

中文摘要 摘 要 計 畫 名 稱:112年度嘉義縣事業廢棄物稽查管制計畫 辦 理 機 關:嘉義縣環境保護局 執 行 單 位:展立工程顧問股份有限公司 計畫主持人:陳政泰 計 畫 經 理:劉奕君 計 畫 期 程:112年1月1日至112年12月31日止 摘 要 內 容: 為落實事業廢棄物管制工作,促使業者依法妥善進行貯存清除處理行為並符合申報要求,嘉義縣環境保護局特辦理「112年度嘉義縣事業廢棄物稽查管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),藉由審查、勾稽、查核輔導及辦理宣導說明會等各項工作之推動,以強化轄內事業負責人、申報人及受託清理人對環保法規之認知及落實自廠事業廢棄物流向管制,可健全本縣事業廢棄物申報及管理系統基線資料庫之正確性及合法性,自112年1月1日開始計畫人員進駐環保局協助執行相關工作,截至112年11月30日止期間完成辦理執行情形如下: 一、 健全本縣事業廢棄物管制系統資料庫事業基線資料之完整性與正確性 (一)清查、確認及更新公告列管之事業、再利用機構共計1,145家,而現場查核事業機構、再利用機構、營建工程以及畜牧場共計1089家,已告發55家(告發率5.01 %)。 (二)本計畫已完成辦理事業廢棄物相關許可審理,事業廢棄物清理計畫書審查完畢家數共計410家,公告之行業別分類以營造業最多,其次為金屬製品製造業,平均審查天數16天,低於法規規定,另再利用機構檢核共審查9件,經由各項輔導管制措施,清理計畫書平均送審率為98.1%,通過率為97.5% (統計至112年11月30日止)。 二、 執行本縣轄內公民營廢棄物清除、處理、再利用、自行清除及共同清除處理處理之查報及管理工作 (一)公民營清除、處理許可(含廢食用油工作證)審查73件,其中已變更申請案最多,其次為變更/展延,而車輛GPS審驗45件等,總收辦審查件數達118件,各類案件皆已審查完成並鍵入環保署管制系統,符合計畫預定期程,本計畫目前仍依實際量進行審查並持續受理申請案件。 (二)為有效提升審查作業行政效率及營造業之管制,本計畫去年度新增LINE官方帳號,其功能如下:1.即時傳遞清除處理機或宣導相關法令訊息。2.線上提醒業者上網申報。3.可同步發送訊息或分組發送訊息及單獨回應,業者提問只有管理員可接受訊息,其他機構人員無法接收訊息。 今年度清除處理機構每月營運紀錄申報作業均如期完成申報,告發家數為零,顯見藉由LINE官方定期推撥有效提升管理管制。 三、 追蹤調查本縣轄內非法棄置場址廢棄物之數量及變化 (一)為防範各種廢棄物非法棄置之可能,執行取締非法棄置廢棄物聯合稽查計畫執行(易)非法棄置地點巡查及攔檢載運廢棄物、剩餘土石方貨卡車,共計執行車輛取締聯合稽查執行30次及每雙月巡查高潛勢遭棄置地點和一般熱點區域巡查作業棄置點。 (二)另本計畫於今年度透過GPS監控系統,針對列管GPS清運車輛進行行車監控,以落實追蹤事業廢棄物清理流向管制之目的;另配合環保局執行行政工作包含定期彙整更新各清理進度及定期更新環保稽查處分管制系統(EEMS)與非法棄置管理系統資料庫(WDMS)。本計畫各工作項皆依期程執行,並適時提供環保局相關管理策略規畫及建議,提供環保局於未來執行事業廢棄物管理政策上之參考。 四、 推動事業廢棄物源頭減量,以落實循環經濟相關工作 針對深度及高風險事業廢棄物流向查核結果,自112年1月1日至11月30日,協助辦理本縣列管事業深度稽查作業,已辦理本縣列管事業深度稽查作業,共計55家次,其中有31家違反法規行為屬實,逕行告發,後續本局亦持續複查輔導業者完成改善。 五、 戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統 針對環保署「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」中符合特定條件建築物,通知屋主該建築物含石綿建材情形及應注意事項,並建立列管追蹤機制,截至112年11月30日止,本計畫已調查含石綿建材建築物共276件次。 六、 協助達成保護署對本縣廢棄物管制相關作業之績效考評 依據廢棄物相關法規及政策,積極協助環保局達成廢棄物管制等績效考評,同時本計畫皆定期彙整事業廢棄物管制之相關公告及法令訊息並發佈於嘉義縣環境保護局網站,以提供民眾閱覽最新資訊。 七、 行政支援配合事項 本計畫在執行期間派駐人員之人力素質、行政配合、上下班時間、假日活動及教育訓練等,皆依照契約內容辦理,每月則彙整該月之執行成果提送環保局審查。配合嘉義縣廢棄物相關管理事項、環保署相關公告及環保時事輿情議題。 總結執行成果,本計畫執行內容屬於行政協助之性質,多數工作內容為行政作業之前置工作,如許可審查、申報勾稽、輔導改善、研擬申報程序及預估績效考核等工作,皆已配合嘉義縣環境保護局實行,本計畫考量地方環保局經費有限,惟因業務複雜繁重,故在有限之人力及經費下,已充分運用各項人力資源配合環保局作業,以達成順利執行本計畫之目標。
中文關鍵字 事業廢棄物、源頭管制、深度稽查、非法棄置、科技執法、石綿建材廢棄物、統計分析


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4000 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 陳政泰
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃信翔 執行單位 展立工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度嘉義縣事廢期末報告(定稿).pdf 26MB 期末報告

112th Chiayi County Asbestos Building Material Waste Removal and Treatment Plan

英文摘要 In order to implement the control of industrial waste and encourage operators to properly carry out storage, removal and disposal in accordance with the law and meet the reporting requirements, the Chiayi County Environmental Protection Bureau has specially implemented the "112th Annual Chiayi County Industrial Waste Audit and Control Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the plan). Through the promotion of various tasks such as reviews, audits, audit coaching, and publicity briefings, we will strengthen the understanding of environmental protection laws and regulations among business leaders, applicants, and authorized clean-ups within our jurisdiction, and implement waste flow control from our own factories. , which can improve the accuracy and legality of the baseline database of the county's industrial waste declaration and management system. Starting from January 1, 2020, planning personnel will be stationed in the Environmental Protection Bureau to assist in the implementation of relevant work. During the period ending on November 30, 2020 The execution status of completed processing is as follows: 1. Improve the completeness