

中文摘要 本計畫起始日為112年4月28日,計畫履約期限為112年11月30日,今年度已媒合30家優先推動沼渣沼液作為農地肥分使用計畫,並完成提送30場沼液沼渣作為農地肥分申請書至農業局進行審查,其中28家為養豬場、2家為養牛場。且有7家位處本轄流域關鍵測站上游(佔整體33%),合計施灌面積為17.05公頃,施灌量為29,545公噸。 112年度已輔導通過隆豐畜牧場、大成長城-南廍畜牧場、慶耀畜牧場、上豪牧場、王將種畜牧場、金宏畜牧場、永年畜牧場、春泉畜牧場、統群畜牧場、振興畜牧場及林錦婕畜牧場等17家畜牧場申請放流水回收澆灌。 於8月後辦理說明會,並於8月共辦理兩場法規說明會,會中發放畜牧業者初步意願調查及滿意度調查表,讓畜牧業及農民勾選是否願意進行畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣農地肥分之使用,會後由工作人員進行意願調查統計,並針對有意願之畜牧業及農民進一步由專人聯繫進行現勘評估現場狀況,如符合條件者將由專人媒合畜牧戶及農戶進行畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣農地肥分使用申請,三場法規說明會合計205人次出席。 112年度地下水示範戶監測為111家畜牧場,土壤示範戶監測為111家畜牧場,施灌農地區域地下水水質背景值檢測作業,應包含導電度、銨態氮(NH4+-N)或氨氮等項目,以及地下水井資料(座標/地號/井深),而施灌農地土壤品質背景值檢測作業,應包含土壤飽和萃取液導電度、銅、鋅等項目,及土壤質地,並及採樣位置資訊(座標/地號),截至11月18日已完成111家示範戶(204點次),土壤品質監測作業,已採集204筆土壤其中已取得204筆監測報告。已出具監測報告之監測結果顯示,土壤重金屬—銅(Cu)皆符合或低於「土壤污染監測標準(食用作物農地)85%之限值」:102 mg/kg,平均值為11.4mg/kg、最大值為40.2mg/kg、最小值為0.97 mg/kg;土壤重金屬—鋅(Zn)皆符合或低於「土壤污染監測標準(食用作物農地)85%之限值」:221mg/kg,平均值為77.36 mg/kg、最大值為209mg/kg、最小值為37.2mg/kg。土壤導電度監測結果,平均值為309.27 μS/cm、最大值為2,330 μS/cm、最小值為30 μS/cm,均符合專家建議的停灌基準值4000 μS/cm(以飽和抽出液檢測結果)。 示範戶監測111家肥分使用計畫的地下水品質背景值,共計164口監測井,截至112年11月17日止完成164口監測井調查作業,臺南地下水氨氮濃度平均值為1.93mg/L,最大值為26.8mg/L,最小值為0.01 mg/L,其中有16口地下水井超過申請書訂定停灌基準,進一步追蹤評析近年地下水氨氮濃度平均值為2.03mg/L,高於第二類地下水監測標準(0.25mg/L),尤其同屬嘉南地下水分區的雲林、嘉義、臺南等地,地下水氨氮濃度有明顯偏高的情形,臺南市及高雄市的氨氮污染潛勢遠比其他地區高,針對超過監測標準之井口列為警戒井,並告知業者減量施灌如後續持續升高則會通知農業主管機關發文通知業者暫時先停止施灌釐清原因。 今年篩選32家次(至少1名專家學者出席)示範戶,8月份開始邀請專家學者針對已申請施灌核准通過之畜牧業者現勘輔導,截至11月30日前已完成32場示範戶輔導依據各場施灌現況、設備現況列出建議事項及改善事項,期望透過輔導作業,強化示範戶對於施灌作業的認知及作法。。 每月進行該區域(關鍵測站「台19甲急水溪橋」上下游、八翁排水上下游、南八翁排水、溫厝溪(龜仔港大排)上下游等7點位)排水水質採樣工作(RPI水質項目),自計畫起始日起每月執行酪農區上下游河川採樣,已完成5月至11月水質採樣作業,5月至11月河川採樣結果顯示多為嚴重污染。 今年度1月至11月實際施灌量合計為307934.39公噸,而全年度所核准申請施灌量為373876.7公噸/年,惟因多數作物如飼料玉米、水稻、文旦及甘藷等施肥期多落在夏、秋季之間,上半年農作物多處於休耕或收成期,因而施灌頻率及施灌量尚不高,惟因6月底即開始進入雨季,雨量多且雨季長,從8月起基肥期施灌量有上升趨勢因此下半年沼液沼渣施灌量有增加幅度,後續仍會定期追蹤業者及農民使用情形,並要求確實填寫施灌紀錄表。 分析本市105年至112年核准通過執行中沼液沼渣使用220家,其中137家為養豬場、83家為養牛場,分析220家申請場流域及行政區分布,臺南市目前核准施灌面積共有303.19公頃,施灌量為407,551公噸/年,施灌頭數約25,910頭豬、6,887頭牛,推估可削減生物需氧量(BOD)、懸浮固體物(SS)等污染物、氨氮(NH3-N)等污染物,BOD約削減883公噸/年、SS約削減1,751公噸/年、NH3-N約削減186公噸/年,有助改善河川污染程度;施灌農地之作物主要以狼尾草、青割玉米及飼料玉米為主。 臺南市環境保護局於109年起添購兩台載運3.5頓槽車,由5月1日至11月30日共計載運944趟次,施灌3,304公噸,載運距離為3,097公里其主要施灌以飼料玉米為主,其次是水稻,再者是甘蔗。推估載運施灌對於原放流承受水體污染削減,SS削減量10,447公斤,氨氮削減量779公斤,BOD削減量8,185公斤,其中以急水溪削減效果最為顯著。 經費成本計算詳如表3.9.4-2,收費費率建議以載運公里數分級,分類五級:往返路程5公里內每噸收費至少187元、10公里內每噸收費至少271元、15公里內每噸收費至少322元、20公里內每噸收費至少390元、30公里內每噸收費至少495元、50公里內每噸收費至少974元。
中文關鍵字 畜牧糞尿資源化、沼液沼渣、畜牧廢水、農業循環經濟


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 8000 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/28 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 黃昱仁
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 徐孝儀 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年畜牧氨氮回收推計畫期末報告.pdf 15MB

Tainan City-112 Tainan City Livestock Wastewater Ammonia Nitrogen Recovery Promotion Plan

英文摘要 The start date of this plan is April 28, 2020, and the plan implementation period is November 30, 2020. This year, 30 companies have been matched with priority to promote the use of biogas residue and biogas slurry as agricultural land fertilizer, and completed Submit 30 applications for biogas slurry and biogas residue as agricultural land fertilizer points to the Agriculture Bureau for review, of which 28 are pig farms and 2 are cattle farms. Seven of them are located upstream of key measuring stations in the watershed under their jurisdiction (accounting for 33% of the total), with a total irrigation area of 17.05 hectares and an irrigation volume of 29,545 metric tons. In 112 years, we have passed the guidance of Longfeng Livestock Farm, Dachengcheng-Nanxi Livestock Farm, Qingyao Livestock Farm, Shanghao Livestock Farm, Wangjiang Breeding Livestock Farm, Jinhong Livestock Farm, Yongnian Livestock Farm, Chunquan Livestock Farm, Tongqun Livestock Farm, 17 livestock farms, including Zhenxing Livestock Farm and Lin Jinjie Livestock Farm, applied for the release of runoff water for recycling. A briefing session will be held after August, and a total of two regulatory briefing sessions will be held in August. During the meeting, a preliminary willingness survey and satisfaction survey form will be distributed to livestock farmers, allowing