生源,截至112年11月30日,已完成共完成619件調查問卷,其中產銷班共262家、食品及飼品製造業共357家,完成率為95.23%,針對已填寫產量及去化125家統計,廢棄生物質產量約26,646.96公噸/年,去化途徑以飼料或飼料原料最大宗佔60.62%,後續持續排程其餘產源單位現場確認廢棄生物質情形調查。 有關 生物質資源循環利用場所輔導作業,已於6月規劃輔導對象東糖公司及亨億公司繁華廠,並於112年11月9日邀請專家學者進行輔導作業。 為推動廢棄物生物質循環利用示範案廠(場),提供循環模式示範,經6月5日現場訪查瞭解後,規劃於11月30日參訪針對收受生質能廢棄物種類、設備製程較具規模及完整性,且衍生廢棄物(沼渣、沼液)亦有規劃循環利用方法之東糖公司辦理。 生物質循環利用推廣說明會於6月20日辦理第1場,邀請屏東縣內從事農、林、漁、牧與其產品加工、再利用機構等單位出席會議,第2場生物質循環利用推廣說明會則配合環保局於11月4日志工活動辦理設攤宣導。 針對媒合有機廢棄物通路處理,達成屏東縣產源、處理循環鏈,本計畫首先於6月20日辦理生物質循環利用推廣說明會,邀集產源單位及再利用機構,藉以讓產生源了解廢棄生質能可交付對象,接著每月持續調查產源媒合,並於11月30日參訪東糖公司中,邀請產源單位出席參訪,藉以媒合收受使用,總計本年度共達成4家廠商媒合收受轄內產生的廢棄物,並進行再利用處理。 二、執行固體再生燃料(SRF)驗證及品管工作 截止112年11月30日止,針對轄內產出可作為製造SRF原料廢棄物種類及數量進行調查,產出事業廢棄物其中已交付清運廢棄物中,可作為SRF 原料廢棄物共有17類,共清運約52137.32公噸,然經分析其中僅158.29公噸是交付予屏東縣內SRF製造廠作成SRF產品。並針對已設置6家SRF製造廠每兩個月完成1次查核作業,確認SRF製造程序及廢棄物來源流向,並持續針對異常缺失進行輔導。 本計畫於8月21及9月1日執行間已有產出SRF產品之4間SRF製造廠其SRF產品抽樣驗證作業,經檢測報告結果分析,受驗的4家廠商其SRF產品檢驗項目皆符合「固體再生燃料品質標準」標準。 為確保SRF製造廠運作符合法規規範,於10月19日邀請2位委員至興隴科技股份有限公司、証旭事業股份有限公司辦理專家委員現場查核作業。 為能多方了解資源循環相關產業,於10月20、21日辦理一場次跨縣市SRF資源循環實務交流說明會,參訪中部縣市優良製造SRF製造廠、使用廠進行參訪。 固體再生燃料(SRF)製造及使用推廣說明會於6月20日辦理第1場,邀請屏東縣內從事SRF原料產源、製造廠等事業機構及再利用機構等單位出席會議,第2場次則配合環保局於11月5日志工活動辦理設攤宣導。 三、其他應配合工作事項 持續協助環保局依據規劃及排程內容辦理,以達成「112年度直轄市及縣(市)政府資源循環環境保護績效考核計畫」相關指標項目,另截至112年11月30日,共配合執行3件交辦配合事項。
中文關鍵字 固體再生燃料、SRF、生物質、資源循環


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3212 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/31 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 陳天恩
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 盧以軒 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度屏東縣推動生物質、固體再生燃料(SRF)資源循環計畫期末報告.pdf 43MB

