

中文摘要 「懸浮微粒物質災害」係指因事故或氣象因素使懸浮微粒物質大量產生或大氣濃度升高,導致空氣品質指標(Air Quality Index,AQI)大於400,或造成人民健康重大危害者。本計畫目的係以健全懸浮微粒物質災害防救體制為基礎,各級主管機關從預防、整備、應變及善後等各階段工作做好平時懸浮微粒物質防制工作,降低環境生態衝擊。當懸浮微粒物質災害發生時,以良好之防救組織,於短時間內削減災情,降低懸浮微粒物質對健康、環境、經濟及社會面造成之負面衝擊,減輕災害損失,以確保人民生命、身體、財產之安全。 懸浮微粒物質災害防救著重於相關污染源管制,以主動防減災措施,降低大氣中懸浮微粒物質的濃度,並於災害發生時盡速採行就地避難及減少暴露,與其他災害需要大量救災人力與物資動員之緊急應變作業型態不同,且非單一部門所能解決,為加強本次演練與其他單位間之橫向聯繫狀況,並落實執行災害防救法,推動「災害防救演習規劃與評估」機制,強化災害防救整備業務,督導中央災害防救業務主管機關及地方政府合作協調機制,勾稽各中央災害防救業務計畫與地區災害防救計畫,並驗證整體計畫之可操作性,強化災害防救演習與災害應變之能量。依據行政院災害防救辦公室訂定「112年災害防救演習綱要計畫」及環境部「112年懸浮微粒物質災害防救演習實施計畫」辦理本次演練。
中文關鍵字 懸浮微粒、天然災害、演練


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 698.5 千元
專案開始日期 2023/07/05 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 江政祿
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 巫素專 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 演練成果報告書.pdf 25MB 成果報告書

Changhua County Project for contingency drill atmospheric particulate matter disaster in 2023

英文摘要 "Suspended particulate matter disaster" refers to the large-scale production of suspended particulate matter or the increase in atmospheric concentration due to accidents or meteorological factors, causing the air quality index (Air Quality Index, AQI) to be greater than 400, or causing major harm to people's health. The purpose of this plan is to improve the suspended particulate matter disaster prevention and rescue system as the basis. Competent authorities at all levels will carry out daily prevention and control of suspended particulate matter from various stages of prevention, preparation, response and aftermath, so as to reduce the impact on the environment and ecology. When a suspended particulate matter disaster occurs, a good prevention and rescue organization will be used to reduce the disaster in a short time, reduce the negative impact of suspended particulate matter on health, environment, economy and society, reduce disaster losses, and ensure people's lives and health. , property security. Suspended particulate matter disaster prevention and rescue focuses on the control of relevant pollution sources, taking proactive disaster prevention and mitigation measures to reduce the concentration of suspended particulate matter in the atmosphere, and taking shelter in place as soon as possible when a disaster occurs to reduce exposure. Unlike other disasters, which require a large amount of disaster relief manpower It is different from the emergency response operation type of material mobilization, and cannot be solved by a single department. In order to strengthen the horizontal connection between this exercise and other units, and to implement the Disaster Prevention and Protection Law, the "Disaster Prevention and Protection Exercise Planning and Evaluation" ” mechanism to strengthen the disaster prevention and preparation business, supervise the cooperation and coordination mechanism between the central disaster prevention and rescue business authorities and local governments, coordinate the central disaster prevention and rescue business plans and regional disaster prevention and rescue plans, and verify the operability of the overall plan nature, and strengthen the capacity of disaster prevention and rescue drills and disaster response. This drill was conducted in accordance with the "112-year Disaster Prevention and Rescue Drill Outline Plan" formulated by the Office of Disaster Prevention and Protection of the Executive Yuan and the "112-year Suspended Particulate Matter Disaster Prevention and Rescue Drill Implementation Plan" of the Ministry of Environment.
英文關鍵字 atmospheric particulate matter, natural disaster, drill