

中文摘要 「112年度屏東縣推動離島源頭減廢專案工作計畫」,計畫執行期程自112年4月1日起至112年12月20日止,統計至12月15日止,以下就工作執行成果進行摘要說明。 本計畫調查掌握琉球鄉53家餐飲業者資料,後續將持續調查已建立完整名單,在巡查41家有店面之餐飲業及2家便利超商之內用餐具使用情形,其中34家落實使用循環餐具,6家業者使用紙製一次性餐具、3家使用塑膠製,經8月1日複查已完成改善。本年度輔導「柔意泰泰餐廳」、「石二屋日式料理餐廳」、「杉吉商行」、「饎庭義式料理」、「肆不惑壽司.丼」及「小山看海藝文園區」等6家餐飲業者,示範內用全使用循環容器、餐具盛裝餐點,不再使用一次性餐具並巡查輔導50家環保旅店業者落實一次用品減量工作,業者皆符合規範。及推動外燴辦桌不使用免洗餐具及塑膠桌布、團體或機關學校辦理活動借用循環餐具供餐等,評估每月可減少21,260套一次性餐具之使用。 在琉行杯共享行動方面,本年度投入4,500個琉行杯、2,500個琉行杯提袋、300個物流箱,並持續承租大鵬灣管理處的琉球遊客中心旁之賣店空間,活化作為琉行杯清洗站,定期檢送清洗後琉行杯,符合衛生管理規範。使用設立飲料店及租借琉行杯LINE群組,店家對系統操作、障礙回報、琉行杯送杯補杯流程皆可上手並提出優化建議,客服與系統端亦經由與各店家的配合過程,更加優化整體系統的運行。持續經營FaceBook琉行杯共享行動粉絲專頁,維持網路話題熱度,並委託8艘交通船播放宣傳影片,讓遊客在規劃登島旅遊、搭乘交通船時即可接收琉行杯相關訊息。統計至12月底琉行杯借杯總數為98,843杯,推估垃圾減量效益約202,628個飲料杯或寶特瓶,減少碳排放量約30,394 kgCO2e (以每瓶600ml瓶裝水可減少150g碳足跡計),以民宿業租借74,263杯為最高,佔整體租借比例75%。 輔導島上「海洋風情渡假旅館」、「好樣的民宿」、「琉夏萊旅店」、「小琉球沙瑪基休閒度假區」及「金寶玉銀樓」等5處旅宿業者及店家,同意提供店家既有之飲水機作為奉茶站,並申請加入奉茶APP,讓在地居民及登島遊憩之旅客方便搜尋位置,平均每月取水量達1,760 L,約可減少2,933個寶特瓶使用量。輔導琉球鄉農會超市、7-ELEVEN 花瓶岩門市、清清琉球寶烘培手工麻花捲、好客多生鮮超市及蜜仔番薯糖等5處,設置「袋袋琉傳」循環共享站,並向琉球鄉居民募集家不再使用之二手袋,提供做為共享之二手袋使用,並持續推動島上業者不免費提供購物用塑膠袋,推估每月一次性購物用塑膠袋削減量約1,210個。輔導「清清琉球寶烘培手工麻花捲」、「寶哥烘炸小琉球麻花捲三民店」、「小琉球真饌海鮮樓」、「小琉球小甜甜手工麻花捲」及「歡喜手工麻花捲」等5家特產品店,提供民眾自備購物袋買十送一之享優惠活動。 媒合全德國民小學推動辦理「校園減廢日」,訂定週三全日不使用各式材質一次性餐具、飲料杯及塑膠吸管、塑膠袋等,由教職員及學生自行攜帶環保餐具及環保杯,本年度共推動辦理30次,推估共計減少3,450個一次性餐盒(具)之使用。並媒合7-ELEVEN花瓶岩門市成為減廢形象概念店,參考「離島便利商店源頭減廢服務設計指引」及琉球鄉在地特色設置綠色商店。完成調查掌握白沙碼頭及公船碼頭運輸生活物資包裝材使用情形。 透過本年度計畫推動,推估琉球鄉每年可減少255,000套餐具、近12,000張塑膠桌布、298,800個飲料杯或寶特瓶及14,000個以上一次性購物用塑膠袋,讓琉球鄉「吃喝玩 琉島不留塑」之願景持續精進。
中文關鍵字 源頭減量、琉行杯共享行動、離島源頭減廢


專案計畫編號 1120314-A 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4988 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/20 專案主持人 陳麗玉
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 洪雅容 執行單位 屏東縣琉球鄉自然人文生態觀光協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度屏東縣推動離島源頭減廢專案工作計畫-已壓縮.pdf 49MB

A Project Plan for Pushing of Waste Reduction at Source in Offshore Islands of Pingtung County in 2023

