

中文摘要 本計畫為持續協助屏東縣邁向永續低碳城鄉目標,藉由計畫輔導協助鄉鎮市區及村里社區參與低碳永續家園認證。在本縣發展基礎及目標之各項工作下,順應中央政策,同時提升低碳永續認證評等成效。計畫執行包含技術諮詢與輔導、擔任縣府各局處分工協調與資訊整合與交流等,並以此為目標完成計畫各項工作辦理;本計畫執行期程為112年1月18日至112年11月17日,共10個月,全年度活動辦理簽到簿如附件一、性別檢核表如附件二,各項目執行成果摘要如下: 一、 維持「低碳永續家園推動專案辦公室」功能之運作 於2月9日完成4位屏東縣技術諮詢與評等審查小組委員聘任;於5月11日辦理1場次南區生活圈業務聯繫交流會議,其會議配合氣候法及淨零政策,與南區各縣市(嘉義縣、嘉義市、台南市、高雄市)交流;於9月23日至枋寮鄉新龍社區,以模擬銀級申請認證方式召開1場次技術諮詢與評等審查小組會議,邀請南區生活圈縣市及技審小組委員,給予社區指導與建議。 二、 推動屏東縣低碳永續城鄉業務 於4月13日取得本縣第二期溫室氣體減量執行方案核定,並於11月29日完成執行成果報告;屏東縣低碳永續發展及氣候變遷因應推動會於7月7日完成第1場次,共討論4個議題,為推動會組織成立、2023年之VLR架構與CDP填報及2022年縣市施政環境保護永續指標;第2場次於11月14日辦理,其重點為明(113)年氣候變遷調適執行方案教育訓練及前置作業、強化淨零綠生活關鍵績效指標執行成果及今年底需提繳之第二期溫室氣體減量執行方案成果報告等項目說明。 三、 輔導及協助本縣各層級參與認證評等 已輔導本縣參與率較低之屏東市11村里及東港鎮3村里,參與低碳家園認證報名,目前全縣33鄉鎮之村里參與率,皆提升至50%以上(其中17鄉鎮為100%);銅級認證輔導,已協助屏東市永安里、屏東市大洲里、霧臺鄉大武村、車城鄉新街村及崁頂鄉港東村,共5村里完成認證,完成全縣33鄉鎮皆有村里銅級,輔導率達100%,達成本計畫自訂「鄉鄉有村里銅級」目標;銀級認證輔導,已協助內埔鄉東片村於10月13日取得銀級認證;現地查核之10處村里名單,已於2月1日向環境部確認,於6月2日及6月5日完成查核作業,皆維持評等,並於7月7日函送查核表單至環境部。 四、 推廣、維運因地制宜低碳行動項目及建築綠化降溫工作 已輔導4處村里低碳成果維護、5處村里低碳項目建置及2處村里建築綠化降溫改善,共11處村里15項低碳措施,預估可減少5,101kgCO2e/年。 五、 輔導住商部門(含社區與學校)打造節能改善示範點 本年度聘請崑山科大節能中心王瑋民副教授,共組節能輔導小組,分別至屏東大學、潮州車站、屏東醫院、獅子國中、萬丹老人會館及瓦磘國小,共6處單位進行節能輔導,並彙整其評估建議,作為單位改善之依據;綜整評估後,優先協助獅子國中、萬丹老人會館、潮州車站及瓦磘國小,共4處單位汰換老舊燈具及設計節能教育宣導看板,並於8月底前完成更換及設置,預估約可節電1.5萬度/年,減少7,500 kgCO2e/年。 六、 進行永續發展相關行動方案建構工作 本年度共蒐集彙整本縣9處災害潛勢村里資料,並完成訪視作業。綜整評估後,以SDG 13「氣候行動」為主軸,於5月23日及8月16日,至霧臺鄉好茶村及來義鄉望嘉村,辦理共2場次永續發展推動策略說明會;後續依會議上村、社區幹部與居民討論結果,完成好茶村1處「透水鋪面」建置,改善土地流失情形,及協助望嘉村太陽能路燈裝設,與提供防災裝備(緊急照明燈、無線對講機、應急帳篷),強化社區調適量能。 七、 推動低碳永續家園之宣導工作 本年度以SDGs及淨零綠生活為宣導核心,於4月25日及10月18日,辦理共2場次觀摩活動,觀摩對象為永續經營成效良好之企業與社區,分享內容包含綠能節電、資源循環等淨零行動,期望與會社區結合寶貴經驗,打造符合在地特色之永續淨零社區;另網站實用性及點擊率,如新增活動成果刊登功能,吸引民眾瀏覽,放置兩性平等宣導標語,提升民眾SDG 5「性別平等」意識。截止11月,網站點擊率已較去年提升13%,共發佈100篇低碳永續新聞、8場次會議、活動資訊及4場活動成果;因應環境部2030年全面禁用塑膠袋政策,本次共採購300份富涵循環利用之實用性宣導品「多功能旅行收納包」及「保溫保冰袋」。 八、 行政配合事項 本年度協助評估設置太陽光電系統名單共80處,並於3月8日及7月24日函送,完成「加分項目-盤點提報低碳永續家園評估設置太陽光電系統」。亦於6月16日,提報上半年執行成果至低碳永續家園資訊網「年度績效評比系統」,內容包含(1)協助村里執行低碳行動項目執行進度、(2)教育培訓與宣導辦理情形及(3)村里成果維護管理等。另「推動事業溫室氣體盤查登錄作業」項目,由111年「屏東縣因應氣候變遷暨環保國際事務推動計畫」負責執行,本計畫彙整其成果,於10月17日由貴局函送環境部,並規劃於12月底前完成下半年度成果填報;協助撰擬「屏東縣淨零綠生活行動計畫」草案,於4月28日提送至環境部。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園認證、社區實質改造、資源循環、氣候變遷


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4585 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/18 專案結束日期 2023/11/17 專案主持人 蔡正一
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 林俐慧 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112屏東縣低碳永續家園計畫期末(定稿).pdf 21MB 112屏東縣低碳永續家園計畫期末(定稿)

2023 Pingtung County Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Construction and Promotion Plan

英文摘要 The Pingtung Low Carbon and Sustainable Home project aims to bring Pingtung County towards a low-carbon county. Through the project, our team assisted the townships and communities in participating in the Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Certification. The county can follow the work of its own development and goals, while responding to the central policy and improving the effect of low-carbon sustainable certification in Pingtung County. The implementation of this project includes technical consulting and counseling, administrative assistance for the coordination of work across bureaus, and information integration. This project was implemented from Januaary 18, 2023, to November 17, 2023, 10 months in total. Attendence books are attached as Annex I. Gender Checklists are attached as Annex II. The implementation outcomes are described as follows: 1. Maintaining the operation of “low-carbon and sustainable homes promotion office” Appointments of 4 members of the Pingtung County Technical Consultation and