

中文摘要 本研究計畫建立「高風險化學物質之安全替代化學物質搜尋、評估及篩選(Searching, assessment, and screening system for safer alternative chemicals, SAS)診斷模組系統」,基於模組系統架構進行優化,功能包含診斷化學物質危害,建立安全替代建議清單,以利源頭管理化學物質。針對110-111年完成之SAS診斷模組系統,參考國際安全替代評估策略及運算邏輯、化學物質管理法規、危害物質或管制清單,將SAS診斷模組系統進行優化,包含新增模組功能及優化期程。進行SAS診斷模組系統優化作業:包含替代評估運算邏輯更新、擴充安全替代化學物質資料庫、關聯資料庫,以及強化毒理資料不足之補足,使SAS診斷模組系統更加完善。   計畫已完成(1)建立SAS診斷模組系統,並新增功能及優化期程:針對110-111年完成之SAS診斷模組系統,參考國際安全替代評估策略及運算邏輯、化學物質管理法規、危害物質或管制清單,提出SAS診斷模組系統優化建議,包含新增模組功能並進行優化。(2)進行SAS診斷模組系統優化作業:包含替代評估運算邏輯更新、擴充安全替代化學物質資料庫、關聯資料庫,以及強化毒理資料不足之補足,使SAS診斷模組系統更加完善。(3)由化學署測試並系統驗證後,由計畫執行團隊邀請產業及專家試操作蒐集回饋建議,,辦理2場應用教育訓練,以及研析綠色替代診斷模組未來推廣及應用相關預備工作。
中文關鍵字 綠色化學、安全替代、危害資料庫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3970 千元
專案開始日期 2023/07/12 專案結束日期 2023/11/20 專案主持人 曾宇鳳
主辦單位 化學署綜合規劃組 承辦人 蕭寶桂 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112DA023.v2_for_public.pdf 24MB

Development of a Green Chemical Substitution Diagnostic Module and Decision Support Plan (1/4)

英文摘要 This research project focuses on establishing the “Searching, Assessment, and Screening system for Safer Alternative Chemicals (SAS)” diagnostic module system. The system is optimized based on a modular structure, encompassing functions such as diagnosing the hazards of chemical substances, creating a list of safe alternatives, and facilitating the management of chemicals at the source. Due to the international safety assessment strategies, computational logic, chemical regulations, and hazardous substance lists, the SAS diagnostic module system is undergoing optimization, including adding new module functions and improving the schedule.  The optimization operations for the SAS diagnostic module system include updating the computational logic for alternative assessment, expanding the database of safe alternative chemicals, associating databases, and reinforcing data on toxicology where information is insufficient, enhancing the overall completeness of the SAS diagnostic module system.  The project has already accomplished the planning phase, which involved proposing optimization suggestions for the SAS diagnostic module system, considering international safety assessment strategies, computational logic, chemical regulations, and lists of hazardous substances or controlled chemicals. The next phase involves the optimization operations, which include updating the computational logic for alternative assessment, expanding the database of safe alternative chemicals, associating databases, and reinforcing data on toxicology where information is insufficient, ensuring the SAS diagnostic module system becomes more comprehensive.  Finally, the Chemical Substance Bureau will test and systematically verify the optimized SAS diagnostic module system. An artificial intelligence (AI) chemical hazard classification SAS diagnostic module system will also be developed. Feedback and suggestions will be collected through hands-on trials with industry professionals and experts, and continuous optimization of module functions will be pursued. The project will also analyze the future promotion and application of the green alternative diagnostic module, preparing for related activities such as education and training.
英文關鍵字 Green chemistry, Safer alternatives, Database for hazardous chemical