

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程係由112年2月1日起執行至112年12月31日為止,惟工作項目需於112年11月30日前完成(不包含期末報告修正稿及期末報告定稿),工作項目及執行成果統計至112年11月30日,摘要如下: (一) 水質水量自動監測(視)及連線傳輸設施系統穩定操作: 本計畫每日(機關上班日)確認連線對象連線情形,維持管理連線傳輸設施系統主機設備運作。已針對本縣應設置CWMS的「佛育企業股份有限公司吉林廠」、「中華紙漿股份有限公司台東廠」、「台東水資源回收中心」及「知本水資源回收中心」,其措施說明書及措施確認報告書之審核與現場連線訊號之查核作業,並將查核結果及改善追蹤情形函文至機關備查 (二) 水污染源污染預防管制運作: 本計畫已收受並完成審查107家提出申請,計207件次申請案,各類許可文件尚有1件審查中、5件補件中,自動連續監測報告書尚有2件審查中,總計共有3件審查中、5件案件尚補件中,將持續追蹤案件進度並完成審查,並於許可申請案審查許可現勘完成26家次。另完成111年下半年及第4季之定期檢測申報資料審查作業,並已將成果函文檢送環保局備查。 每月彙整轄內有效期少於6個月且尚未申請展延之各項水許可證(文件)資料,統計至112年11月止,目前應展延而尚未提出申請之對象為5家。 (三) 水污染防治法規落實度品質提升: 統計至11月30日止,已完成214家次巡查作業,完成率100%,依稽查事業別分佈統計以畜牧業為最多、其次為餐飲業、觀光旅館(飯店)、再者為醫院、醫事機構,此三種行業別共佔總稽查數的65%;並完成50家次水質採樣檢測作業,目前已完成水質檢測報告出具之作業,其檢測數據有3家不符合放流水標準。 完成8家次深度查核,查核對象分別為天主教花蓮教區醫療財團法人台東聖母醫院、臺北榮民醫院臺東分院-附設精神病房、富野大飯店股份有限公司台東分公司、旗魚金典商務大飯店股份有限公司、知本水資源回收中心、真合牧場、佛教慈濟醫療財團法人關山慈濟醫院、鹿野鼎開發股份有限公司等8家次。 已完成追蹤111年度執行功能評鑑未改善項目,名遠開發有限公司已規畫申請公共污水下水道納管,事業所產生之廢水將全數納入公共污水下水道系統;而鶴望牧場缺失已全數改善完成。依篩選原則,選定「臺東縣垃圾焚化廠」及「中華紙漿股份有限公司台東廠」2家事業進行本年度功能評鑑作業,已於112年7月10日完成現場評鑑(初評)及採樣作業,112年8月17日偕同專家學者進行現場複評作業,最後於112年8月25日召開受評單位協談會議。 (四) 水質關鍵測站污染削減分析及改善作為 已依據環保署審查意見修正112年度「水污染防治評核」關鍵測站年度具體作為及關鍵績效指標(KPI)。並將於9月及10月底前完成提送112年度「水污染防治評核」成果報告、年度成果摘要、自評表及簡報至機關備查。 (五) 水污染防治費徵收查核及運用成效評估: 水污費徵收資料彙整顯示112年度11201期應申報家數113家,全數均已完成申報,本期申報率100%,總繳納金額共計3,012,398元。協助機關辦理1家業者-賓朗牧場完成水污染防治費申報案件之停徵結算作業,除完成環保署通知111年度水污費申報有疑義之事業進行現場查核作業外,另外增加6家事業單位執行查核作業,總計完成20家次現場查核作業,已彙整查核結果並函送機關備查。 (六) 水環境巡守隊經營管理 本計畫已完成辦理淨溪淨川3場次、增能訓練活動2場次及辦理1場次縣外參訪觀摩活動;完成辦理1場次水環境導覽人員培訓活動。 已於112年3月31日協助辦理112年巡守隊經營輔導會議,針對巡守隊志工運作提出相關提案,經主席及現場與會隊長討論予以辦理。已完成協助水環境巡守隊通報案件33件及清除作業。 已協助本縣執行地面水體垃圾攔除作業,並將執行作業成果於次月10日前上網填報於「地面水體垃圾攔除管理系統」,目前分數累計取得93分。 (七) 生活污水污染削減作業: 本年度於112年6月18日搭配「世界海洋日」進行設攤宣導生活污水削減。 (八)推動環保許可整合計畫 本計畫已輔導佛教慈濟醫療財團法人關山慈濟醫院、灝業採石場、臺北榮⺠總醫院臺東分院、臺北榮⺠總醫院臺東分院-附設精神病房、顥堅有限公司東欣廠、東基醫療財團法⼈台東基督教醫院、台灣基督⻑老教會⾺偕醫療財團法⼈台東⾺偕紀念醫院、陽宸企業有限公司、上勇開發有限公司及綠⽯環保資源股份有限公司等10家自願業者完成空、水、廢、毒(關注)化物污染流向圖之繪製作業。另分別針對天主教花蓮教區醫療財團法人台東聖母醫院、知本水資源回收中心、瑞晟砂石有限公司、凱旋星光酒店股份有限公司-凱旋星光酒店、大潤發流通事業股份有限公司台東分公司、新義群實業股份有限公司、益源砂石有限公司、鹿原砂石場等8家進行污染流向圖之修正確認作業。 (九)推動畜牧廢水氨氮回收推動計畫: 本計畫完成辦理2場次大場帶小場或集中處理場政策宣導說明會、1場次農牧媒合說明會、1加強沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫展延推動範圍畜牧業原廢水採樣13家次及畜牧業申請放流水資源再利用後續追蹤輔導22家次。此外,完成26家次沼液沼渣施灌情形查核,並協助其完成定期監測之採樣分析及申報作業。 (十)其他配合辦理事項: 配合機關指示出席相關會議或訓練21場次;協助機關進行水質測站定期採樣作業。
中文關鍵字 水污染、水污費、河川考核、水環境巡守隊、畜牧糞尿資源化使用


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5390 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳均毓 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度臺東縣水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核暨巡守隊經營管理暨畜牧廢水氨氮回收推動暨推動環保許可整合計畫-期末報告(定稿).pdf 28MB

Taitung County promotes environmental permit integration plan in 2012

英文摘要 The implementation period of this plan is from February 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, but the work projects need to be completed before November 30, 2020 (excluding the revised version of the final report and the final version of the final report). The statistics of work projects and execution results are as of November 30, 2020. The summary is as follows: (1) Stable operation of automatic monitoring (monitoring) of water quality and quantity and connected transmission facilities system: This project confirms the connection status of the connected objects every day (the agency is working) and maintains the operation of the host equipment of the management connection transmission facility system. Measures have been taken for the "Jilin Factory of Buddhist Education Enterprise Co., Ltd.", "Taitung Factory of China Pulp Co., Ltd.", "Taitung Water Recycling Center" and "Zhiben Water Recycling Center" that should set up CWMS in this county. Review the instructions and measures confirmation report and check the on-site connection signal, and send a letter of the check results and improvement tracking status to the agency for reference (2) Water pollution source pollution prevention and control operations: This project has accepted and completed