

中文摘要 聯合國於西元2015年通過永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),為全球永續發展帶來新方向。我國積極推動永續發展及與國際接軌,行政院於107年核定「臺灣永續發展目標」,以西元2030年為目標年度,目前計有18項核心目標、143項具體目標及337項對應指標。此外我國於110年4月「世界地球日」宣示於西元2050年達成淨零排放,並陸續於111年3月公布「臺灣2050淨零排放路徑及策略」,同年12月公布淨零轉型之階段目標及行動,包括「淨零12項關鍵戰略」。 環境部為我國環境議題之主管機關,是我國推動永續發展的重要政府機關之一,同時擔任行政院國家永續發展委員會(永續會)綠色環境工作圈督導機關,並主責推動臺灣永續發展目標之核心目標6, 12, 13,及擔任永續會氣候變遷與淨零轉型專案小組幕僚機關,本計畫藉由執行4個主軸工作項目,協助環境部推動永續發展目標及企業永續發展,主要成果如下: (一)持續推動環境面永續發展目標:本計畫研析德、日、韓及我國直轄市推動永續發展概況,作為未來推動之趨勢參考。提出中長期(113-117年)環境面永續發展精進推動計畫(草案),協助環境部配合永續會相關工作,包括:彙編綠色環境工作圈之臺灣永續發展年報內容、臺灣永續發展目標年度追蹤檢討報告內容。本計畫並協助環境部研析臺灣永續發展目標國際接軌,比對SDGs對應指標、聯合國永續發展解決方案網絡(Sustainable Development Solution Network, SDSN)指標與我國對應指標之異同,檢討推動。此外亦完成因應洛桑管理學院(IMD)與韓禮士基金會(Hinrich Foundation)主辦之永續貿易指數(Sustainable Trade Index, STI)評比的精進作業,建立網頁專區。 (二)推動環境面永續發展成果檢視與推廣宣傳:本計畫協助環境部編撰第一次之「環境部永續發展目標政府機關自願檢視報告」(Voluntary Department Review, VDR),並辦理2日之「環境部永續發展目標自願檢視報告發表會暨環境永續論壇」,以發表VDR報告,邀請地方政府與企業分享永續發展成果,計有官、產、學、研各界逾400人參與。本計畫亦協助完成圖卡10則、影片1支。另協助環境部辦理1場次永續亮點場域參訪觀摩活動、參與「2023亞太永續博覽會」、「2023年全球青年趨勢論壇」、「國家永續發展獎選拔」。 (三)協助辦理直轄市及縣(市)政府環境保護績效考核及輔導(簡稱「考核作業」):本計畫協助環境部完成彙總前(111)年度地方政府考核作業之評量分數,協助永續發展獎項之頒獎事宜,並協助辦理本(112)年度地方政府考核作業,亦實地查訪雲林縣、宜蘭縣、彰化縣等3個地方政府辦理交流暨輔導會議。此外,本計畫就113年考核作業永續發展獎項之評量標準,提出建議。 (四)協助推動企業永續責任(即環境、社會、治理責任, ESG):本計畫協助環境部彙整3個重要國際準則即GRI準則(GRI Standards)、SASB準則(SASB Standards)及氣候相關財務揭露架構(Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, TCFD)之環境面指標,研析台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司、台灣中油股份有限公司、國泰金融控股股份有限公司及中華航空股份有限公司等4家國內標竿企業之永續報告書案例,了解企業在環境面ESG之推動潛力與成果,提出落實永續環境策略,並協助研析提出在金融監督管理委員會之我國綠色金融與企業ESG相關政策下,在環境面之推動建議。 綜整本年度執行之成效與推動經驗,本計畫提出3項建議: (一)環境部改組後,整合環境治理與5項環境永續發展重要議題量能,有其推動優勢,建議未來透過組改後優勢量能,配合現有行動計畫,持續推動環境面永續發展相關工作。 (二)為提升公、私部門永續發展素養與鼓勵實踐永續發展,建議可持續透過環境績效考核強化地方政府永續發展推動及公眾宣傳推廣。 (三)參考國內外發展趨勢,企業為推動環境面永續發展的最佳實踐者之一,在金管會主政之綠色金融與公司治理架構下,建議可研析環境面之推動趨勢與相關進展,以發展精進措施。
中文關鍵字 永續發展目標、企業永續報告書、政府機關自願檢視報告