the livestock industry and farmers to check whether they are willing to carry out livestock manure, urine and slurry digestion. After the meeting, the staff will conduct a survey and statistics on the willingness of the farmers to use fertilizers. For those who are interested in animal husbandry and farmers, dedicated personnel will further contact them to conduct on-site surveys and assess the on-site conditions. If they meet the conditions, dedicated personnel will match the livestock households and farmers. An application was made for the use of livestock manure, slurry and biogas residue as fertilizer for agricultural land. A total of 205 people attended the three regulatory briefings. The monitoring of groundwater demonstration households in 2012 is 111 livestock farms, and the monitoring of soil demonstration households is 111 livestock farms. The groundwater quality background value detection operation in the irrigated agricultural land area should include items such as conductivity, ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) or ammonia nitrogen, etc. And groundwater well data (coordinates/land number/well depth), and the soil quality background value detection operation of irrigated agricultural land should include soil saturated extraction liquid conductivity, copper, zinc and other items, as well as soil texture, and sampling location information (Coordinates/Place No.), as of November 18, 111 demonstration households (204 points) have completed soil quality monitoring operations, and 204 soils have been collected, of which 204 monitoring reports have been obtained. The monitoring results of the issued monitoring report show that the heavy metal copper (Cu) in the soil meets or falls below the 85% limit of the "Soil Pollution Monitoring Standard (Food Crop Farmland)": 102 mg/kg, with an average value of 11.4 mg/kg, a maximum value of 40.2 mg/kg, and a minimum value of 0.97 mg/kg; soil heavy metal zinc (Zn) all meets or is lower than the "Soil Pollution Monitoring Standards (Food Crop Farmers)" (Ground) 85% limit": 221 mg/kg, the average value is 77.36 mg/kg, the maximum value is 209 mg/kg, and the minimum value is 37.2 mg/kg. The soil conductivity monitoring results show that the average value is 309.27 μS/cm, the maximum value is 2,330 μS/cm, and the minimum value is 30 μS/cm, which are all in line with the expert recommended benchmark value of 4000 μS/cm for stopping irrigation (based on the test results of saturated extracted liquid ). Demonstration households monitor the groundwater quality background value of 111 fertilizer use plans, with a total of 164 monitoring wells. As of November 17, 2020, 164 monitoring wells have been surveyed. The average ammonia nitrogen concentration in Tainan's groundwater is 1.93mg/L. The maximum value is 26.8 mg/L, and the minimum value is 0.01 mg/L. Among them, 16 groundwater wells have exceeded the irrigation stop benchmark set in the application. Further follow-up analysis has shown that the average groundwater ammonia nitrogen concentration in recent years is 2.03 mg/L, which is higher than the second Similar to the groundwater monitoring standard (0.25mg/L), especially in Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan and other places that are also part of the Jianan groundwater division, the concentration of ammonia nitrogen in groundwater is significantly higher. The ammonia nitrogen pollution potential of Tainan City and Kaohsiung City is much higher than that of other places. In areas with high levels, wellheads that exceed monitoring standards are listed as warning wells, and operators are informed to reduce irrigation. If the level continues to rise, the agricultural authorities will be notified and issued a document notifying operators to temporarily stop irrigation to clarify the reasons. This year, 32 demonstration households (with at least one expert and scholar present) were selected. In August, experts and scholars were invited to conduct on-site survey and counseling for livestock farmers who had applied for irrigation approval. As of November 30, 32 demonstration household counseling sessions had been completed based on various The current status