

中文摘要 本計畫利用毒性及關注化學物質運作管理事項、災害防救預防、環境用藥管理等內容,來提升毒性及關注化學物質、環境用藥之管理強度,來達到「源頭控管」、「審查管理」、「稽查輔導管制」及「加強查驗」之目標,計畫執行期間已完成: 一、 毒性及關注化學品管理方面,包括彙整建立高雄市512家毒性及關注化學品運作業者聯絡清單、審查毒化物申請文件683件次及毒性及關注化學物質申報資料561件次。 二、 毒性及關注化學物質運作場所輔導訪查及稽查工作方面,包括已完成712家毒物及關注化學物質運作場所查核、262家次食安暨風險疑慮化學物質運作業者現場查核、環境部專案勾稽輔導查核包括完成(一)新列管15種關注化學物質輔導業者專案稽查49件次、(二)環氧乙烷列管業者查核專案27件次、(三)毒性及關注化學物質運作紀錄勾稽查處,共有67件異常情形,以上異常情形皆已完成追蹤及辦理。另完成296件運送聯單(GPS系統)勾稽查處。 三、 完成8場次環保局指定現勘及輔導廠家、11家次現場偵測警報設備測試查核、242場次通聯測試及13場次現場無預警測試。另外完成高雄市毒化物運作量達分級運作基準者之廠家共152間廠家、903筆毒化物的儲槽與容器資料收集與彙整,進行廠家外洩擴散分析模擬,並完成高風險區域之前鎮及臨廣科技產業園區進行災害疏散避難規劃之規劃。 四、 輔導6家毒化物運作業者進行釋放量計算輔導,從釋放量釋放途徑發現本市主要以製程廢氣釋放釋放占最大宗。 五、 完成辦理毒化物執行成果暨聯防組織交流分享會1場次。 六、 完成辦理毒災應變模擬演練1場次。 七、 完成辦理112年度高雄市毒災應變演習1場次,包括2次協調會、2次預演及1次正式演習。 八、 協助彙整業者提報之毒災演練資料,本市需提報之廠家共137家,已全數完成提送。 九、 提供環保局兩具行動電話門號(0988-921081、0978-123751,具4G行動網路功能)、3線室內電話(07-7356064、07-7352114)及本團隊派駐人員相關辦公環境及設備。 十、 計畫執行期間共發生2件關注化學物質事故,皆派員到場協助現場應變及相關支援作業。 十一、 完成每季保養工作,並將維護保養狀況及偵測設備校正報告彙整成清冊提交高雄市環保局,另購置2組綜合型濾毒罐、更換四用氣體偵測器氧氣(O2)感測器、1台電腦主機(含正版Microsoft Office 軟體)及1TB隨身固態硬碟。 十二、 在毒性及關注化學物質訓練活動及法令宣導方面,已辦理「毒性及關注化學物質管理法規宣導及系統操作說明會」1場次、「毒性及關注化學物質法規宣導說明會」2場次、「校園化學物質安全使用暨食品安全宣導活動」1場次、「高雄市小港區毒化災疏散避難宣導活動及演練」1場次、「毒災聯防小組實作訓練」8場次、「高雄市毒災聯防小組組訓實作訓練」8場次、「毒災聯防小組災害防救宣導說明會」2場次、「毒性化學物質管理教育訓練及技術轉移訓練」1場次、提送「高雄市毒性及關注化學物質災害通報系統聯繫表」400份。 十三、 環境用藥管理方面,包括已完成本市環境用藥製造業3家、輸入業3家、販賣業64家及病媒防治業者205家,並每月更新高雄市各環境用藥及病媒防治業業者之相關基本資料。審查95件環境用藥申請案、完成現場查核62件環境用藥業者運作情形、查訪轄內旅館業、餐飲業、公寓大廈場所之病媒防治業環境用藥情形14件、1,071件環境用藥標示查核、240件次環境用藥廣告查核、購置6件市售環境用藥並送至認證實驗室檢驗並提送檢測報告。 十四、 在環境用藥教育訓練、技術轉移及法令宣導方面,辦理「環境用藥管理法規及資訊系統操作說明會」1場次、辦理「高雄市病媒防治業環境用藥安全宣導說明會」1場次、辦理「高雄市環境用藥法規宣導及系統操作說明會」1場次。 十五、 在其他配合事項方面,包括:提供4輛稽查車輛供計畫執行使用、辦理「環境教育暨食品安全業務研習共識營」、進行毒性及關注化學物質相關業務辦理綠色化學宣導文宣製作,並配合活動或會議進行宣導工作、配合梓官區蚵仔寮海灘「淨灘進行式 環境好舒適」淨灘活動,進行擺攤宣導。另外於環保局官網、臉書貼文、電台廣播、LED戶外電視牆宣傳、電視託播等宣導方式進行環境用藥宣導。
中文關鍵字 毒性及關注化學物質、毒性及關注化學物質災害防救


