

中文摘要 屏東縣政府環境保護局為降低東港溪、高屏溪流域污染惡化情形及改善河川水質情況,並杜絕非法污染源排放,以減少民眾陳情事件發生及減輕環境負荷,達到整體流域污染削減量之目標。特擬定本計畫協助環保局全面執行全縣水污染列管畜牧業稽(巡)查、加強關鍵測站及污染熱區稽查、查緝偷排及暗管及運用污染即時監測設備查緝不法業者及執行水質採樣檢測作業,並同時進行輔導業者給予改善建議、對高污染業者執行廢水設施深度查核等,以提升本縣業者廢水設施管理能力及遏止不法業者偷排廢水,減少污染對環境之負荷,提升整體環境品質。 本計畫自112年1月1日起截至112年12月31日執行成果概述如下: 一、畜牧業稽(巡)查 (一)本計畫執行屏東縣轄區水污染列管事業(畜牧業)稽查累計已完成2,042家次,目標達成率100%,其中包含位於關鍵測站上游畜牧業已完成1,000家次,目標達成率100%;已稽查至少1次之畜牧業共1,346家(營運中),目標達成率100%。 (二)根據稽查結果顯示,部分畜牧業廢水處理設施狀況不理想,包含以下常見狀況,厭氣池未加蓋密閉及水力停留時間不足、曝氣池曝氣量不足、設備缺少維護等情形,給予業者輔導及改善建議,共計輔導403家,其中以沉澱池為主要問題288家(未定期排泥、停留時間過短、溢流率設計不佳)。 (三)本計畫依目前完成每家至少1次之巡查結果(共1,346家),進行分級管制資料庫建置,共分三等級管制:第一級(紅燈)、第二級(黃燈)及第三級(綠燈),第一級共134家(10%)、第二級共883家(65.6%)、第三級329家(24.4%)。 (四)本計畫進行畜牧業陳情次統計分析,統計區間為108年至112年1-10月同期比較,異味與水污染案件有逐年下降趨勢,顯示近年來針對畜牧業稽(巡)查及輔導(或異味輔導),有所改善成效。   二、水質採樣檢測作業 (一)事業水質採樣檢測:已完成事業(畜牧業)放流水水質採樣送驗,共計73家次。檢測結果不合格共計28家。 (二)測站水質採樣檢測:已完成測站水質採樣送驗共27點次,分別採樣送樣,九如橋:6點次、成德大橋:4點次、隴東橋:6點次、興社大橋:6點次、港西抽水站:4點次。 (三)污染熱區水質採樣檢測:已完成污染熱區水質採樣共38點次,調查水質水量得知,主要污染熱區為武洛溪新民橋、九如鄉武洛橋、頂林排水大春路無名橋、龍頸溪排水三合路無名橋、興化廍排水下瓦路無名橋及新園大排港墘路無名橋與店口路無名橋,推估為主要污染源。 (四)濕地水質採樣檢測:已完成濕地水質採樣送驗共14點次,分別採樣送樣,海豐濕地:6點次、黃金濕地:4點次、圳寮濕地:4點次。 總計水質採樣檢測已採樣152點次,目標達成率100%。 三、污染即時監測查緝 本計畫運用24小時水質連續監測設備,已於40家排水異常之事業(畜牧業)排水下游處予以設置水質即時監測,觀察水中濁度變化時機。共查獲2家非經放流口排放,1家未申領許可證,28家採樣之放流水水質超出放流水標準,9家採樣之放流水水質合格。(目標達成率100%。) 四、廢水設施深度查核作業 本計畫已執行廢水設施深度查核14家,初評後由專家學者(2位)現場複評作業並透過協談會議提出深度查核結論及相關建議,已有3家提送改善計畫書,經現場確認放流水水色有明顯改善,周界異味有明顯降低及設備管線已有標示,其餘11家提送中,後續將追蹤業者改善進度,以達廢水處理設施功能最佳狀態。(目標達成率100%。) 五、非列管事業污染源資料建置 (一)本計畫彙整屏東縣非列管事業共計1,551家,數量最多者為養雞場843家,其次為養鴨場489家,養鵝場87家,養羊場108家,養鹿場6家及食品工廠18家等,已完成更新建置畜牧業非列管事業污染源地圖與數量規模資料。 (二)本計畫非列管畜牧業共計已查核53家次蛋鴨場,採集蛋鴨17場家次放流水進行分析結果顯示,濃度高低落差甚大,共有15家蛋鴨場設有廢水處理設施之蛋鴨場,檢測其排放之放流水水質相較於未處理直接排放之水質濃度明顯較低。(目標達成率100%。) (三) 查核時分析蛋鴨場放流水結果顯示,懸浮固體(SS)濃度介於50.5~4,670 mg/L、化學需氧量濃度(COD)介於166~7,870 mg/L,氨氮濃度介於3.61~271 mg/L;分析肉鴨場放流水結果顯示,懸浮固體(SS)濃度介於194~206 mg/L、生化需氧量濃度(BOD)介於62.3~71.4 mg/L,氨氮濃度介於1.04~1.67 mg/L,由此得知,蛋鴨場排放水質亦會影響河川整體污染負荷 (四)本計畫執行查核結果輔導1家蛋鴨場規劃設立廢水處理設施,以布袋蓮作為試驗計畫。 六、夜鷹早鳥及擴大專案稽查 本計畫已達成每週2次之巡查次數(每次至少出勤1人)。已配合環保局早鳥稽查出勤5人次、夜鷹稽查2人次、擴大稽查15人次,自主稽查為104人次,出勤人次總計為182人次。 七、水污染熱區巡查及緊急清理 本計畫已完成每月2次之水污染熱區巡查,累計共24次,並且將異常狀況回報環保局水污染防治科,並隨時待命協助緊急應變。 八、協助機關考核相關工作 本計畫已協助考核目標:興社大橋上游畜牧業稽查,依照環保局提供之稽查名單,目前已稽查之家數共計107家。
中文關鍵字 事業稽查、水質採樣


專案計畫編號 1111117-A 經費年度 112 計畫經費 12968 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 凃耀珽
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 莊世亦 執行單位 京拓環保科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年屏東縣水污染列管事業稽查管制計畫.pdf 52MB

2023 Pingtung County Water Pollution Management and Inspection Control Plan

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Bureau of the Pingtung County Government is committed to reducing the pollution deterioration of the Donggang and Gaoping River basins, improving river water quality, and eliminating illegal pollution sources. This is aimed at reducing the occurrence of public complaints, alleviating environmental load, and achieving the goal of overall basin pollution reduction. The project is specifically designed to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau in comprehensively implementing the county’s water pollution control livestock industry inspection (patrol), strengthening key monitoring stations and pollution hotspots checks, cracking down on illegal discharges and hidden pipes, and using real-time pollution monitoring equipment to crack down on illegal operators and carry out water quality sampling and testing operations. At the same time, it provides improvement suggestions to guide enterprises to conduct in-depth inspections of wastewater facilities for high-pollution businesses, etc., to enhance the wastewater facility management capabilities of companies in the county and curb illegal businesses from discharging wastewater, reducing the pollution load on the environment, and improving the overall environmental quality. The implementation results of the project from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 are summarized as follows: 1. Livestock inspection (1) The project has implemented 2,042 inspections of water pollution listed enterprises (animal husbandry) in Pingtung County, with a target achievement rate of 100%, including 