

中文摘要 為解決海岸、海洋、河川環境整潔問題,109年5月行政院核定「向海致敬-海岸清潔維護計畫」,由環境部(原環保署)統籌9個中央部會、19個臨海縣市政府及民間團體共同合作,實踐「清理」、「減量」、「去化」、「透明」、「教育」五大政策主軸,並建立「定期清、立即清、緊急清」機制,以每吋海岸都有人管、每吋海岸都乾淨為目標,確保臺灣1,990公里海岸線永遠保持乾淨,本計畫為輔助向海致敬政策執行,根據過去執行成果持續維護與精進既有系統與活動,優化海岸清理資訊平台,並協助強化向海致敬管制考核機制及宣導向海致敬政策推動成果,逐步落實共同守護臺灣海岸環境清潔之目標。 針對海岸廢棄物監測調查,分析108年至112年第1-3季成果顯示,皆以「生活垃圾與遊憩行為」垃圾居多,所佔比例為80.9%,分析歷年前五名排行榜中,連續5年皆以寶特瓶數量位居第一,另外與「國際海岸清理報告」全球前十大排名之廢棄物數量進行比較,顯示臺灣地區之寶特瓶占全球約3.0%為最高,其次為塑膠瓶蓋占全球約2.8%,第三則為吸管占全球約1.9%,且此三項皆高於臺灣所有廢棄物總量所占全球之1.2%,而寶特瓶及塑膠瓶蓋數據資料,與本計畫歷年調查成果相似,皆占有較高的比率,依據此結果,建議未來可持續投入寶特瓶相關產業之源頭減量、減塑及去化政策之擬定。 配合向海致敬-海岸清潔維護計畫,本計畫以提升各部會線上掌握海岸清理成果效率為目標進行功能建置,包括滾動式更新310餘處權責單位系統圖層資訊,建置髒亂清理範圍圖層及視覺化資料展示工具及巡檢通報等功能,另外為提升網站資安防護與民眾使用友善度亦建立海岸清理資訊平台單一入口作業、淨灘場域環景檢視與淨灘活動版面優化等服務。 為讓民眾瞭解海岸污染及源頭減量的嚴重性並宣傳向海致敬執行成果,本計畫已發佈環境教育相關議題貼文、辦理淨灘活動及向海致敬成果論壇等方式,提升民眾對於海岸環境保護的意識,吸引不同族群加入海岸髒亂通報行列,以達到全民共同守護海岸之目的。
中文關鍵字 海岸淨灘、海岸廢棄物調查、環境教育


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 8910 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/06 專案結束日期 2023/12/20 專案主持人 賴佑昇
主辦單位 氣候署調適韌性組 承辦人 邱惠鈞 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 @112年海岸清潔維護計畫成果報告(定稿).pdf 27MB 112年海岸清潔維護計畫成果報告(定稿)

Promoting and Maintaining Clean Coastal Environment and Performance Management Project in 2023

英文摘要 To maintain clean coasts, oceans, and rivers, Executive Yuan approved the “Salute to the Ocean: Coastal Cleanup & Maintenance Program” (hereinafter the Program) in May 2020. Led by the Ministry of Environment (formerly the Environmental Protection Administration), the Program is jointly implemented by 9 ministries and 19 coastal county and city governments and private organizations. The Program focuses on 5 main aspects: “cleaning”, “reduction”, “disposal”, “transparency”, and “education”. This program established a mechanism of “regular cleaning, immediate cleaning, and emergency cleaning” to ensure that every inch of the coastline is properly managed and kept clean. The goal is to ensure that Taiwan's 1,990 kilometers of coastline remain permanently clean. The aim of this Project is to support the implementation of the Program through the following measures: 1. continue maintaining and enhancing the existing systems and activities based on the results of previous implementation; 2. optimize the coastal cleanup information platform; 3. assist in strengthening the control and assessment mechanism of the Program, and 4. promote the achievements of the Program. The goal is to gradually achieve the shared commitment to safeguarding the cleanliness of Taiwan’s coastal environment. The coastal waste monitoring survey results showed that from 2019 to 2023, most of the waste is attributed to “domestic waste and recreational behaviors”, accounting for 80.9%. After analyzing the top 10 waste items, the number of PET bottles ranked first for 5 consecutive years. In addition, compared to the amount of waste in Taiwan with the global top five waste in the “International Coastal Cleanup Report”, the number of PET bottle caps ranked first: caps from Taiwan accounted for approximately 3.0% while PET bottles account for around 2.8% globally. Additionally, straws ranked third at approximately 1.9%. Moreover, of all the waste produced globally, the amount of waste attributed to Taiwan is 1.2%, and all three of these categories surpass 1.2%. The data on PET bottles and PET bottle caps aligned with the findings from previous years; these two types of waste comprise a higher percentage of the waste found in Taiwan. Based on these results, this Project recommends continuing to devote to drafting policies on source reduction, plastic reduction, and waste disposal specifically targeting the PET bottle industry. To coordinate with the Program, this Project developed various functionalities to enhance the efficiency of monitoring coastal cleanup results online for each ministry. This includes continuously updating the drawings in the systems for 310 responsible authorities, creating drawings depicting areas requiring cleaning, and creating data visualization tools and reporting tools for inspections. In addition, to enhance data security and user experience of the website, optimization on features has been provided, including creating a single sign-on of the coastal cleanup platform, panorama views of coastal cleanup areas, and cleanup event webpage layout optimization. For the public to understand the severity of coastal pollution and the importance of source reduction while promoting the achievements of the Program, several measures were implemented. These include publishing articles on topics related to environmental education, hosting coastal cleanups, and the Program achievement forum. These efforts aim to raise public awareness of coastal environment protection, attract different groups of people to report dirty coasts, and ultimately achieve the goal of collective coastal area conservation by everyone. The Salute to the Ocean Project has entered its fourth year since its launch in 2020. Through reporting cleanup results by various ministries and information and surveys collected by private organizations, the amount of coastal waste has been reduced by almost 60% compared to 2020. The efforts of each authority show initial success, and Executive Yuan has approved the second phase of the “Salute to the Ocean” initiative from 2024 to 2027. In the next four years, the focus is not only on maintaining clean beaches, but also on continuously improving the effectiveness of coastal maintenance through the division of responsibilities among authorities, source reduction, disaster cleanup, and other aspects. The goal is to ensure that every inch of the coastline is managed and kept clean.
英文關鍵字 Coastal clean-up, Coastal waste survey, Environmental Education