Rating Committee were completed on February 9. The business communication meeting for the Southern Cities Living ring was held on May 11. The meeting was responding to Climate Change Response Act and net-zero policy, and Pingtung County exchanged opinions with Southern Cities(Chiayi County, Chiayi City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City). The project team went to Xinlong Community in Fangliao Township to have a meeting with technical consultation and rating committee on September 23, simulating the application of silver-level certification to invite southern cities and members of the technical review committee to provide instructures and suggestions to the community. 2. Promoting low-carbon and sustainable homes in Pingtung County Second-phase greenhouse gas reduction implementation plan of Pingtung county was approved on April 13, and implementation outcome report was completed on November 29. The first low-carbon sustainable development and climate change response promotion meeting of Pingtung County was held on July 7. There were 4 issues discussed in the meeting, including the establishment of the promotion committee, the structure of 2023 Voluntary Local Review and Carbon Disclosure Project, and 2022 city governance of environmental protection and sustainability indicators. The second meeting was held on November 14, and focused on education, training and key indicators of net-zero green living, and the outcome report of the second-phase greenhouse gas reduction implementation plan which will be submitted at the end of 2023. 3. Assisting townships and communities in participating certification of low-carbon sustainable homes This project assitsted villages with low participation rate, including 11 villages in Pingtung City and 3 villages in Donggang Township, in participating certification of low-carbon sustainable homes. At present, the participation rate of 33 townships has increased to more than 50% (17 townships with 100% of participation rate). Project team also assisted 5 villages in obtaining Bronze-level certification, including Yongan Village of Pingtung City, Dazhou Village of Pingtung City, Dawu Village of Wutai Township, Xinjie Village of Checheng Township and Gangdong Village of Kanding Township. As a results, this project has reached the goal of “all townships with certification of Bronze-level villages”, and tutoring rate has reached 100%. This project assisted Dongpian Village of Neipu Township in obtaining Silver-level certification on October 13. On-site inspection list of 10 villages was confirmed by Ministry of Environment on February 1, and the inspections were completed on June 2 and June 5. The ratings were all mainted the same, and the inspection forms were sent to the Ministry of Environment on July 7. 4. Promoting and operating low-carbon activities based on local features and the greening of building for cooling down This project has assissted 4 villages in maintaining low-carbon items, 5 villages in establishing low-carbon items and 2 villages in greening buildings for cooling down. Consequently, 5,101 kgCo2e/year can be reduced by 15 low-carbon items in 11villages. 