1,000 inspections of the livestock industry located upstream of key measurement stations, with a target achievement rate of 100%; 1,346 livestock enterprises (in operation) have been audited at least once, with a target achievement rate of 100%. (2) Based on the audit results, several livestock wastewater treatment facilities were in subpar condition. Common issues included unsealed anaerobic tanks with inadequate hydraulic retention time, insufficient aeration in aeration tanks, and a lack of equipment maintenance. Guidance and improvement suggestions were provided to the operators to address these issues. A total of 403 companies received this counseling, out of which 288 had issues primarily with their sedimentation tanks. These issues ranged from irregular sludge discharge, overly short residence time and poorly designed overflow rates. (3) The project aims to construct a hierarchical control database, drawing from the results of at least one inspection conducted for each establishment (totaling 1,346). The control measures were categorized into three levels: Level 1 (red light), Level 2 (yellow light), and Level 3 (green light). Among these, 134 companies (10%) fall under Level 1, 883 companies (65.6%) under Level 2, and 329 companies (24.4%) under Level 3. (4) The project conducted a comprehensive statistical analysis of the complaints received in the animal husbandry industry. The data spans from January to October for the years 2019 through 2023. A comparative study of these periods reveals a consistent year-on-year decline in odor and water pollution cases. This trend underscores the effectiveness of the inspections, guidance, and odor counseling implemented for the livestock industry in recent years, leading to a marked improvement. 2. Implementation of Water Quality Sampling and Testing Procedures (1) Sampling and testing of water quality in companies: 73 water quality samples from runoff water have been collected and tested from companies involved in the livestock industry. Among these, 28 companies were found to have test results that did not meet the required standards. (2) Water quality sampling and testing at the measurement station: A total of 27 water quality sampling and inspection points at the measurement station have been successfully completed. Samples were collected and submitted individually. The sampling frequency was as follows: Jiouru Bridge: 6 times, Chengde Bridge: 4 times, Longdon Bridge: 6 times, Xingshe Bridge: 6 times, and Hong Kong West Pumping Station: 4 times. (3) Water quality sampling and testing in polluted hot spots: 38 water quality sampling points in contaminated hot areas have been completed. The water quality and quantity investigation revealed that the main dirty hot spots are Xinmin Bridge in Wuluo River, Wuluo Bridge in Jiouru Township, and Dinglin Drainage The unnamed bridges on Dachun Road, the unnamed bridges on Sanhe Road in Longjing Creek Drainage, The unnamed bridges on Xiawa Road in Singhuabu Drainage, and the unnamed bridges on Gangqian Road and Diankou Road in Xinyuan Drainage were estimated to be the primary sources of pollution. (4) Wetland water quality sampling and testing: 14 wetland water quality sampling and inspection points have been completed, and samples were taken and submitted separately. Haifeng Wetland: 6 points, Golden Wetland: 4 points, and Zhenliao Wetland: 4 points. A total of 152 water quality sampling points have been sampled, and the target achievement rate is 100%. 3. Real-time pollution monitoring and inspection The project employs 24-hour continuous water quality monitoring equipment to establish real-time water quality monitoring downstream of 40 enterprises with abnormal drainage (specifically, those in animal husbandry). This setup allows for the observation of changes in water turbidity over time. Two companies were discharging without proper discharge outlets, and one company had not applied for a permit. The quality of the discharge water sampled from 28 companies exceeded the discharge water standards, while the quality of the discharge water sampled from 9 companies met the standards. The goal achievement rate for this project was 100%. 