

中文摘要 本年度掌握 宜蘭縣轄內 含石綿建材建築物現況及協助家戶建築物拆除後石綿建材廢棄物妥善處理,以降低對人體與環境危害。 另 針對本縣內含石綿建材建築物之調查管理工作,進行建築物之現場訪查工作。宜蘭縣共計有502 棟 建築含 有石綿 建材之建物,其中以宜蘭市有99棟建物最多、其次為員山鄉 97 棟 及礁溪鄉 86 棟 ;經本計畫調查後持續列管之建物僅餘185 棟 ,以宜蘭市及員山鄉 44 棟 最多、其次為頭城鎮 25 棟 。石綿瓦屋頂總面積約為83,495 平方公尺,以宜蘭市、礁溪鄉及冬山鄉為最大,總和皆超過 1 萬 3 千平方公尺,調查過後總面 積為 26,546.77 平方公尺,僅為原先調查前之 32%32%,以三星鄉、員山鄉及冬山鄉持續列管面積最大,分析原因為三星鄉、員山鄉及冬山 鄉有少數單一畜牧場建物石綿瓦屋頂面積較大,造成調查後總面積差異不大,以三星鄉為例,調查後建物僅剩調 查前 45.2%45.2%,面積卻仍佔調查前的 70.6% 。宜蘭市則以住家石綿瓦屋頂所佔比例最高,造成建物及石綿瓦屋頂面積比例下降差異不大。 另 本計畫已完成 72 棟 拆除意願調查作業,有 18 棟 建物有拆除意願,大多為畜牧業者仍使用之豬舍或雞舍,預計拆除時間大多位於 112 年底至 113 年之間,有拆除意願比例為 2 5% 。無意願拆除主要原因為目前石綿尚未有破損之情 事、該建物已無使用或補助額度太少等。
中文關鍵字 石綿、石綿建材、現況調查、持續列管、補助、拆除、清運及處理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 2230 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/24 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 吳岳侖
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 于筑君 執行單位 慧群環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度宜蘭縣石綿建材廢棄物清除處理計畫 期末報告定稿.pdf 14MB

Yilan County Asbestos Building Materials Waste Removal and Treatment Plan in 2012

英文摘要 This year, we understan d the current status of buildings containing asbestos building materials in Yilan County and assist households in properly disposing of asbestos building material waste after demolition of buildings to reduce harm to human bodies and the environment. In ad dition, for the investigation and management of buildings containing asbestos building materials in the county, on site inspections of buildings are conducted. There are a total of 502 buildings in Yilan Count y containing asbestos building materials. Among them, Yilan City has the most buildings with 99 buildings, followed by 97 buildings in Yuanshan Township and 86 buildings in Jiaoxi Township. After the investi gation of this project, only the buildings that c ontinue to be listed are There are 185 buildings left, with Yilan City and Yuanshan Township having the most 44 buildings, followed by Toucheng Town with 25 buildings. The total area of asbestostile roofs is approximately 83,495 square meters, with Yila n City, Jiaoxi Township and Dongshan Township being the largest, with a total area of more than 13,000 square meters. After the survey, the total area was 26,546.77 square meters, which was only the origin al 32% before the survey, Sanxing Township, Yuans han Township and Dongshan Township have the largest area under continuous management. The reason analyzed is that there are a few single livestock farm buildings in Sanxing Township, Yuanshan Township and Do ngshan Township with large asbestos tile roof are as, resulting in the survey There was not much difference in the total area after the survey. Taking Sanxing Township as an example, after the survey, only 45.2% of the buildings remained before the survey, but the area still accounted for 70.6% of the pre survey area. Yilan City has the highest proportion of residential asbestos tile roofs, resulting in little difference in the decrease in the proportion of building and asbestos tile roof areas. In addition, this project has completed a survey on the demolition intention of 72 buildings. There are 18 buildings that are willing to be demolished. Most of them are pig houses or chicken houses still used by livestock farmers. The estimated demolition time is most ly between the end of 2012 and 2013. There are 18 buildings that are willing to be demolished. The ratio is 25%. The main reasons for the unwillingness to demolish are that the asbestos has not yet been damaged, the building is no longer used, or the subsi dy amount is too low.
英文關鍵字 Asbestos、Asbestos building materials、Current situation survey、Continuous management、subsidy、tear down、Removal and handling