

中文摘要 為更有效掌握現地採樣狀況,以及樣品自採樣至檢測之流向,106年至110年依據法令規定及訪談檢測機構業務執行方式,建置了「環境檢測樣品履歷管理資訊系統」(以下簡稱TSM系統)。 本計畫持續維護營運111年1月甫上線的TSM系統,並精進系統各申請、審核流程與功能,包含行程優化行程申報變更之申請審核、採樣儀器設備及空品車異動之申請審核、系統申報流程及現地管理機制等作業功能,亦配合使用者需求進行調整及改善。 另因環境檢測樣品履歷管理資訊系統管理全國依環保相關法規所進行之採樣檢測相關過程與資料,系統持續介接、供應環保署各業務系統之資料,並建置相關比對勾稽功能,以利主管機關查核管理。 考量系統上線後,系統會隨著使用者之需求進行調修,因此辦理兩場次國家環境研究院管理端功能說明會,辦理三場次檢測機構系統操作說明會,讓使用者儘速熟悉系統功能操作。計畫執行期間亦提供客服諮詢服務及更新操作手冊供使用者下載查閱。 透過上述成果,同時針對系統每周至少進行一次系統維護並落實資訊安全維護,確保資料正確性及完整性,達到強化環境採樣檢驗品質管理之成效。
中文關鍵字 檢測機構管理、行程申報、環境檢驗


專案計畫編號 NERA054112037 經費年度 112 計畫經費 195 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/05 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 林佳玉
主辦單位 國環院檢測認證中心 承辦人 白慧芬 執行單位 環輿科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 11月定期檢討會議報告(完整版).pdf 18MB

The Adjustment and Maintenance of Traceable Environmental Sample Resume Management System, 2023

英文摘要 From 2017 to 2021, in accordance with laws and regulations, with interviewing accredited laboratories, Traceable Environmental Sample Resume Management System (TSM) has been established in order to control effectively the situation of sampling and the trend of sample. This project continues maintaining TSM that was launch in January 2022, and improves the functions of the system including optimizing the application or review for modification of schedule declaration, sampling instruments, air quality monitoring cars, and etc., also adjusts according to user need. In addition, Traceable Environmental Sample Resume Management System manages the process and data related to sampling and testing in accordance with environmental protection laws, the system continues interfacing and supplying the data of the various systems of the Environmental Protection Agency, and establishes relevant comparison functions to facilitate inspection for management. Considering that after the system was launched, the system will be adjusted according to the user need. Provided 2 session of the management function explanation meeting for National Environmental Research Academy and 3 sessions of function explanation meeting for accredited laboratories so that users can familiarize the system. Through the above achievements, at the same time, system maintenance is carried out for the system at least once a week and information security maintenance is implemented to ensure the correctness and integrity of the data, and achieve the effect of strengthening the quality management of environmental sampling inspection.
英文關鍵字 Accredited Laboratories Management, Schedule Declaration, Environmental Analysis