

中文摘要 因應環境管理署預算經費龐大,預算來源、補助計畫案件眾多,為簡化人工作業並提升預算管控效率,且進一步統合各項公建計畫、委辦事項;「環境管理署計畫管理支援系統」已於111年完成系統初步架構建置,本(112)年度針對環境管理署之公共建設預算經費進行功能建置及報表產製,擴充本系統功能及調整系統運作程序,以增加系統使用者操作之便利性,提高管理之綜效;並且因應組改,變更系統機關架構。 本計畫使用ASP.NET程式開發語言,以關聯式資料庫方式(Relational Database Approach)規劃檔案架構,並以物件導向設計的精神,使用MVC建構,以模組化架構進行設計及開發來設計各系統。 本系統經由環境管理署使用者將介接轉入之預算分配、簽證等資料執行科室歸屬後,並透過本系統公共建設計畫之建置,即可即時提供各計畫預算執行率,可以達到簡化人工作業並提升效率,確實掌握經費運用狀況。並且透過教育訓練、教學影片,可以幫助環境管理署順利導入系統,並能操作順暢,促進業務管理效率。 本計畫期程為決標日起至112年11月30日,各階段開發功能、執行進度及所需交付之文件皆如期完成 (一) 112年3月30日交付專案工作計畫書、團隊成員名冊及保密同意 書。 (二) 完成第1階段需求訪談、功能分析設計、開發、系統測試及安裝, 並於112年5月30日交付第1階段需求規格書、系統分析報告書、 系統設計報告書電子檔。 (三) 完成第2階段需求訪談、功能分析設計、開發、系統測試及安裝, 並於112年8月29日交付第2階段系統程式規格書、系統分析報 告書、系統設計報告書電子檔。 (四) 完成第3階段需求訪談、功能分析設計、開發、系統測試及安裝, 並於112年11月28日交付第3階段系統程式規格書、系統使用 手冊、系統維護手冊、系統測試報告書、資訊安全檢測報告書、 原始碼電子檔及成果報告。 在執行本案後,可逹成下列成效: (一) 公共建設計畫維護: 目前本系統藉由BAF系統轉入之相關資料,並無法有效確切勾稽公共建設計畫,故於本系統透過建置公共建設計畫,並配合BAF系統轉入之簽證付及傳票資料,以便有效建立相關關聯性。 (二) 公共建設計畫分配維護: 為使各科公建計畫預控人員即時掌控公建計畫經費執行率,故須針對公建計畫建置相關分配資料,依經費來源、經資門別、縣市登打各月分配數,以利後續執行率之計算。 為避免預控人員登打分配資料過程中,因資料登打錯誤導致需重複檢查資料之情形,故系統亦提供Excel檔,預控人員將分配資料登打至Excel檔並確認無誤後,以檔案匯入方式,直接產製各縣市不同經費來源之月分配資料。 (三) 管理性報表: 透過經費支用查詢、公共建設執行表、業務費用盤點表等管理性報表,提供預控人員及管理者更快速掌握各階段預算執行情形。 (四) 其他: 每日自動排程介接預算會計暨財務管理資訊整合平台(BAF),轉入各類傳票資料,使資料流程統一整合。
中文關鍵字 預算分配,公共建設計畫,預算執行表


專案計畫編號 112AA139 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3510 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/20 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 蕭光呈
主辦單位 環管署環境衛生組 承辦人 林雅晴 執行單位 康大資訊股份有限公司台中分公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AA139_成果報告.pdf 30MB 成果(結案)報告

112th Bureau Of Enivornment Inspection Project Management Support System

英文摘要 In response to the substantial budget allocated to the Environmental Management Administrator Ministry of Environment which originates from various sources and encompasses numerous subsidy programs, there is a need to simplify manual operations and enhance budget control efficiency. Additionally, there is a goal to further integrate various public construction projects and commissioned tasks. The " Environmental Management Administrator Project Management Support System" completed its initial system architecture setup in the year 111. In the current year, the focus is on functional development and report generation specifically related to the budget and funds for public construction projects within this system. The expansion of system functionality and adjustment of operational procedures aim to increase user convenience and enhance overall management efficiency. This project utilizes the ASP.NET programming language and is designed with a Relational Database Approach for file structure planning. Following the principles of object-oriented design, the project employs the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern for construction. The system is designed and developed using a modular structure to enhance modularity in the design and development of various components within the system. This system, through the input of budget allocation and approval data by Environmental Protection Administration users, assigns the data to relevant departments. By integrating this information and implementing the construction of public construction projects within the system, real-time budget execution rates for each project can be instantly provided. This achieves the goals of streamlining manual processes, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring a clear understanding of fund utilization. Furthermore, the system offers educational training and tutorial videos to aid the Environmental Protection Administration in a smooth implementation of the system. This facilitates seamless operation and promotes overall efficiency in business management. This project is scheduled from the date of the tender award until November 30, 2023. Each stage of development, execution progress, and the required deliverables have been completed on schedule. (1) On March 30, 2023, the project work plan, team member roster, and confidentiality agreement were submitted. (2) The first phase, including requirements interviews, functional analysis and design, development, system testing, and installation, was completed. On May 30, 2023, the electronic files for the first phase requirements specification document, system analysis report, and system design report were delivered. (3) The second phase, involving requirements interviews, functional analysis and design, development, system testing, and installation, was completed. On August 29, 2023, the electronic files for the second phase system program specification document, system analysis report, and system design report were delivered. (4) The third phase, covering requirements interviews, functional analysis and design, development, system testing, and installation, was completed. On November 28, 2023, the electronic files for the third phase system program specification document, system user manual, system maintenance manual, system testing report, information security inspection report, source code, and project report were delivered. After the implementation of this project, the following achievements can be realized: (1) Public Construction Project Maintenance: Currently, the system relies on data imported from the BAF system, but it lacks an effective way to reconcile public construction projects accurately. Therefore, the system constructs public construction projects and, in conjunction with the BAF system's imported approval and voucher data, establishes effective relationships. (2) Public Construction Project Allocation Maintenance: To enable immediate control of the budget execution rates for each public construction project by the respective budget control personnel, it is necessary to establish relevant allocation data for public construction projects. This involves recording monthly allocations based on funding sources, financial departments, and county/city details to facilitate subsequent calculation of execution rates. To avoid errors during the data entry process by budget control personnel, the system provides an Excel file. Budget control personnel can input allocation data into the Excel file, confirm its accuracy, and then import the file to generate monthly allocation data for different funding sources in various counties/cities. (3) Management Reports: Through management reports such as expense usage queries, public construction execution reports, and business expense inventory reports, the system provides budget control personnel and managers with a quicker grasp of the budget execution status at various stages. (4) Other: There is an automatic daily schedule for interfacing with the Budget Accounting and Financial Management Information Integration Platform (BAF), importing various voucher data to ensure a unified and integrated data flow.
英文關鍵字 The Budget Allocation,Public construction plans,The Budget execution Report