and accuracy of the business baseline data in the county’s business waste control system database (1) A total of 1,145 enterprises and recycling institutions were inventoried, confirmed and updated, and a total of 1,089 enterprises, recycling institutions, construction projects and livestock farms were inspected on-site, and 55 enterprises were reported (reporting rate 5.01%) . (2) This plan has completed the review of business waste-related licenses. A total of 410 companies have reviewed business waste cleanup plans. The construction industry is the most announced industry classification, followed by the metal products manufacturing industry, with an average review The number of days is 16 days, which is lower than the regulations. In addition, a total of 9 cases were reviewed by the reuse agency. Through various guidance and control measures, the average submission rate of cleanup plans was 98.1%, and the pass rate was 97.5% (statistics as of November 2020 until 30 days). 2. Carry out the inspection and management of private waste removal, treatment, reuse, self-removal and joint removal and treatment within the county's jurisdiction (1) There were 73 private removal and processing permits (including waste cooking oil work permits) reviewed, of which the largest number of applications had been changed, followed by changes/extensions, and there were 45 vehicle GPS inspections, etc., and the General Collection Office reviewed 118 cases. , all types of cases have been reviewed and entered into the Environmental Protection Agency's control system, in line with the planned schedule of the project. This project is still reviewing based on the actual volume and continues to accept application cases. (2) In order to effectively improve the administrative efficiency of review operations and the control of the construction industry, this project added an official LINE account last year, with the following functions: 1. Real-time transmission of cleanup processing or promotion of relevant legal information. 2. Online reminders for businesses to declare online. 3. Messages can be sent synchronously or in groups and responded individually. Only administrators can accept messages when asked by the industry, and other agency staff cannot receive messages. This year, the monthly operation record reporting work of the removal processing agency was completed as scheduled, and the number of reports was zero. It is obvious that management and control have been effectively improved through regular recommendation by LINE officials. 3. Track and investigate the quantity and changes of waste at illegally dumped sites within the county’s jurisdiction (1) In order to prevent the possibility of illegal disposal of various wastes, implement a joint inspection plan to ban illegally abandoned wastes. (Easy) Inspect illegal disposal sites and intercept trucks carrying waste and remaining earth and stone, and conduct joint inspections to ban vehicles in total. Conduct 30 and bimonthly inspections of high-potential disposal sites and inspections of operational disposal sites in general hotspot areas. (2) In addition, this plan will use the GPS monitoring system this year to monitor the movement of GPS-managed cleaning vehicles to implement the purpose of tracking the cleanup flow control of industrial waste; it will also cooperate with the Environmental Protection Bureau to perform administrative work, including regular compilation Update the clean-up progress and regularly update the Environmental Protection Audit and Punishment Control System (EEMS) and the Illegal Disposal Management System Database (WDMS). Each work item of this plan is implemented according to the schedule, and relevant management strategy planning and suggestions are provided to the Environmental Protection Bureau in a timely manner, providing a reference for the Environmental Protection Bureau in implementing industrial waste management policies in the future. 