

中文摘要 本計畫鎖定南部地區設有CWMS事業、受污染農地或灌排上游對象及非編定工業區之高污染潛勢行業別,於空間上互相疊加出5個污染熱區,並以「近5年違反水污染防治法規定遭處分率超過15%」為條件,篩選22家預警事業,加入機關依據高風險性推薦之9家事業,共計31家預警事業。經多次巡查蒐證,並與機關辦理工作討論會議,篩選10家事業作為深度查核執行對象。 今年度共計完成10家事業深度查核作業,查獲3家「嚴重違規」事業:(1)日○鋼鐵企業股份有限公司查獲廢水未妥善收集處理並由非核准登記之放流口排放,繞流廢水懸浮固體超標2.3倍且含有重金屬鋅含量,屬繞流排放之行為,涉違反水污染防治法第1 8條之1第1項及第7條第1項規定。(2) 連○皮革股份有限公司湖內廠放流水濃度BOD超標39倍、COD超標15倍、懸浮固體超標0.2倍,污染濃度達標準限值5倍以上,且現場廢水處理設施流程(未流經浮除槽)與許可文件內容處理流程不符,涉違反水污染防治法第1 8條之1第1項、第7條第1項及第14條第1項規定。(3) 慧○企業股份有限公司放流水濃度懸浮固體超標11倍、鋅超標0.9倍,污染濃度達標準限值5倍以上,涉違反水污染防治法第7條第1項規定。 本計畫分別已於112年5月12日完成辦理討論會暨現場實務實地訓練、112年9月20日完成廢液晶玻璃跨領域再利用於廢水處理之技術實廠稽查經驗交流會議及112年10月25日辦理實廠稽查經驗交流會與成果分享會方式之活動,分享查核成果案例,提供督察人員相關稽查經驗知能,並提供事業查核成果之影片實錄3部,已完成契約規定,達成率100%。
中文關鍵字 水污染、重金屬、南部地區


專案計畫編號 112AA098 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4435 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/25 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 黃昱仁
主辦單位 南區環境管理中心 承辦人 邱佩璿 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AA098-成果報告(定稿)_1128.pdf 0MB 成果報告

Comprehensive Assessment Program for Enterprises with High Potential of Heavy Metal Water Pollution in Southern Region

英文摘要 This project focused on enterprises with Continuous Water Monitoring System (CWMS) in southern region, polluted agricultural lands or irrigated lands in upstream, and high-pollution-potential industries in non-designated industrial zones. Five pollution hotspots were identified by overlaying these spatial data. This project selected 22 enterprises as pre-warning targets by the criteria of "violation rate of the Water Pollution Control Act over 15% in the past 5 years." Furthermore, nine enterprises were recommended by the authorities due to high potential risks. Therefore, there were a total of 30+1 pre-warning targets. After multiple inspections, discussions, and evidence collection with the authorities, 10 enterprises were selected for in-depth audits. This project has completed in-depth audit of a total of 10 enterprises this year, and seized three enterprises with "serious violations": (1) 日○ company, a steel company, was found discharging untreated wastewater through an unauthorized discharge outfall, regarded as rerouted discharge and violated Article 18-1, Paragraph 1 of the Water Pollution Control Act. (2) 連○ company, a leather factory in Hunei, exceeded the discharge limit, with pollution concentrations five times higher than the standard, regarded as "serious violation." (3) 慧○ company exceeded discharge limit, with pollution concentrations five times higher than the standard, regarded as "serious violation." The project held a discussions and practical on-site training on May 12, 2023 and an interdisciplinary workshop of reusing of waste liquid crystal glass in wastewater treatment on September 20, 2023, and an experience-sharing activity to exchange opinions and share on-site inspection experiences on October 25, 2023. The project shared audit results by using various scientific tools to collect evidence based on possible illegal patterns for various enterprises, and provided three video recordings of audit results, to complete the contract requirements with 100% of completion rate.
英文關鍵字 Water Pollution, Heavy Metal, Southern Region