5. Assistting commercail and residential sector (including communities and schools) in creating energy-saving demonstration sites This project cooperated with Wang Weimin, an associate professor of Energy Conservation Center, Kunshan University, to build a energy-saving counseling team. The team went to Pingtung University, Chaozhou Station, Pingtung Hospital, Shizhi Junior High School, Wandan Elderly Center and Wayao Elementary School to conduct energy conservation counseling in 6 sites and collected evaluation suggestions as the basis for improvements. After comprehensive assessment, this project decided to assist Shizhi Junior High School, Wantan Elderly center, Chaozhou Station and Wayao Elementary School, a total of 4 sites, to replace old lightning and design energy-saving education signboards. All items were replaced and set up before the end of August. It is estimated to save 15,000 kWh/year and reduce 7,500 kgCO2e/year. 6. Implementing sustainable development plan This project collected 9 villages with disaster potentials and completed on-site surveys. After assessments, the project team focused on SDG 13 “Climate Action” and went to Kochapongan Village of Wutai Township and Vungalid Village of Laiyi Township to have sustainable development meetings. After discussing with local residents, our team assistted Kochapongan Village in building permeable pavement to reduce soil loss. Futhermore, our team also assissted Vungalid Village in installing solar street lights and providing disaster prevention equipments (emergency lightniing, walkie-talkie, emergency tent) to strengthen adaptability in communities. 7. The promotion of low-carbon sustainable homes The project team focused on SDGs and net-zero green living as promotion topic and held 2 observation and learning activities. The activities were held in communities and enterprises with high sustainable effectiveness, including green energy, energy-saving actions, resource circulation, and other net-zero actions. Participants could get experiences and creat sustainable and net-zero communities based on local fetures. In order to increse website's practicality and click through rate, the project team increased new functions, for exmple, publishing activity results to attract people to browse the website and placing gender equality slogans to enhance people's awareness of SDG 5 "Gender Equality". Until November, the click through rate of the website has increased 13% more than last year, and a total of 100 low-carbon and sustainable news, 8 conferences and event information, and 4 event outcomes were released. In response to the policy of banning plastic bags in 2030 issued by Ministry of Environment, this project purchased a total of 300 promotio materials, including “multifunction travel bag" and "insulated thermal bag". 8. Administrative cooperation This project assisted in assessing the list of 80 sites for installing solar energy systems and submitted the list on March 8 and July 24 to complete “bonus points: assessment of installing solar energy system for low-carbon and sustainable homes.” Moreover, the project team reported implementation outcomes of the first half year on “annual evaluation system” of low-carbon and sustainable website, including (1) progress of implementing low-carbon actions in villages, (2) situations of education traning and promotion, and (3)operation and maintance of outcomes in villages. Greenhouse gas inventory of enterprises was conducted by “2022 The project of climate change response and international affairs” and this project collected the outcomes. The report was submitted to Ministry of Environment on October 17 and outcomes of the second half year will be provided before the end of December. The project team assissted in writing “net-zero green living plan of Pingtung County” and submitted to Ministry of Envoronment on April 28.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon and Sustainable Homeland, substantial transformation of community, resource recycling, climate change