the review of 107 applications, totaling 207 applications. There are still 1 application under review and 5 supplements for various types of license documents. There are still 2 automatic continuous monitoring reports under review, totaling A total of 3 cases are under review and 5 cases are pending. We will continue to track the progress of the cases and complete the review, and 26 current inspections have been completed during the review of license applications. In addition, the review of periodic testing declaration data for the second half of 2011 and the fourth quarter of 2011 has been completed, and the results have been submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau for review. Data on various water licenses (documents) within the jurisdiction that are valid for less than 6 months and have not yet been applied for extension are compiled every month. The statistics are as of November 2020. Currently, there are 5 companies that should be extended but have not yet applied. (3) Improving the quality of implementation of water pollution prevention and control regulations: As of November 30, 214 inspections have been completed, with a completion rate of 100%. According to the distribution of inspection industries, animal husbandry is the largest, followed by catering industry, tourist hotels (restaurants), and then hospitals and medical services. Institutions, these three industries accounted for 65% of the total number of audits; 50 water quality sampling and testing operations have been completed. Currently, the issuance of water quality testing reports has been completed, and the testing data of 3 companies did not meet the water discharge standards. Completed 8 in-depth inspections, including the Catholic Diocese of Hualien Medical Foundation Taitung Our Lady’s Hospital, Taipei Veterans Hospital Taitung Branch-Attached Psychiatric Ward, Fuye Hotel Co., Ltd. Taitung Branch, Sailfish Golden Business Hotel Hotel Co., Ltd., Zhiben Water Recycling Center, Zhenhe Ranch, Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital, Luye Ding Development Co., Ltd., etc. The tracking of unimproved projects in the 111th annual execution function evaluation has been completed. Mingyuan Development Co., Ltd. has planned to apply for public sewage sewer management. All wastewater generated by the business will be included in the public sewage sewer system; and all deficiencies in Hewang Ranch have been improved. . Based on the screening principle, two enterprises, "Taitung County Waste Incineration Plant" and "China Pulp Co., Ltd. Taitung Plant" were selected to conduct this year's functional evaluation operation. The on-site evaluation (preliminary evaluation) was completed on July 10, 2012. and sampling operations, on August 17, 2012, together with experts and scholars, we conducted on-site re-evaluation operations, and finally held a negotiation meeting for the evaluated units on August 25, 2012. (4) Analysis and improvement measures on pollution reduction at key water quality measuring stations The annual specific actions and key performance indicators (KPIs) of key measuring stations in the 112-year "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Assessment" have been revised based on the Environmental Protection Agency's review opinions. The 112-year "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Assessment" results report, annual results summary, self-evaluation form and presentation will be completed and submitted to the agency for reference by September and the end of October. (5) Water pollution prevention and control fee collection review and application effectiveness evaluation: The collection of water and sewage fee collection data shows that there are 113 households that should declare for the 11201 period in 2012, and all of them have completed the declaration. The declaration rate for this period is 100%, and the total payment amount is 3,012,398 