

中文摘要 本年度計畫主要工作包括「強化公廁場站維護」、「天災復原或環境整頓維護」、「環境衛生改善專案」等3大面向工作,藉以達成的目標,在執行策略上,今年度以強化稽查、推動環境衛生相關環境教育、熱點分析、推動環境衛生示範區及搭建本縣環境衛生平台等工作策略,期能讓各項工作之執行更具成效。 以下即針對統計至112年11月30日止之各項工作成果摘要說明。 (一) 公廁巡查作為 1.每月辦理環管署列管重點公廁稽巡查及巡查資料綠網資料登錄作業,目前本縣列管公廁786座共稽巡查4,599座次,特優級共780座,佔99.24%;優等級共6座,佔0.76%;無普通級公廁。本縣特優級公廁比例112年較109年成長47.46%(圖1)。 2.公廁巡查作業常見缺失改善:清掃或檢查紀錄表1天未簽2次及廁間垃圾筒未加蓋,彙整近一年稽查情形,倘有公廁此項連續三次於稽查時遭列出缺失即造冊,請機關發文予管理單位請其完成改善。 3.提升優等級公廁做法:有關優等級公廁提升之特優級公廁之因應對策有二,說明如下: (1)輔導申請補助修繕:部分公廁無法提升為特優級,其主因為硬體設施過於老舊所致。即由計畫輔導管理單位申請環管署補助經費進行公廁修繕作業,待完工即可提升等級。如:白鮑溪自行車步道(2座)、石梯漁港(2座)。 (2)公廁策進作為:協助機關發文予管理單位,由管理單位提出改善承諾作為,並追蹤後續缺失改善情形。管理單位已提出改善承諾作為。如:光復鄉公有市場(2座)。 (二)公廁改善作為:環管署通報案件皆通報管理單位改善並依限回覆環管署,累計通報290件,平均處理日數為0.09天。針對通報案件進行分析,倘有重覆出現點位(如:玉里鎮民廣場),均彙整近期環境即時通通報案件及稽查情形彙整函送機關,由機關發文予管理單位請其加強維管作業。 (三)公廁清掃學習活動(含優質如廁文化推廣):第1場次為種子教師培訓,第2場次10月24日至北濱國小辦理,由第1場次參訓之種子教師擔任清掃講師,並設計學習單予學童填寫。 (四)臉書宣導推廣:針對時節規劃不同宣導內容,並搭配不分季宣導項目進行宣導。如:雨季強化登革熱宣導,夏季針對空地空屋雜草進行宣導,中間可穿插優質如廁文化、環境用藥、菸蒂棄置、冷氣機滴水、海岸環境維護等項目進行宣導。 (五)強化公廁場站維護 1.修繕公廁工程進度管控追蹤: (1)協助追蹤管控「112年」及「112-113年」申請補助單位修繕公廁單位進度:針對進度延宕倘為情節重大者,依據延宕情形彙整函送予機關,並請機關協助發文予管理單位,請補助單位回填切結書予機關。 (2)推廣輔導性別友善公廁設置:為提供花蓮縣民及遊客友善的如廁空間,於110年至113年持續輔導本縣列管老舊公廁進行公廁修繕,並加強推廣本縣列管公廁管理單位優先申請將老舊公廁修繕為性別友善公廁,將原有的公廁空間重新規劃為具備多種使用功能之性別友善廁間,不只使本縣公廁管理單位經由修繕公廁作業中漸具性別友善之意識,也使本縣公廁因應社會趨勢更加與時俱進,優化本縣公廁品質,110-113年申請補助修繕性別友善公廁申請經費比詳圖2。 2.執行公廁認養,60處:已完成62處。本年度辦理公廁認養先與管理單位確認該轄管公廁於一週內有較多使用者之日數,並請認養團體執行巡檢作業時,原則以較多使用者之使用日期進行巡檢。 3.特優級公廁認證:以秘密客方式進行特優級公廁認證複審現勘作業。現勘10單位39座公廁。得分均在95分以上,全數獲得公廁特優場所認證。 4.智慧廁間:以110年補助物聯網智慧公廁(東大門夜市、七星潭、花蓮火車站3F男女廁)持續運營,為了解民眾使用感受,辦理使用民眾及管理單位之滿意度調查,民眾調查結果均為正向,管理單位則大多同意智慧廁間對於公廁環境維護有立即有效幫助。而未來增設部分,清潔人員因裝設智慧廁間增加管護次數,4成不願配合。 (六)環境衛生管理 1.登革熱孳生源清除培訓說明會,1場次:完成辦理,與會對象為實際協助辦理本縣登革熱孳生源清除之13鄉鎮公所之清潔隊員,課程內容為病媒蚊知識與防治與孳生源清除現場實務,並準備相關器材至美崙溪畔公園進行孳生源清除現場實作,完備清潔隊員病媒蚊相關知識,提升實務操作技能。 2.空地空屋及髒亂點稽查: (1)本縣遭重大污染區域或機關指定髒亂點:機關指定點共11處,每月辦理輔導訪查巡檢及成果提送作業,部分點位經機關將稽查結果轉予管理單位後已由管理單位進行改善,因管護情形良好,部皆權管單位已規劃固定巡檢管護頻率並據以執行之,因此解列11案,現餘1案。 (2)國有財產署空地空屋:協請機關造冊,定期發文予權管單位督促其進行維護。 (3)熱區科技監控:以機動車輛架設行車紀錄器進行,原訂設置於吉安鄉自樂街,後因餵養流浪狗造成之環境衛生髒亂情形,由機關指定更換為七星潭賞星廣場南側;後因石壁段1064地號遭人棄置垃圾,與縣府水利科協商移至石壁街230巷;再因菸蒂棄置情形,依機關指定移至門諾地下停車場出入口旁。 3.天災復原或環境整頓維護:當有天災影響環境衛生之情形,依據花蓮縣災害後環境污染防治實施計畫之災害後環境衛生及廢棄物清理相關規定,災後環境復原情形,維護民眾居家環境品質。 4.公所環境衛生清潔競賽:目前112年花蓮縣環境衛生清潔競賽作業進行中,分為實地考核及書面考核。相關成果待11月底將納入期末定稿。 5.辦理宣導遛狗不留便及推廣黃金花園(黃金塔): (1)黃金花園(黃金塔)推廣,3處:已完成設置,本年度於白燈塔公園、水牛公園及大本運動公園各設置1處。並依依據審查委員建議事項與預定地鄰近之學校進行黃金塔認養洽談,其中白燈塔公園鄰近學校明恥國小同意配合認養。 (2)遛狗不留便宣導活動,2場:因本年度設置黃金塔共有3處,於各處各辦理1場次,合計辦理3場次,優於合約規範場次。宣導方式因應里長建議,設計文宣向公園內遛狗之飼主進行黃金塔使用方式之說明,並向飼主倡導狗便再利用。並於宣導活動中進行問卷調查,目前民眾對於黃金塔建置均感滿意並認同狗便再利用設施。 (七)環境衛生宣導活動及環保夜市政策推廣 1.環境衛生宣導活動:8場次以上小型宣導活動,已完成6場次環境衛生宣導活動,2場次黃金塔宣傳推廣活動。 2.環境衛生宣導影片,3支:已完成,內容如下:年度創新宣導活動音樂會、「遛狗不留便」黃金塔宣導活動、環境衛生宣導活動場次合輯。 3.宣導品購置:已完成600份宣導品採購作業並提送成品予機關。 4.環保夜市政策推廣:相關環境維護作業及方式,已由本縣景觀維護中心依據各項環境衛生維護工作據以執行之。 (八)創新作法 - 親近、清淨、東海岸環保音樂會:已於112年9月10日至太平洋公園南濱段圓形廣場完成辦理。 本次環保音樂會結合淨灘、海廢創生工作坊、無塑暨二手市集,意在喚起民眾對環境問題的關注,以行動落實永續發展目標。 活動邀請台灣烏克麗麗樂團及曼波魚管樂團、北濱國小、溪口國小、壽豐國小及康樂國小進行烏克麗麗版「少女的祈禱」演奏,讓熟悉的垃圾車音樂充滿活力又增添特色,創造不同於往昔的環保宣導與環境教育,以文化推動SDGs11 建構具包容、安全、韌性及永續特質的城市與鄉村。 為了將環境保護理念深植人心,環保音樂會特別編製主題曲「親近清淨東海岸」,期盼以兒童的純真佐以活潑輕快的烏克麗麗樂聲,運用歌曲表達環保的重要性,將永續意念深植於人心,進入民眾的日常。 而海廢創生工作坊將海邊撿到的塑膠浮標及漂流木,透過再製賦予海廢不同的新生命,寓教於樂外也希望宣導減塑減廢,重新認識維護海洋生態與守護海洋環境的重要性。此外,加入二手市集及無塑市集,不僅資源再利用減少浪費,無塑市集中自備或現場租借環保餐具用餐,期能減少民眾對一次性產品的依賴,影響民眾日常生活,選擇更環保和永續性的生活方式,讓人人為環境盡一份心,集結眾人力量共同永續花蓮。
中文關鍵字 「強化公廁場站維護」、「天災復原或環境整頓維護」、「環境衛生改善專案」


專案計畫編號 EPB-111-12-19 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4180 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/17 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 張育誠
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 李秉謙 執行單位 翌暘工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年花蓮縣優質公廁及美質環境推動計畫期末報告.pdf 58MB 112年花蓮縣優質公廁及美質環境推動計畫期末報告

