

中文摘要 由於柴油車管制作業法規尚未實施定期檢驗制度,無法納管所有柴油車輛。由於本市大型柴油車輛數為全國第一,顯示柴油車污染負荷量最多。於109年獲得環境部補助計畫,提供儀器設備租賃費及排煙檢測補助費,評選出具有維修能力之保養廠,並納入環境部審驗核定之汽車修理業參與評鑑,經專家學者評定為檢測能力合格之保養廠,設立為定檢示範站,由原先車輛維修保養工作外,納入排煙檢驗作業,真正達到保檢合一工作。 本計畫執行期程自112年3月3日起至112年12月31日止,租賃並提供2套檢測儀器設備,增設松順噴射器行及茗欣汽車工業(股)公司為定檢示範站。為提升示範站檢測品質,導入無預警查核及缺失複查機制。為強化各站檢測數值公信力,已於各站裝設監控攝影機15部,其中有4家保養廠因執行老舊車輛檢測不透光率異常低,增加第二組監控攝影機,觀察取樣槍跟黑煙排放情形,截至目前已無異常測值及取樣槍掉落之情形發生。 寄發定檢通知單2,080件中,回檢率達為55.7%,另有124輛已進行報廢、繳銷、註銷或停用報停等異動狀態。問卷調查表進行滿意度及定檢作業支持度調查。結果大多數定檢對象對於檢測作業感到滿意,也支持環保局與保養廠合作設置柴油車定檢站並推定柴油車定檢制度;大多數支持「環保局授權之民間認可保養廠」為後續推定檢制度優先選擇檢測地點,且對於收費的部分以「400-600元」較能接受;受檢者建議以「行政公文通知」作為定檢通知方式。 推動空氣品質維護區(簡稱:空維區)移動污染源管制措施,依據車辨系統分析,自111年2月5日起正式實施後至112年12月31日止,一期空維區管制之大客車符合率提升至96.3%,而機車符合率達90.0%;擴大第一期空維區管制增至四處(旗津海岸公園、衛武營國家藝術文化中心、紅毛港文化園區及崗山之眼),現階段已完成5組車辨系統架設作業;「第二期空維區」劃設高雄港區,已於112年4月20日正式實施後至112年12月31日止,柴油大貨、曳引車符合率提升至98.6%;而鹽埕國小空維區,於112年3月20日召開會商會審查會議,為提高管制成效擴增周邊道路及納入柴油車輛為管制對象,已於112年12月28日提送環境部審查意見回覆。陸續將建構空維區網絡,納入焚化廠及高雄國際航空站。執行期間辦理3場會議,包含航站空維區協商會1場、鹽埕國小及焚化廠空維區研商公聽會2場。截至112年12月31日止,已處案件有1,323件,罰鍰金額共計661,500元。另因應環境部統一空維區標示牌及告示牌樣式,本計畫維護更新完成30面。 辦理媒體宣導作業,透過報章、網路媒體等刊登有關空維區管制政策8則。於112年6月26日辦理「物流業拚經濟環保局顧健康2.0+」宣導說明會。
中文關鍵字 柴油車、定檢示範站、空氣品質維護區、車牌辨識


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6109.85 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/03 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 林慈儀
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭心愉 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 04_112年度高雄市柴油車定期檢驗計畫暨空品維護區加強管制期末報告正式報告(印刷版)v1.pdf 30MB

Kaohsiung City Diesel Vehicle Periodic Inspection Program and Air Quality Maintenance Area Strengthened Control in 2023

英文摘要 Due to the fact that the regulations for regular inspection of diesel vehicles have not been implemented, not all diesel vehicles can be included for inspection. As the number of large diesel vehicles in Kaohsiung city ranks first in Taiwan, it indicates the highest pollution load of diesel vehicles in the city. In 2020, the project was subsidized by the Ministry of Environmental for the instrument equipment rental fees and exhaust emission testing subsidies. It is to incorporate with Ministry of Environmental’s approved auto repair shops for evaluating repair capabilities of auto maintenance shops. Once auto maintenance shops were qualified by experts and scholars, they will become regular inspection demonstration stations to include exhaust inspection with regular maintenance works. Thus, it could achieve the purpose of integrating of maintenance and inspection work. The project was implemented from March 3, 2023 to December 31, 2023, renting and providing 2 sets of inspection equipment, adding Songshun Injector Co. and Zun Suh Enterprise Co., LTD. as regular inspection demonstration stations. To improve the inspection quality of the demonstration stations, an inspection without pre-caution and findings re-examination mechanism was introduced. In addition, 15 surveillance cameras have been installed at each station to strengthen the credibility of the inspection values at each station. Among them, owing to the extreme low rate of opacity inspection, the second surveillance camera was installed within four auto maintenance shops to observe the status of sampling guns and exhaust emission condition. As of now, there have been no abnormal test values and sampling gun drop-off situations. Out of the 2,080 regular inspection notices sent, the return rate reached 55.7%. Besides, 124 vehicles have been scrapped, canceled, revoked or suspended. The questionnaire was conducted to investigate the satisfaction and support for the regular inspection work. The results showed that most of the regular inspection objects were satisfied with the inspection work, and also supported the establishment of diesel vehicle regular inspection stations and regular inspection system which were incorporated by the Environmental Protection Bureau and the auto maintenance shops. “Environmental Protection Bureau’s authorized and qualified auto maintenance shops” would be the priority to be inspected for most of objects. Moreover, objects assumed a reasonable charge range was from NTD$ 400 to NTD$ 600 per inspection. An official notice was suggested to remind users to conducted regular inspections. To promote the regulative policy of air quality maintenance area (AQMA), the results of license plate recognition system revealed that the compliance rate of the diesel buses increased to 96.3% as well as the compliance rate of motorcycles reached 90.0% within Phase One Air Quality Maintenance Area from February 5, 2022 to December 31, 2023. 4 areas (Cijin Seaside Park, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), Hongmaogang Cultural Park and Siaogangshan Skywalk Park) were added to fulfill the expansion of Phase One Air Quality Maintenance Area. In addition, 5 sets of license plate recognition system s were established at the moment. “Phase Two Air Quality Maintenance Area" was designated in the Kaohsiung Port area which has been officially implemented on April 20, 2023. The compliance rate of diesel trucks and tractors increased to 98.6% until December 31, 2023. For Yancheng Elementary School Air Quality Maintenance Area, review conference was held on March 20, 2023. To enhance the effectiveness of regulative policy, the project was submitted to Ministry of Environmental for reviewing and commenting on December 28, 2023 which included roads nearby and diesel vehicles as the manage objects. The network of air quality maintenance area will be established continuously, the incineration plant and Kaohsiung International Airport will be included. 3 conferences were held during the implementation period which included one consultation meeting of Airport Air Quality Maintenance Area and two public hearings of Yancheng Elementary School and incineration plant. There have been 1,323 cases of violations and fines totaling NTD$ 661,500 as of December 31, 2023. In response to the request of unifying the design of signs and markers within Air Quality Maintenance Area, 30 signs and markers were updated. Media campaigns were carried out; 8 articles were published via newspaper, online media, etc. for disseminating the regulative policy of air quality maintenance area. On June 26, 2023, the " Logistics Industry Promotes Economic Development and while Environmental Protection Caring for Health 2.0+" publicity and briefing session was held.
英文關鍵字 Diesel vehicles, regular inspection demonstration station, air quality maintenance area, license plate recognition system