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 8368.496 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/11 專案結束日期 2023/12/15 專案主持人 黃釋緯
主辦單位 環境部綜合規劃司 承辦人 陳明源 執行單位 財團法人台灣經濟研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 永續發展目標及企業永續推動整合計畫-成果報告.pdf 32MB

The Integration Project for Promoting Sustainable Development Goals and Corporate Sustainability

英文摘要 The United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, setting a new direction for global sustainable development. Taiwan actively promotes sustainable development and geared to international initiatives. In 2018, the Executive Yuan approved the "Taiwan Sustainable Development Goals," with the target year set for 2030. Currently, there are eighteen goals, 143 targets, and 337 indicators. In April 2021, Taiwan declared its commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and subsequently released the "Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050" in March 2022, along with the “Phased Goals and Actions Toward Net-Zero Transition” and “12 key strategies of Taiwan’s 2050 Net-zero Transition.” As the competent authority for environmental issues in Taiwan, the Ministry of Environment (MOENV) plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable development and serves as the supervisory body for the Green Environment Working Circle of the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD). It advanced goals 6, 12, and 13 of Taiwan's Sustainable Development Goals. MOENV also serves as the secretariat for the Climate Change and Net Zero Transformation Task Force under the NCSD. This project aims to assist the MOENV in promoting Taiwan’s Sustainable Development Goals and corporate sustainability through four main works, with the following key outcomes: 1. Continuous Promotion of Environmental goals of Taiwan’s Sustainable Development Goals: Analyzing the sustainable development status of Germany, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan's municipalities to provide insights for future trends. Proposing a medium to long-term (2024-2028) plan for environmentally sustainable development. Assisting in composing the Green Circle’s contents of Annual Report on National Sustainable Development and Annual Progress Report for the Taiwan Sustainable Development Goals. Gearing to international initiatives, comparing indicators with SDGs, Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN) indicators, and making recommendations. In response to the Sustainable Trade Index (STI) evaluation organized by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) and the Hinrich Foundation. This included refining processes and establishing a dedicated web section for STI. 2. Promotion and Communication of Environmentally Sustainable Development Achievements: Assisting in the preparation of the MOENV’s "Voluntary Department Review" (VDR) on sustainable development goals. Organizing the "2023 Ministry of Environment (MOENV) Voluntary Development Review Report Presentation and Environmental Sustainable Forum." This forum extended invitations to local governments and businesses to share their achievements in sustainable development, attracting participation from over 400 individuals across government, industry, academia, and research sectors. Facilitating the creation of 10 picture material and producing one video to support and showcase the outcomes of sustainable development initiatives. Facilitating site visits. The Participation in events such as the "2023 SDG Asia," "2023 Global Youth Trends Forum," and the selection of the National Sustainable Development Awards. 3. Assistance in Local Government Environmental Performance Assessment: Consolidating the assessment scores for the local governments in 2022 assessment and awards of Sustainable Development pillar. Implementing the 2023 assessment and conducting on-site visits with experience exchange and guidance meetings with three local governments, namely Yunlin County, Yilan County, and Changhua County. The project also proposed recommendations for the evaluation criteria of the assessment next year. 4. Support for Corporate Sustainability Responsibility (ESG): Assisting in understanding international standards (GRI, SASB, TCFD) related to environmental indicators. Analyzing the sustainability reports of benchmark companies to exploring environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives of business. Providing recommendations for ESG cooperation with Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC). In summary, the project proposes three recommendations based on the achievements and experiences of the current year: 1. Utilize the Advantages of the MOENV's Restructuring: Leverage the integrated capacity of environmental governance and five key environmental sustainable development issues for continuous promotion. 2. Continuing the Assessment: Strengthen local government engagement and enhance sustainable development initiatives and public awareness through Environmental Performance Assessment. 3. Analyze Corporate Environmental Sustainability Trends: In line with domestic and international trends, explore and implement measures to advance environmental sustainability within the framework of green finance and corporate governance overseen by the Financial Supervisory Commission.
英文關鍵字 Sustainable Development Goals, Corporate Sustainability Reports, Voluntary Department Reviews