112th Annual "Quality Public Toilet and Beautiful Environment Promotion Plan" Regular Door Project (Hualien County)

英文摘要 The main work of this year's plan includes three major tasks: "strengthening the maintenance of public toilet stations", "natural disaster recovery or environmental rectification and maintenance", and "environmental sanitation improvement projects". In order to achieve the goals, in terms of implementation strategies, this year we will strengthen inspections , promote environmental sanitation-related environmental education, hot spot analysis, promote environmental sanitation demonstration areas and build the county's environmental sanitation platform and other work strategies, hoping to make the execution of various tasks more effective. The following is a summary of the work results from the statistics to November 30, 2020. (1) Public toilet inspection actions 1. Conduct monthly inspections of key public toilets under the management of the Environmental Management Agency and registration of inspection data on the Green Network. Currently, there are 786 public toilets under the county's management with a total of 4,599 inspections, and a total of 780 are in the premium category, accounting for 99.24%; excellent grade There are 6 toilets in total, accounting for 0.76%; there are no ordinary public toilets. The proportion of super-quality public toilets in this county increased by 47.46% in 2012 compared with 2019 (Figure 1). 2. Improvement of common deficiencies in public toilet inspections: the cleaning or inspection record sheet was not signed twice a day and the toilet trash can was not covered. Based on the inspection situation in the past year, if there are public toilets that are listed in the inspection three times in a row If something is missing, a record will be made, and the agency will send a document to the management unit asking it to complete the improvement. 3. Methods for upgrading high-quality public toilets: There are two strategies for upgrading high-quality public toilets to special-quality public toilets, which are explained as follows: (1) Guidance on applying for subsidy repair: Some public toilets cannot be upgraded to premium grade mainly because the hardware facilities are too old. That is, the project guidance and management unit will apply for subsidy funds from the Environmental Management Department to carry out public toilet repair work, and the level will be upgraded upon completion. Such as: Baibaoxi Bicycle Trail (2 blocks), Shiti Fishing Port (2 blocks). (2) Promotion of public toilets: Assist the agency to issue a document to the management unit, and the management unit will propose improvement commitments and track follow-up improvements. The management unit has made commitments to improve the situation. For example: Guangfu Township Public Market (Block 2). (2) Public toilet improvement actions: All cases reported by the Environmental Management Department were reported to the management unit for improvement and the Environmental Management Department responded according to the deadline. A total of 290 cases were notified, and the average processing day was 0.09 days. Analyze the reported cases, and if there are recurring points (such as Yuli Town Square), a summary of the recent circumstances will be reported and a summary letter of the reported cases and audit status will be sent to the agency, which will issue a letter to the management unit requesting it to strengthen maintenance. Manage homework. (3) Public toilet cleaning learning activities (including