

中文摘要 (一) 強化本市海岸清潔維護單位橫向溝通:依據行政院核定之「向海致敬-海岸清潔維護計畫」內容持續追蹤檢討本市各海岸土地管理單位執行成效,辦理至少2場次市府跨局處(工作小組)會議,辦理前須提送規劃書及簡報資料,經機關核定後始得辦理;並於辦理後協助製作會議紀錄,第一場次已於6月8日辦理完成,第二場次於11月22日辦理完成,兩場皆由市府層級長官主持。 (二) 執行高雄市海岸線環境清潔巡檢、通報及緊急清除作業 1.針對「高雄市政府轄管」之海岸線約17公里(共43處),依髒亂程度區分「髒亂熱點區域17處」及「非熱點區域26處」,執行海岸巡檢作業時,熱點區域頻率至少每週1次,非熱點區域執行頻率至少每2週1次,針對「非高雄市政府權管」之海岸線(約46公里)執行頻率至少每月1次巡檢。目前截至11月30日,市府權管「熱點17處」海岸線共執行44次巡檢;市府權管「非熱點30處」海岸線共執行22次巡檢;「非高雄市政府權管」之海岸線共執行10次巡檢。  2.海岸線髒亂案件通報作業:於巡檢作業發現海岸髒亂點(處)時,廠商應協助彙整相關資料(如:GPS定位、土地地號、權管單位…等)並提供機關,經機關同意後再通報至「高雄市向海致敬Line群組」,通知該權管單位儘速清除;另協助追蹤後續清理成果並回報機關,截至11月30日,巡檢通報案共通報10件案件,其中6件次為本市權管海岸土地,4件次為中央權管海岸土地,本市權管之海岸土地及中央權管土地均已清理完畢。 3.海岸線髒亂案件緊急清除作業:本計畫編列以開口契約緊急清除作業處理費新台幣8萬元整,目前因巡檢發現髒亂點,提報予環保局並動支計畫緊急清除處理費清理,於11月17日執行緊急清除作業,緊急清除地點為彌陀區港口段467地號,清除重量為110公斤,清理種類為漂流草木枯枝及零星回收垃圾。 (三) 延續辦理推動本市創新作為「淨灘合作社」 112年度持續以旗津區海岸作為「淨灘合作社」推動淨灘合作社據點,設立共計10處箱體據點提供淨灘工具供民眾淨灘隨借隨還,淨灘合作社規劃合作商家6處及戶外誠實淨灘工具借用區4處。 5月16日於戶外誠實淨灘工具借用區進行箱體外觀優化及改良箱體結構,重新設計誠實淨灘工具借用區工具箱,且將在地海洋元素及特色景觀地貌融合箱體外觀,美化箱體藉此融入當地風景。工具箱體內部加大改造,區隔三層空間,手套、垃圾袋及鐵夾等淨灘工具皆能分開擺放整齊,並設計有鐵夾掛勾,讓民眾能夠依需求取用工具,除此之外工具箱體上方安裝魚形告示牌及QR-Code方便市民辨識掃描借用及回饋建議。計畫人員每周均會派員巡檢,補足工具供民眾參與淨灘,截至今年度11月30日淨灘工具累計借用人數達1,342人。 且協助機關於高雄市環境保護局臉書張貼宣傳淨灘合作社共3則貼文,分別於2月14日、5月19日、8月7日各張貼1則,另製作20張淨灘合作社宣傳海報,並張貼15處明顯地方,以達宣傳之功效。 (四) 環境部海岸清理資訊平台管考 海岸清理資訊平台主動清理之成果,每月各單位上傳成果均已達成。即時清理共通報共22件次,皆符合平台之規定,於7天內完成清理作業,僅一件因清理期程受颱風影響,暫停清理,導致超過7日之清理期程,各案件皆完成清理。
中文關鍵字 海岸淨灘、海岸環境維護


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 1189.68 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/03 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 陳威憲
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 梁瑞亨 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 工作內容與執行成果(定稿).pdf 17MB 112年度像海致敬海岸清潔維護計畫工作執行成果

112th Annual Salute to the Sea-Coastal Cleaning and Maintenance Plan-Changmen-Kaohsiung City

