中文摘要 | 本計畫共完成三項主要目標:一、建立臺灣水域浮游動物顯微鏡原色圖冊。編輯397個含物種最新分類位階及科學描述的頁面,使用1,359張顯微鏡下拍攝之原色照片,其中共囊括了20個動物門,包含從潮間帶到大洋中表層水域及陸地開闊水域常見的浮游動物形態、生活史、發育階段等各種變化。後續透過專業美術編輯,將圖文以最精彩方式呈現,編印成約448頁之精裝圖鑑,預期本圖冊能成為未來檢測浮游動物之重要工具書之一,或許未來能更進一步建立電子資料庫來與國際接軌。二、邀集國內相關領域專家學者研議中英文名稱使用之一致性,並評估將太過繁雜及變動快速之次要分類位階簡略。三、取得流動影像掃瞄之照片1,020張,並測試AI之辨識能力,評估未來推展AI設備應用在浮游動物辨識之可行性與可能面臨的問題。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 浮游動物、環境風險評估、淨零政策 |
專案計畫編號 | NERA044112005 | 經費年度 | 112 | 計畫經費 | 2850 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2023/04/21 | 專案結束日期 | 2023/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 王凱霆 |
主辦單位 | 國環院檢測技術中心 | 承辦人 | 金孝義 | 執行單位 | 月牙商業設計有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 00_期末審查報告核定版1121218.pdf | 8MB |
Establishment of environmental risk assessment with bioindicator in net-zero policy- Zooplankton
英文摘要 | This project has completed three main goals: First, we established atlas of zooplankton with microscopic photos of fresh zooplankton sample from waters of Taiwan. 397 pages were compiled with latest taxonomic and scientific description of the species. 1,359 pho-tos of fresh zooplankton sample taken under microscope were used. This included com-mon zooplankton species from a total of 20 animal phyla. With different morphologies, life history, and developmental stages. The habitats range from intertidal to epi- and mes-opelagic zone in ocean, and open freshwater bodies on land. Subsequently, photos and texts were presented in the most brilliant way through professional art editing. Then, compiled into a hardcover atlas of approximately 448 pages. It is expected that the atlas will become one of the important reference books for identification of zooplankton. An electronic database may be further established to make it available to the international community. Secondly, we aggregated Taiwanese experts in relevant fields to discuss the consistency of the use of terms in Chinese and English. And evaluated the simplification of secondary taxonomic ranks as they are too complicated and change occasionally. Final-ly, we collected 1,020 photos from scanner and tested the accuracy of automated classifi-cation. Then, evaluated the feasibility and potential obstacles of expanding the use of au-tomated classification of zooplankton in the future. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Zooplankton、Environmental risk assessment、net-zero carbon emissions |