

中文摘要 本計畫透過評析我國事業廢棄物再利用運作現況、強化再利用機構及其產品之流向追蹤管理、蒐研國內外資源循環政策、規劃資源循環促進費徵收制度及精進再利用許可審查作業等工作, 主要可分為精進管理制度及掌握實務運作等主軸, 推動及精進我國事業廢棄物再利用管理。 在精進管理制度方面, 本年度參考英國廢棄物再利用品質規範及韓國廢棄物管理及資源循環相關法規, 與我國現行管理方式進行比較分析,並配合環境部未來推動資源循環之方向,提出5 點國外資源循環推動方式提供未來法規修正之參考,同時, 協助研擬管理權責回歸前應加強辦理工作事項及相關子法草案, 並分析6 項環保基金或規費, 及研擬規劃資源循環促進費之徵收制度。 掌握實務運作方面, 藉由事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統及資源再利用管理資訊系統等系統, 以數據掌握我國事業廢棄物再利用脈動, 如全國再利用機構家數變動情形、廢棄物再利用餘裕量能等, 並全面勾稽再利用流向及產品營運紀錄,針對異常機構, 採寄發通知信方式請其進行改善。此外, 針對高污染潛勢或高風險再利用機構及環境部許可再利用機構辦理11 廠次現場訪查,確保再利用機構運作之合規性及了解產業界實務運作模式, 並將所調查之廢棄物收受及產品銷售費用, 回饋至資源循環促進費, 作為徵收及補貼費率估算之基礎資訊。
中文關鍵字 事業廢棄物再利用、流向管理、再利用產品


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 7351.08 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/06 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 林偉彥
主辦單位 循環署再利用推動組 承辦人 鍾佳玲 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AA027精進事業廢棄物再利用及產品流向管理計畫_公開版..pdf 4MB

Enhancement of Industrial Waste Recycling and Product Flow Management Project

英文摘要 The project through analyzing the current status of industrial waste recycling operations in our country, strengthening the management of recycling organizations and their recycled products flow, researches of domestic and foreign resource recycling policies, planning for the resource recycling promotion fee collection system, and improving the recycling permits review operation, to achieve the main objectives of improving the management systems and mastering the practical operations so as to promote and improve our industrial waste recycling management. In terms of improving the management system, the project took reference from the British Waste Recycled Products Quality Protocols and South Korea's waste management and resource recycling regulations for comparison and analysis with our current management operations and proposed 5 points referring to foreign resource recycling for references in our future regulatory amendments. At the same time, the project also assisted in the development of work matters and regulation drafts related to the return of management rights and responsibilities that need to be strengthened beforehand. The project also analyzed 6 different environmental protection funds or fees and eveloped the plans for resource recycling promotion fee collection system. In terms of mastering the practical operations through the information systems such as the Industrial Waste Reporting and Management System and the Recycle Management System, we can use the data to grasp the operations of industrial waste recycling in our country, such as changes in the number of recycling organizations nationwide, checking the remaining waste recycling capacity etc. to gain a comprehensive reviews on the recycling flows and product operation records, and to find abnormal organizations for sending notification of request to make improvements. In addition, the project conducted 11 on-site inspections to high potential of contamination or high-risk recycling organizations as well as recycling organizations with permits issued by the Ministry of Environment to ensure compliance with recycling organization operation regulations and to understand the model of practical operation carried out in the industry, and reported the investigated results on waste collection and product sales fees to resource recycling promotion fee as a feedback to the basic information for estimating the collection and subsidy rates.
英文關鍵字 Industrial Waste Recycling, Flowing Management, Recycled Product