the promotion of high-quality toilet culture): The first session is for seed teacher training. The second session will be held at Beibin Elementary School on October 24. The seed teacher who participated in the first session will serve as the cleaning instructor. , and design study sheets for students to fill out. (4) Facebook publicity and promotion: Plan different publicity contents according to the seasons, and conduct publicity with seasonal publicity projects. For example, the dengue fever publicity is strengthened during the rainy season, and the publicity on weeds in empty houses in the summer can be interspersed with publicity on high-quality toilet culture, environmental medication, cigarette butt disposal, air conditioner dripping, and coastal environmental maintenance. (5) Strengthen the maintenance of public toilet stations 1. Progress control and tracking of public toilet repair projects: (1) Assist in tracking and controlling the progress of public toilet repair units applying for subsidies in "112 Years" and "112-113 Years": If the delay in progress is serious, a summary letter based on the delay will be sent to the agency, and the agency will be asked to assist in issuing a document to Management unit, please subsidy unit to fill in the cut-off form and submit it to the agency. (2) Promote and provide guidance on the installation of gender-friendly public toilets: In order to provide friendly toilet spaces for Hualien County residents and tourists, we will continue to provide guidance on the renovation of old public toilets under the county's management from 2010 to 113, and strengthen the promotion of the county's listed public toilets. The management unit gives priority to applying to renovate old public toilets into gender-friendly public toilets, and re-plans the original public toilet space into gender-friendly toilets with multiple functions. Not only does the county's public toilet management unit become more gender-friendly through the renovation of public toilets This awareness has also enabled the county’s public toilets to keep pace with the times in response to social trends and optimize the quality of the county’s public toilets. Figure 2 shows the funding ratio for applying for subsidies to repair gender-friendly public toilets in 110-113 years. 2. Execute public toilet adoption, 60 places: 62 have been completed. When applying for public toilet adoption this year, first confirm with the management unit the number of days in a week when there are more users of the public toilet under its jurisdiction, and ask the adoption group to conduct inspections on the days when there are more users. 3. Certification of premium public toilets: Conduct on-site inspection and review of certification of premium public toilets in a secret guest manner. Currently, 39 public toilets in 10 units are under investigation. The scores were all above 95, and all were certified as excellent public toilet sites. 4. Smart toilets: With 110 years of subsidies, the IoT smart public toilets (men’s and women’s toilets on the 3F of Dongdamen Night Market, Qixingtan, and Hualien Railway Station) will continue to operate. In order to understand the public’s experience of using them, a satisfaction survey of users and management units was conducted. The survey results are all positive, and most management units agree that smart toilets can immediately and effectively help maintain the public toilet environment. As for future additions, 40% of cleaning staff are unwilling to cooperate due to the increased number of maintenance visits due to the