yuan. Assisted the agency to handle the suspension and settlement of water pollution prevention and control fee declaration cases for one operator - Binlang Ranch. In addition to completing the on-site inspection of enterprises with doubtful water and sewage fee declarations notified by the Environmental Protection Agency in 111, 6 additional institutions were added The inspection work was carried out and a total of 20 on-site inspections were completed. The inspection results were summarized and sent to the agency for reference. (6) Operation and management of water environment patrol team This plan has completed 3 sessions of cleaning streams and rivers, 2 sessions of energy-enhancing training activities and 1 out-of-county visit and observation activity; completed 1 training session for water environment guides. Assisted in handling the 112-year patrol team management guidance meeting on March 31, 2012, and put forward relevant proposals for the volunteer operation of the patrol team, which were discussed and handled by the chairman and on-site captains. It has completed assisting the water environment patrol team in reporting 33 cases and clearing them up. It has assisted the county in the implementation of surface water body garbage interception operations, and the implementation results will be reported online in the "Ground Water Body Garbage Interception Management System" before the 10th of the following month. The current score has reached a total of 93 points. (7) Domestic sewage pollution reduction operations: This year, a stall will be set up to promote the reduction of domestic sewage on June 18, 2020, in conjunction with World Oceans Day. (8) Promote environmental licensing integration plan This project has assisted the Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital, Haoye Quarry, Taipei Jung⺠ General Hospital Taitung Branch, Taipei Jung⺠ General Hospital Taitung Branch - Attached Psychiatric Ward, Hao Jian Co., Ltd. Dongxin Factory, Dongji Medical Foundation Taitung Christian Hospital, Taiwan Christian Elders Medical Foundation Taitung Kaikai Memorial Hospital, Yangchen Enterprise Co., Ltd., Shangyong Development Co., Ltd. and Green Stone Environmental Protection Resources Co., Ltd. Wait for 10 voluntary operators to complete the drawing of air, water, waste, and toxic (concern) chemical pollution flow maps. In addition, we targeted the Catholic Diocese of Hualien Medical Foundation Taitung Notre Dame Hospital, Zhiben Water Recycling Center, Ruisheng Sand and Gravel Co., Ltd., Triumph Starlight Hotel Co., Ltd.-Triumph Starlight Hotel, RT-Mart Distribution Co., Ltd. Taitung Branch, Eight companies, including Xinyiqun Industrial Co., Ltd., Yiyuan Sand and Gravel Co., Ltd., and Luyuan Sand and Gravel Yard, are revising and confirming pollution flow maps. (9) Promotion plan for ammonia nitrogen recovery from livestock wastewater: This plan has completed 2 large-scale farm and small farm or centralized processing site policy publicity briefings, 1 agricultural and animal husbandry matching briefing, 1 strengthening of biogas slurry and biogas residue farmland fertilizer use plan extension to promote the scope of animal husbandry principles 13 households were sampled for wastewater, and 22 households in the livestock industry were provided with follow-up follow-up guidance for applying for water release and reuse. In addition, we completed inspections on the irrigation status of 26 secondary biogas slurry and biogas residues, and assisted them in completing regular monitoring sampling analysis and reporting operations. (10) Other cooperation matters: Cooperated with the agency's instructions to attend 21 relevant meetings or training sessions; assisted the agency in conducting regular sampling operations at water quality measuring stations.
英文關鍵字 Water pollution, water and sewage fees, river assessment, water environment patrol team, resource utilization of livestock manure