

中文摘要 本計畫依工作目標劃分為「彙整國內外沼渣飼料化發展趨勢及情形」、「示範場域辦理沼渣飼料化培養試驗作業」及「建立畜牧場沼渣飼料化之技術」等三項重點。本研究先蒐羅國內外文獻並加以彙整,完成「國內外沼渣飼料化發展趨勢及情形」報告一式,後於宜蘭縣擇定畜牧場及水產養殖場各一場,辦理沼渣飼料化培養水產餌料生物之模場規模試驗,並藉由實驗室規模試驗建立沼渣飼料化培養水產餌料生物之技術。 經5個月模場規模試驗數據收集,結果顯示培養環境需避免陽光直射,不使藻類大量增生以免水質惡化,於開始培養3週後即可觀察到赤蟲活動,最大數量可達17.5隻/公升。實驗室規模試驗則發現控溫25℃下,添加2倍紅蟲濕重之沼渣才可滿足紅蟲5天所需之食物,而每公克紅蟲每天可以消化約9.8毫克之沼渣乾重。沼渣和水產餌料生物經成分分析後可得知,沼渣中所含之鎘和鉛超過法規標準,無法直接當成飼料餵食水產動物,但以沼渣培養之水產餌料生物則無此問題,可直接應用於水產飼料。最後經計算得知,以沼渣培養水產餌料生物取代堆肥處理,可達70.0~81.5%減碳效益。 依據本計畫初步成果建議未來在水產養殖場進行沼渣飼養紅蟲或是赤蟲,應考量養殖池遮陰設施,避免養殖池因過度陽光曝曬,除使水溫過高外,亦無法使紅蟲或赤蟲可以在較陰涼的場域生長與繁殖。
中文關鍵字 沼渣,飼料,紅蟲


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3460 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/16 專案結束日期 2023/12/15 專案主持人 蘇忠楨
主辦單位 循環署循環處理組 承辦人 倪永婷 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告2023.12.22.pdf 5MB

Converting Digestate Fiber into Feed: Technology Development and Demonstration Site Establishment Project

英文摘要 This project is divided into three key objectives: "Compilation of Domestic and International Trends and Situations in the Development of Converting Livestock Digestate Fiber into Feeds," "Demonstration Site for the Cultivation of Fish Food Organism from Digestate Fiber," and "Establishment of Technology for the Cultivation of Fish Food Organism from Digestate Fiber." The study first collects and summarizes domestic and international literature to complete a report on the trends and situations in the development of converting livestock digestate fiber into feeds. Afterward, a specific livestock farm and an aquaculture facility were selected in Yilan County to conduct pilot-scale trials for cultivating red fish food organisms using digestate fiber. Additionally, laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to establish the technology for cultivating red fish food organisms using digestate fiber. Data collected from the five-month pilot-scale trial indicated that the cultivation environment should avoid direct sunlight to prevent excessive algae growth, which could deteriorate water quality. Chironomidae larvae activity could be observed three weeks after the start of cultivation, with a maximum population of 17.5 individuals per liter. Laboratory-scale experiments found that at a controlled temperature of 25°C, adding double the wet weight of sludge worms in livestock slurry could provide enough food for the sludge worms for at least five days. Each gram of sludge worms could digest approximately 9.8 milligrams of dry-weight livestock digestate fiber. Chemical analysis of the digestate fiber and fish food organisms revealed that the digestate fiber contained cadmium and lead over regulatory standards and couldn't be used directly as feed for aquaculture. However, when fish food organisms were cultivated using digestate fiber, this issue was avoided, and they could be used directly in aquaculture feed. Finally, it was calculated that replacing composting with the cultivation of red bait feed organisms using livestock slurry could achieve a carbon reduction benefit of 70.0% to 81.5%. Based on the preliminary results of this project, it is recommended that future cultivation of sludge worms or chironomidae larvae using sludge in aquaculture ponds should consider the installation of shading facilities. This helps prevent excessive sunlight exposure in the cultivation ponds. In addition to avoiding elevated water temperatures caused by sunlight, it also allows sludge worms or chironomidae larvae to thrive and reproduce in cooler environments.
英文關鍵字 Digestate Fiber, Feed, Sludge Worm