4. Promote source reduction of business waste to implement circular economy-related work In view of the results of in-depth and high-risk enterprise waste flow direction inspections, from January 1st to November 30th, 2020, we assisted in the in-depth inspection of the listed enterprises in the county. A total of 55 in-depth inspections of the listed enterprises in the county have been completed. This time, 31 of them had serious violations of laws and regulations and reported them directly. Subsequently, the Bureau continued to review and coach the operators to complete improvements. 5. Spatial distribution management system for outdoor asbestos-containing building materials For buildings that meet specific conditions in the "Spatial Distribution Management System of Outdoor Asbestos-Containing Building Materials" of the Environmental Protection Agency, the owner will be notified of the situation of the building containing asbestos-containing building materials and matters that should be paid attention to, and a management and tracking mechanism will be established as of November 30, 2020. To date, this project has investigated a total of 276 buildings containing asbestos building materials. 6. Assist in achieving the performance evaluation of the County’s waste control-related operations by the Conservation Department In accordance with waste-related laws and policies, we actively assist the Environmental Protection Bureau in achieving waste control and other performance evaluations. At the same time, this plan regularly compiles relevant announcements and legal information on industrial waste control and publishes it on the Chiayi County Environmental Protection Bureau website to provide People read the latest information. 7. Administrative support and coordination matters During the implementation period of this project, the human resources quality, administrative cooperation, commuting hours, holiday activities, education and training, etc. of the personnel stationed there will all be handled in accordance with the contract content. Each month, the implementation results of that month will be compiled and submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau for review. Cooperate with Chiayi County’s waste management matters, relevant announcements from the Environmental Protection Agency, and current public opinion issues on environmental protection. Summarizing the implementation results, the implementation content of this plan is of the nature of administrative assistance. Most of the work content is pre-administrative work, such as permit review, application review, guidance and improvement, study of application procedures and estimated performance appraisal, etc., all have been completed In conjunction with the implementation of the Chiayi County Environmental Protection Bureau, this plan takes into account the limited funds of the local Environmental Protection Bureau. However, due to the complexity and heavy workload, various human resources have been fully utilized to cooperate with the Environmental Protection Bureau's operations within the limited manpower and funds to achieve the smooth implementation of this plan. The goal of the plan.
英文關鍵字 Industrial waste, source control, in-depth inspection, illegal disposal, technological law enforcement, asbestos building materials waste, statistical analysis