

中文摘要 本計畫主要透過調查容器商品市場、蒐集整合專家學者及業者意見及責任業者稽查管制制度研析檢討,具體檢討及調整公告應回收容器管理法規及措施,並透過彙整國內外容器商品環境化設計案例,擬定我國塑膠容器環境化設計指南供各界參考。 首先,針對塑膠平板包材已完成回收法規修正草案、徵收及補貼費率草案及營業量申報系統表單並研擬政策說帖,以及持續協助資源循環署辦理相關公聽研商會議,以達提升塑膠平板包材回收再利用成效及符合國家減塑之目標。 其次,為推動塑膠容器商品朝向環境化設計,本計畫已完成環境化設計之圖文電子書修訂,托盤包裝循環利用聯盟合作意向書亦完成簽署並評估替代材質之可行性及回收處理體系現況。 而為推動國內紙板源頭課費,訪談紙產業鏈相關業者2梯次並彙整各家意見、進口現況等相關資訊作為擬定紙板課費草案之參考依據,將持續協助資源循環署與業者研商,俾利儘速完成紙板課費新制擬定及相關作業規劃。有關紙餐具本體來源標誌標示查核作業,已完成100家免洗餐具販售業者、50家紙製免洗餐具實廠調查作業,並彙整查核結果供資源循環署參酌。 為落實公告應回收容器責任業者誠實登記、申報及繳費,本計畫完成提報122家疑似未登記責任業者名單,持續追蹤近兩年輔導登記情形及追查應辦理登記之責任業者有無依法辦理登記,另彙整歷年判釋及回收處理業者意見,提出表二裝填項目調整建議,與相關機關單位及專家學者進行檢討及建議修正方向確保修正法規之周延性,並辦理1場次未登責任業者教育訓練會議,簡報內容已上傳至營業量申報系統供責任業者及查核人員參酌。 此外,已製作容器責任物認定原則及判釋問答集並協助署辦理資源回收宣導活動、專家諮詢會議、責任業者座談會等行政事項。
中文關鍵字 塑膠平板包材、環境化設計、本體來源標誌


專案計畫編號 112aa147 經費年度 112 計畫經費 10200 千元
專案開始日期 2023/08/18 專案結束日期 2024/04/30 專案主持人 邱煜程
主辦單位 循環署回收基金管理會 承辦人 鄧涵文 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告-上傳版.pdf 14MB

Circular Design of Regulated Recyclable Containers and Responsible Enterprise Management Project

英文摘要 This project is primarily aimed at exploring the container goods market, collating and integrating insights from experts, scholars, and businesses, as well as evaluating and closely examining the inspection and regulatory frameworks of accountable enterprises. It encompasses a detailed review and modification of the announced regulations and strategies for managing recyclable containers. Additionally, by assembling case studies on eco-friendly designs of container goods from both national and international perspectives, we have formulated guidelines for the environmental design of plastic containers to serve as a reference across all sectors. Initially, we completed amendments to recycling regulations for Plastic Board Packaging, prepared drafts for collection and subsidy rates, and developed the business volume declaration system forms, along with drafting policy advocacy posts. We also continuously support the Resource Recycling Administration in holding related public hearing research meetings to boost the recycling and reuse efficiency of Plastic Board Packaging and achieve the national objectives of reducing plastic use. Moreover, to advance the eco-friendly design of plastic container products, we have revised the electronic book on Environmental-Friendly Design. A letter of intent for collaboration within the Pallet Packaging Recycling Alliance has been signed, assessing the viability of alternative materials and the current state of the recycling system. To advocate for the application of upstream charges on cardboard domestically, we conducted two rounds of interviews with stakeholders in the paper industry chain to gather opinions, import scenarios, and other pertinent information for drafting the cardboard charge proposal. We will continue to assist the Resource Recycling Administration in industry discussions to swiftly develop the new cardboard charge system and related operational plans. Regarding the inspection tasks for the Body Source Emblem (QR code) on disposable paper tableware, we completed surveys of 100 disposable tableware retailers and 50 factories, compiling the findings for the Resource Recycling Administration's review. To guarantee accurate registration, reporting, and payment by businesses responsible for recyclable containers, we submitted a list of 122 potentially unregistered entities, persistently monitoring registration guidance over the last two years and verifying compliance with legal registration requirements. Furthermore, we gathered interpretations and feedback from recycling and processing entities over time, suggested modifications to Table 2's entries, and engaged with relevant bodies and scholarly experts to propose amendment directions, ensuring comprehensive regulatory revisions. An educational training session for unregistered responsible businesses was also organized, with the presentation material made available on the business volume declaration system for responsible businesses and inspectors.
英文關鍵字 Plastic Board Packaging, Environmental-Friendly Design, Body Source Emblem (QR code)