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 9132 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 陳政任
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃加年 執行單位 國立高雄科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 (112)高市環局秘字第37號-正式結案報告.pdf 25MB

2023 Management Program of Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances in Kaohsiung City.

英文摘要 The main purpose of this project is to effectively reduce the occurrence and impact of toxic disasters through the prevention and management enhancement program. During the implementation of the program, the following management work of toxic and concerned chemicals has been completed: (1) The management of toxic and concerned chemicals has been completed, including the establishment of 512 contact lists for operating facilities of toxic and concerned chemicals in Kaohsiung City, reviewed 683 application documents of toxic chemicals and 561 reporting documents of toxic chemicals. (2) In terms of visits and inspections of operating sites toxic and concerned chemicals, the following work has been completed: inspections of 712 sites of toxic operating facilities, on-site inspections of 262 food safety risk facilities, articulation of 49 sites for 15 new listed concern chemicals, articulation of 27 sites for ethylene oxide operating facilities, articulation of 67 incorrect operating records system specified by MOENV, articulation of 296 transportation records from GPS. (3) Performed 8 in-depth on-site review, 11 on-site detection and alarm equipment testing and verification, 242 un-noticed tests by fax and 13 on-site un-noticed tests. Also 903 data on the storage tanks and vessels were collected for 152 operating facilities with quantities above the regulated threshold. Release dispersions were then performed. Chien-Chen and Lin-Kuan Technology Industrial Park was selected and evacuation routes were planned. (4) Performed 6 on-site reviews and guidance for toxic release calculation and reporting. It is found that process exhaust vent is the major route for toxic release. (5) Completed 1 workshops on disaster prevention for mutual aids teams. (6) (Completed 1 table-top drill of emergency response of toxic incident. (7) Completed 1 annual city-level drill of emergency response of toxic incident, including 2 coordination meetings, 2 practice-drills and 1 formal drill. (8) Compiled all toxic drill information from 137 operating facilities. (9) Provided two cell phone numbers (0988-921081, 0978-123751) with 4G internet service; 3 city phone lines, and other office utilities. (10) Provided response aids for two actual incidents. (11) Completed quarterly maintenance work and list was given. Additionally 2 sets of canister, O2 sensor was replaced, 1 PC with Office software and 1TB smart drive were provided. (12) In terms of training and promotion, the following activities were held: 1 workshop for Toxic and Concerned Chemicals Regulations and System Operation, 2 workshops for Toxic and Concerned Chemicals Regulations, 1 workshop for Safety Use of Chemicals and Protection in Campus, 8 hands-on training for mutual aids teams, 2 workshops for toxic mitigation and prevention, and 1 workshop for technology transfer. 400 copies of "Kaohsiung City Toxic and Concerned Chemicals Disaster Notification System Contact List" and 400 copies of the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Regulations were produced. (13) In terms of environmental agent management, contact list were completed for 3 environmental agent manufacturing companies, 3 import companies, 64 vendor companies, 205 pest control operators. Review of 95 environmental agent applications, and completion of the site check the operation of 62 environmental agent companies. Visited 14 pest control operation in hotel, catering service, and apartment building sites. 1071 environmental agent labeling were checked. 240 environmental agent advertising were checked. 6 commercially available environmental agents were purchased and sent to a certified laboratory for assay analysis and analytical reports were submitted. (14) Completed 1 workshop of the "Environmental Agents Control Act Briefing and System Operation", 1 workshop of the "Safe Use of Environmental Agents", and 1 workshop of the "Environmental Agents Control Act Promotion and System Operation". (15) In other action items: 4 cars were provided for this project, hold an “Environmental Education and Food Safety Workshop”, prepared promotion materials for toxic chemicals and green chemistry, helped beach cleaning activity for Keziliao beach in Tzikuan District, and finally promotion of environmental agent management work were done in EPB website, Facebook posts, radio broadcasting, outdoor LED wall, and TV media.
英文關鍵字 toxic and concerned chemicals, oxic disaster prevention and mitigation