of site irrigation and the current status of equipment lists suggestions and improvements. It is hoped that through coaching, the demonstration households' understanding and practice of irrigation operations will be strengthened. The drainage water quality of this area (7 points including the upstream and downstream of the key measuring station "Province 19 Jiji Shui Stream Bridge", the upstream and downstream of Baweng Drainage, the South Baweng Drainage, and the upstream and downstream of Wencuo Stream (Kui Chai Harbor Drainage)) is conducted every month. Sampling work (RPI water quality project), sampling of the upstream and downstream rivers in the dairy farming area has been carried out every month since the start of the plan. Water quality sampling operations from May to November have been completed. The sampling results of the rivers from May to November show that most of them are seriously polluted. The actual amount of irrigation applied from January to November this year totaled 307,934.39 metric tons, while the approved applied irrigation amount for the whole year was 373,876.7 metric tons/year. However, because most crops such as feed corn, rice, wendan and sweet potatoes are fertilized during the fertilization period. Between summer and autumn, most crops are in the fallow or harvest period in the first half of the year, so the frequency and amount of irrigation are not yet high. However, since the rainy season begins at the end of June, with heavy rainfall and a long rainy season, basal fertilizer application begins in August. The amount of irrigation is on the rise, so the amount of biogas slurry and biogas residue applied for irrigation will increase in the second half of the year. In the future, we will continue to regularly track the usage of operators and farmers, and be required to accurately fill in the irrigation record form. Analyzing the city's 220 approved uses of biogas slurry and biogas residue from 105 to 2012, of which 137 are pig farms and 83 are cattle farms. Analyzing the watershed and administrative district distribution of the 220 applied farms, Tainan City currently approves irrigation The total area is 303.19 hectares, the irrigation volume is 407,551 metric tons per year, and the number of irrigation heads is about 25,910 pigs and 6,887 cattle. It is estimated that it can reduce biological oxygen demand (BOD), suspended solids (SS) and other pollutants, ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and other pollutants, BOD is reduced by approximately 883 metric tons/year, SS is reduced by approximately 1,751 metric tons/year, and NH3-N is reduced by approximately 186 metric tons/year, which helps to improve river pollution levels; crops used to irrigate farmland are mainly Pennisetum, green cut corn and feed corn are the main species. The Tainan City Environmental Protection Bureau purchased two 3.5-ton tank trucks starting in 2019. From May 1 to November 30, they carried a total of 944 trips, applied 3,304 metric tons of irrigation, and carried a distance of 3,097 kilometers. The main irrigation applications were Feed corn is the main food, followed by rice, and then sugar cane. It is estimated that the carried irrigation will reduce the pollution of the original water body by 10,447 kilograms, ammonia nitrogen reduction of 779 kilograms, and BOD reduction of 8,185 kilograms, among which the reduction effect of Jishui Creek is the most significant. The detailed cost calculation is shown in Table 3.9.4-2. The charging rates are recommended to be classified according to the kilometers of transportation. There are five levels of classification: at least 187 yuan per ton within 5 kilometers of the round-trip distance, at least 271 yuan per ton within 10 kilometers, and at least 271 yuan per ton within 15 kilometers. The fee per ton within 20 kilometers is at least 322 yuan, the fee per ton within 20 kilometers is at least 390 yuan, the fee per ton within 30 kilometers is at least 495 yuan, and the fee per ton within 50 kilometers is at least 974 yuan.
英文關鍵字 Resource utilization of livestock manure, biogas slurry and biogas residue, livestock wastewater, agricultural circular economy