2023 Pingtung County Biomass and Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) Resource Recycling Project

英文摘要 This project aims to promote the resource recycling of biomass and solid recovered fuel (SRF) in Pingtung County for the year 2023. The project encompasses three main components: "Constructing a Regional Biomass Resource Recycling Mechanism," "Executing Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) Verification and Quality Control Work," and "Other Cooperation Work Matters." Commencing from the bid award date, assistance in executing relevant tasks has been provided. As of November 30, 2023, the implementation status of this project is as follows: 1.Construction of a regional biomass resource recycling mechanism: This project assists the Environmental Protection Bureau in conducting surveys and analyzing the sources of discarded biomass. As of November 30, 2023, a total of 619 survey questionnaires had been completed, encompassing 262 manufacturing and sales units as well as 357 businesses in the food and feed manufacturing industry. The completion rate is 95.23%. For the 125 units that have provided information on production volume and disposal methods, the annual production of discarded biomass is estimated to be approximately 26,646.96 metric tons. Among these, feed or feedstock constitutes the primary disposal pathway, accounting for 60.62%. For the remaining source units, further scheduling for on-site confirmation surveys of discarded biomass situations will continue. In June, guidance operations for the recycling of biomass resources were planned for the designated locations, Tung Sugar Energy Service Co., Ltd. and Prosperity Plant of Heng Yee enterprise Co., Ltd. On November 9, 112, experts and scholars were invited to conduct the guidance operations. In an effort to advance the demonstration of biomass waste recycling facilities and showcase a circular economy model, a site visit was conducted on June 5 to gain insights. Following this understanding, a visit to Tung Sugar Energy Service Co., Ltd. has been scheduled for November 30. The visit will specifically focus on the types of biomass waste received, facilities with a comprehensive and scalable production process, and those with planned methods for the circular utilization of by-products such as digestate and biogas slurry. The initial session of the Biomass Recycling Promotion Seminar was set to take place on June 20. Representatives from agricultural, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry, product processing, and recycling organizations within Pingtung County had been invited to attend. The second session of the seminar will be coordinated with the Environmental Protection Bureau's booth during the Volunteer Service Day on November 4 for additional outreach and promotion activities. In pursuit of establishing a comprehensive cycle for sourcing, processing, and recycling organic waste in Pingtung County, this project initiated its efforts with the Biomass Recycling Promotion Seminar held on June 20. The seminar aimed to bring together source units and reuse organizations, providing a platform for waste biomass generators to understand potential recipients for their discarded biomass. Following this, monthly surveys were consistently conducted to facilitate waste source matching. On November 30, a visit to Tung Sugar Energy Service Co., Ltd. was arranged, inviting source units to attend and foster collaboration in waste reception. In total, four companies successfully matched and received waste generated within the jurisdiction this year, contributing to its effective recycling and reuse. 2.Execution of Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) verification and quality control operations As of November 30, 2023, an investigation was conducted on the types and quantities of waste generated within the jurisdiction that could be utilized as raw materials for Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF). Among the business waste produced, which includes waste already delivered for disposal, there are a total of 17 categories of waste suitable for SRF raw materials, amounting to approximately 52,137.32 metric tons. However, upon analysis, only 158.29 metric tons have been confirmed as delivered to SRF manufacturing plants within Pingtung County for the production of SRF products. In addition, a regular audit is conducted every two months for the six established Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) manufacturing plants. This audit aims to verify the SRF manufacturing procedures and the flow of waste sources. Continuous guidance is provided to address any identified abnormalities or deficiencies in the manufacturing and waste sourcing processes. Between August 21 and September 1, the project executed sampling and verification procedures for the SRF products from four established SRF manufacturing plants. After a thorough analysis of the testing reports, it was determined that the SRF products from these four manufacturers fully comply with the quality standards outlined in the "Solid Recovered Fuel Quality Standards." In efforts to ensure the regulatory compliance of Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) manufacturing plants, an on-site audit was conducted on October 19. Two experts were invited to perform the audit, specifically at HSING LUNG TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. and Jheng syu Co., Ltd. In order to promote a comprehensive understanding of resource recycling industries, a practical exchange seminar focusing on Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) resource cycling was conducted on October 20 and 21. The program included visits to outstanding SRF manufacturing plants and user facilities across various counties and cities in the central region. The initial session of the Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) Manufacturing and Usage Promotion Seminar took place on June 20. Representatives from businesses involved in SRF raw material production, manufacturing plants, and other organizations related to reuse were invited to participate, focusing on entities within Pingtung County. The second session was aligned with the Environmental Protection Bureau's booth during the Volunteer Service Day on November 5, facilitating outreach and promotional activities. 3.Other Cooperative Tasks Continuing to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau in implementing planned activities and schedules to meet the objectives outlined in the "2023 Environmental Protection Performance Assessment Program for Municipalities and Counties (Cities)." Additionally, as of November 30, we have collaborated on three assigned tasks.
英文關鍵字 SRF, biomass, Resource circulation