installation of smart toilets. (6) Environmental sanitation management 1. Dengue Fever Breeding Source Elimination Training Seminar, 1 Session: Completed. The participants are the cleaning team members of the 13 township offices that actually assist in the removal of dengue fever breeding sources in the county. The course content is the knowledge and prevention of vector mosquitoes and the on-site practice of breeding source elimination. We also prepared relevant equipment and went to Meilun Creekside Park for on-site implementation of breeding source removal, so as to improve the cleaning team members’ knowledge about vector mosquitoes and improve their practical skills. 2. Inspection of empty houses and dirty spots: (1) Major polluted areas in the county or polluted spots designated by the government: There are 11 designated spots by the government. Counseling inspections and inspections and result submissions are carried out every month. Some spots will be transferred to the management unit after the inspection results are transferred by the government. Improvements have been made by the management unit. Since the management and protection situation is good, the competent management units of all departments have planned and implemented a fixed inspection and maintenance frequency. Therefore, 11 cases have been eliminated and 1 case remains. (2) Vacant land and houses of the State-Owned Property Department: Please ask the agency to create a register, and regularly issue documents to the authority management unit to urge them to carry out maintenance. (3) Hot zone technological monitoring: It is carried out by setting up driving recorders on motor vehicles. It was originally set up in Zile Street, Ji'an Township. Later, due to the messy environment caused by feeding stray dogs, the agency designated it to be replaced at Qixingtan Star Appreciation Plaza. On the south side; later, due to garbage being dumped at Lot 1064 in the Shibi section, it was moved to Lane 230 of Shibi Street after consultation with the county water conservancy department; and due to the disposal of cigarette butts, it was moved to the entrance and exit of the Mennonite underground parking lot as designated by the agency. quality. 4. Public Office Environmental Sanitation and Cleaning Competition: The 112-year Hualien County Environmental Sanitation and Cleaning Competition is currently in progress and is divided into on-site assessment and written assessment. Relevant results will be included in the final draft at the end of November. 5. Promote dog walking without leaving poop and promote the Golden Garden (Golden Tower): (1) Golden Garden (Golden Tower) promotion, 3 locations: The installation has been completed. This year, one location will be set up in White Lighthouse Park, Buffalo Park and Daben Sports Park. In accordance with the recommendations of the review committee, we negotiated with schools nearby the planned place to adopt the Golden Tower. Among them, Mingshai Elementary School, a school adjacent to White Lighthouse Park, agreed to cooperate in the adoption. (2) Walking dogs without leaving poop publicity activities, 2 games: Since there are 3 golden towers set up this year, 1 game will be held at each place, and a total of 3 games will be held, which is better than the number of games specified in the contract. The publicity method was based on the suggestions of the park director. We designed a promotional document to explain the use of the Golden Tower to dog owners in the park, and advocated the reuse of dog poop to the owners. A questionnaire survey was conducted during the publicity activities. Currently, the public is satisfied with the construction of the Golden Tower and agrees with the dog poop reuse facility. (7) Environmental sanitation publicity activities and promotion of environmentally friendly night market policies 1. Environmental sanitation publicity activities: more than 8 small publicity activities, 6 environmental sanitation publicity activities and 2 Golden Tower publicity and promotion activities have been completed. 