4. In-depth inspection of wastewater facilities The project has conducted in-depth inspections of 14 wastewater facilities. Following the initial evaluation, two experts and scholars conducted on-site re-evaluations and presented their in-depth inspection conclusions and relevant recommendations during consultation meetings. Three companies have submitted their improvement plans. It was confirmed on-site that the color of the discharged water has significantly improved, the surrounding odor has been greatly reduced, and the equipment pipelines have been marked. The remaining 11 companies are in the process of submitting their plans. The progress of these operators will be monitored in the future to ensure the optimal functioning of the wastewater treatment facilities. The goal achievement rate for this project was 100%. 5. Establishment of pollutant source data for unregulated enterprises (1) The project encompassed 1,551 unlisted enterprises in Pingtung County. Most of these enterprises are chicken farms, numbering 843, followed by 489 duck farms, 87 goose farms, 108 sheep farms, and six deer farms. Additionally, 18 households and food factories have completed the update of the pollution source map and the data on the quantity and scale of non-scheduled enterprises in the livestock industry. (2) Under the project, 53 duck-laying farms in the non-scheduled livestock industry have been inspected. Runoff water from 17 of these farms has been collected and analyzed. The results indicate that data from 3 farms have not yet been received, and the concentrations vary significantly. Among the duck-laying farms, 15 are equipped with wastewater treatment facilities. The concentration of the flowing water discharged from these farms is considerably lower than that of the water directly discharged without treatment. The goal achievement rate for this project was 100%. (3) The inspection results of the discharged water from the laying duck farm revealed that the concentration of suspended solids (SS) ranged from 108 to 4,670 mg/L, the concentration of chemical oxygen demand (COD) varied from 166 to 7,870 mg/L, and the concentration of ammonia nitrogen fluctuated between 3.61 and 271 mg/L. The analysis of the discharge water from the meat duck farm showed that the concentration of suspended solids (SS) ranged from 194 to 206 mg/L, the concentration of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) varied from 62.3 to 71.4 mg/L, and the concentration of ammonia nitrogen was between 1.04 and 1.67 mg/L. These findings suggest that the quality of water discharged from laying duck farms can significantly impact the overall pollution load of the river. (4) During the evaluation of this project, one laying duck farm was planning the installation of wastewater treatment facilities, utilizing the lotus as a pilot project. 6. Comprehensive Audit of the Nighthawk Early Bird and Expanded Project The project has successfully conducted inspections twice weekly, with at least one person present each time. In collaboration with the Environmental Protection Bureau, the project has carried out 5 early bird inspections, 2 nighthawk inspections, 15 expanded inspections, and 104 independent inspections, resulting in 162 attendances. 7. Inspection and emergency cleanup of water pollution hot spots The project has successfully conducted inspections of water pollution hotspots twice a month, culminating in a total of 24 checks. Any abnormalities detected have been reported to the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Division of the Environmental Protection Bureau, with standby assistance available for emergency response. 8. Provide Assistance in Assessment-Related Tasks for the Agency This project has contributed to the assessment target, specifically the inspection of the livestock industry upstream of Xingshe Bridge. Based on the inspection list provided by the Environmental Protection Bureau, a total of 107 farms have been inspected to date.
英文關鍵字 Inspections on industries、Examination of the water samples