英文摘要 1.Strengthening horizontal communication among local coastal cleaning and maintenance units:Conducted at least 2 inter-departmental meetings facilitated by the city government to review the effectiveness of various coastal land management units in the city.The meetings were held on June 8th and November 22nd, both presided over by high-ranking officials from the city government. 2.Implementation of Kaohsiung coastal environmental cleanup, inspection, reporting, and emergency removal operations: (1) Regarding the approximately 17 kilometers of coastline under the jurisdiction of the Kaohsiung City Government (43 locations in total), the areas were classified based on the degree of pollution into "17 hotspot areas" and "26 non-hotspot areas." During the execution of coastal inspection operations: Hotspot areas were inspected at least once a week Non-hotspot areas were inspected at least once every two weeks. Approximately 46 kilometers of coastline not under the jurisdiction of the Kaohsiung City Government were inspected at least once a month. As of November 30th, the city government has conducted the following inspections: For the 17 hotspot areas under the city government's jurisdiction, a total of 44 inspections have been carried out. For the 30 non-hotspot areas under the city government's jurisdiction, a total of 22 inspections have been conducted. For the coastline not under the jurisdiction of the Kaohsiung City Government, a total of 10 inspections have been carried out. (2) Operation of Reporting Coastal Pollution Cases: When a polluted area is discovered during the inspection, the contractor is required to assist in consolidating relevant information (such as GPS coordinates, land parcel number, responsible management unit, etc.) and provide it to the authorities. After obtaining approval from the authorities, the case is then reported to the "Kaohsiung Coastal Tribute Line Group" to notify the responsible management unit for prompt cleanup. Furthermore, the contractor is responsible for tracking the subsequent cleanup results and reporting them to the authorities. As of November 30th, a total of 10 pollution cases have been reported during inspections. Among these, 6 cases were related to city-managed coastal land, and 4 cases were related to centrally managed coastal land. Cleanup has been completed for both city-managed and centrally managed coastal land (3) Emergency Cleanup Operation for Coastal Pollution Cases: This project has allocated an emergency cleanup budget of NT$80,000 through an open contract. Upon the discovery of a polluted area during inspections, the incident is reported to the Environmental Protection Bureau, and the allocated budget for emergency cleanup is mobilized. The emergency cleanup operation was carried out on November 17th at the emergency cleanup site, identified as parcel number 467 in the port section of Mituo District. The cleanup involved the removal of 110 kilograms of debris, including drifting vegetation, dried branches, and scattered recyclable waste. 3.Continuing to Implement and Promote Innovative Initiatives in the City as the "Beach Cleaning Cooperative": In the fiscal year 2023, the project continued to use the coastline in Qijin District as the focal point for promoting the "Beach Cleaning Cooperative." A total of 10 container-based locations were established to provide beach cleaning tools for the public to borrow and return at their convenience. The cooperative planned collaborations with 6 local businesses and set up 4 outdoor honest beach cleaning tool lending areas. On May 16th, the outdoor honest beach cleaning tool lending area underwent visual optimization and structural improvements for the containers. The design of the beach cleaning tool lending area was reimagined, incorporating local marine elements and distinctive landscape features to blend the container's appearance with the local scenery. The interior of the toolboxes was significantly enhanced, featuring three compartments for neatly organizing beach cleaning tools such as gloves, garbage bags, and tongs. Additionally, iron hooks were designed for hanging, allowing the public to access tools as needed. Above the toolboxes, fish-shaped signs and QR codes were installed for easy identification, scanning for borrowing, and providing feedback. Project personnel conducted weekly inspections, ensuring an adequate supply of tools for public participation in beach cleaning activities. As of November 30th, the cumulative number of people borrowing beach cleaning tools reached 1,342. The project also assisted the authorities in posting promotional content about the Beach Cleaning Cooperative on the Kaohsiung Environmental Protection Bureau's Facebook page. Three posts were made on February 14th, May 19th, and August 7th. Additionally, 20 promotional posters for the Beach Cleaning Cooperative were created and displayed in 15 prominent locations to maximize the effectiveness of the promotional efforts. 4.Management and Evaluation of the Environmental Protection Administration's Coastal Cleanup Information Platform: The Coastal Cleanup Information Platform's proactive cleanup efforts have achieved success, with each unit uploading results monthly in accordance with the platform's requirements. There have been a total of 22 immediate cleanup reports, all meeting the platform's standards and completed within 7 days. Only one case was affected by the schedule interruption caused by a typhoon, leading to a temporary suspension of cleanup and exceeding the 7-day cleanup period. However, all cases were eventually successfully cleaned up
英文關鍵字 Coastal Cleanup, Coastal Environmental Maintenance Summary