2. Environmental sanitation promotion videos, 3: Completed, with the following content: annual innovative promotion event concert, "Walk the dog without leaving poop" golden tower promotion event, and environmental sanitation promotion event collection. 3. Purchase of promotional materials: The purchase of 600 promotional materials has been completed and the finished products have been submitted to the agency. 4. Promotion of environmentally friendly night market policies: Relevant environmental maintenance operations and methods have been implemented by the county's landscape maintenance center based on various environmental sanitation maintenance tasks. (8) Innovative approach - Friendly, Clean, East Coast Environmentally Friendly Concert: Completed at the circular square of the South Beach section of Pacific Park on September 10, 2012. This environmentally friendly concert combines beach cleaning, marine waste regeneration workshops, plastic-free and second-hand markets, with the intention of arousing public attention to environmental issues and taking action to implement sustainable development goals. The event invited the Taiwan Ukulele Band and Mambo Band, Beibin Elementary School, Xikou Elementary School, Shoufeng Elementary School and Kangle Elementary School to perform the ukulele version of "Girl's Prayer" to let the familiar trash Che Music is full of vitality and adds unique features, creating a different kind of environmental promotion and environmental education than in the past, using culture to promote SDGs11 to build cities and villages that are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. In order to deeply ingrain the concept of environmental protection into people's hearts, the environmental concert has specially compiled the theme song "Close to the Clean East Coast", hoping to use the innocence of children with the lively and lively sound of ukulele to express the importance of environmental protection through the song. The idea of ​​sustainability is deeply rooted in people's hearts and has entered people's daily lives. The marine waste regeneration workshop recycles plastic buoys and driftwood picked up from the beach to give different new lives to marine waste. It not only educates and entertains, but also hopes to promote plastic reduction and waste reduction, and re-understand the maintenance of marine ecology and protection. importance of the marine environment. In addition, joining the second-hand market and the plastic-free market will not only reuse resources and reduce waste, but also bring your own or rent environmentally friendly tableware on site for dining. It is expected to reduce people's dependence on disposable products, affect people's daily life, and choose more Environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyles allow people to contribute to the environment and gather everyone's strength to sustain Hualien together.
英文關鍵字 Enhanced maintenance of public toilet stations", "Natural disaster recovery or environmental rectification and maintenance", "Environmental sanitation improvement project"