英文摘要 The execution period of "The Project for Pushing of Waste Reduction at Source in Offshore Islands of Pingtung County in 2023", is from April 1 to December 20, 2023, and the results are collected as of December 15, 2023. The implementation results are summarized and explained as follows. This project has surveyed and mastered the information of 53 catering operators in Liuqiu Township. The task team will continue to survey and establish a complete list catering operators in the future. The task team inspected the use of tableware in 41 catering businesses with physical stores and 2 convenience stores, and 34 of them implemented the use of reusable tableware, 6 operators use disposable tableware made of paper and 3 operators use disposable plastic tableware. After a re-inspection on August 1 of 2023, improvements have been completed. This year, the task team provided guidance to 6 catering operators, including "Rou Yi Thai Restaurant", "Ishijiya Japanese Restaurant", "Sugiyoshi Store", "Yi Ting Italian Cuisine", "Sibuhuo Sushi and Donburi" and "Xiaoshankanhai Art and Cultural Park", and demonstrated the use of reusable containers and tableware to serve meals instead of disposable tableware. The task team also inspected and provided guidance to 50 eco-friendly hotel operators to implement the reduction of disposable supplies, and all operators comply with regulations. The task team also promotes not to use the disposable tableware and plastic tablecloths at catering service, and provide reusable tableware for group or agency and school activities. It is estimated that the use of disposable tableware can be reduced by 21,260 sets per month. In terms of Liuqiu Eco Tumbler sharing activities, this year the task team invested 4,500 Liuqiu Eco Tumblers, 2,500 bags for Liuqiu Eco Tumbler, and 300 logistics boxes, and continued to rent the store space next to the Liuqiu Visitor Center of the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Headquarters to activate as a Liuqiu Eco Tumbler cleaning station. The cleaned Liuqiu Eco Tumblers are regularly sent for inspection, which complies with the "Food Good Hygienic Practices". By using the LINE group setting up for beverage shops to manage the borrowing and returning Liushin Eco Tumblers, store owners can get started with the system operation, troubles reporting, and the process of delivering and replenishing Liuqiu Eco Tumbler and put forward the optimization suggestions. The operation of overall system is more optimized by the communication and cooperation of both the customer service and system sides with each store. The task team continue to operate and update the Liushin Eco Tumbler sharing action Facebook fan page to maintain the topic popularity on the Internet, and subcontracted to play a video ads on 8 transportation boats for promoting the Liuqiu Eco Tumbler Sharing Action, so that tourists can receive related information about the Liuqiu Eco Tumbler when they plan to visit the island and take the transportation boat. By the end of December 2023, the total number of Liushin Eco Tumblers borrowed was 98,843. It is estimated that the waste reduction benefit is about 202,628 beverage cups or PET bottles, and the carbon emission reduction is about 30,394 kgCO2e (based on the carbon footprint reduction of 150 g per bottle of 600 mL bottled water), with the homestay industry renting 74,263 Tumblers as the highest, accounting for 75% of the overall rental ratio. Guiding 5 hotel operators and stores on the island, including "Ocean Style Resort Hotel", "Haohao B&B", "Liuxialai Hotel", "Xiaoliuqiu Shamaki Leisure Resort" and "Jinbao jewellery store", agreed to provide the existing water dispenser in the store serves as a water refill station, and the store has applied to join the water refill APP to allow local residents and tourists visiting the island to easily search for the water refill locations. The average monthly water refill volume reaches 1,760 L, which can reduce the use of approximately 2,933 PET bottles. Provided guidance to five locations including supermarket of Liuqiu Township Farmers’ Association, 7-ELEVEN Huabianyan Store, Qingqing Liuqiu Bao Baked Handmade Twist Rolls, Haokeduo Fresh Supermarket and Honey Sweet Potato Candy to set up "Bag Reuse" circulation sharing stations. The task team also collects second-hand bags that are no longer used by the residents of Liuqiu Township and provides them as shared second-hand bags. Continue to encourage businesses operators in island not to provide free shopping plastic bags. It is estimated that the number of disposable shopping plastic bags per month will be reduced by approximately 1,210 pieces. Tutoring 5 specialty product stores, including "Qingqing Liuqiu Bao Baked Handmade Twist Rolls", "Brother Bao Baked Xiaoliuqiu Twist Rolls Sanmin Store", "Xiaoliuqiu Delicious Seafood Restaurant", "Xiaoliuqiu Xiaotiantian Handmade Twist Rolls" and "Happy Handmade Twist Rolls", offers discounts for customers who bring their own shopping bags to buy 10 and get 1 free. The task team have coordinated with Cyuande Elementary School to promote the "Campus Waste Reduction Day", and stipulated that disposable tableware made of various materials, beverage cups, plastic straws, plastic bags, etc. are not used all day on Wednesday. Staff and students are required to bring their own eco-friendly tableware and reusable cups. This year, a total of 30 times were promoted, and it is estimated that a total of 3,450 disposable lunch boxes (utensils) are reduced. And coordinated with 7-ELEVEN Huabianyan store to become a concept store with a waste reduction image, referring to the "Services Design Guidelines for Waste Reduction at Source for Outlying Island Convenience Stores" and set up green stores with the local characteristics of Liuqiu Township. Complete the survey to master the use of packaging materials for transporting daily necessities at Baisha Pier and public ship terminal. Through the promotion of this plan, it is estimated that a total of 255,000 sets of tableware, nearly 12,000 plastic tablecloths, 298,800 beverage cups or PET bottles, and more than 14,000 disposable shopping plastic bags every year can be reduced in Liuqiu Township, allowing Liuqiu Township to continues to advance the vision of "Eat, Drink and Have Fun but No Plastic Left in Liuqiu Island".
英文關鍵字 Reduction, Liuqiu Eco Tumbler Sharing Action