

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包括:(1)執行大氣環境中之戴奧辛及重金屬檢測作業、(2) 排放戴奧辛排放特性調查、(3) 更新及建置戴奧辛及重金屬排放清冊、(4)協助辦理公私場所固定污染源之戴奧辛及重金屬排放減量輔導、污染事件緊急應變等相關行政作業。 112年2次大氣環境中之戴奧辛與重金屬空品監測作業於5~7、9~10月進行採樣。統計2次監測結果國內22空品監測站戴奧辛監測濃度平均值分別為0.018 (濃度範圍:0.005~0.038)、0.009 (濃度範圍:0.001~0.030) pg I-TEQ/m³ (0.017、0.009 pg WHO-TEQ/m³ ),多氯聯苯監測濃度平均值分別為0.0018(濃度範圍:0.0005~0.0045)、0.0013(濃度範圍:0.0002~0.0025) pg WHO-TEQ/m³,低於歷年同期間之監測結果平均值,112年一般空品測站戴奧辛與呋喃的比值多數介於0.5~1.5之間;重金屬部分,一般空品站之有害重金屬類監測結果均符合我國及歐盟之環境空品基準值,各項重金屬以地殼類元素濃度較高,22項重金屬(包含地殼類元素)質量濃度占PM₁₀比例平均約1.53~6.39%,本年度有部分北部測站5月受境外污染傳輸影響,有較高的汞濃度,在高屏地區亦有測站可能處下風處於5月監測結果中有較高汞濃度,2測站於10月監測結果中濃度均下降,後續須持續關注。環境敏感地區畜牧場之戴奧辛空品平均濃度值為0.020(濃度範圍:0.100~0.003) pg I-TEQ/m³(0.018 pg WHO-TEQ/m³),多氯聯苯監測濃度平均值為0.002(濃度範圍:0.005~0.001) pg WHO-TEQ/m³,與一般空品測站監測結果相近。 火化場為國內戴奧辛易超標行業別,本計畫針對國內2座火化場執行戴奧辛檢測,其中一家業者使用觸媒陶瓷纖維濾管,戴奧辛去除效果良好,排放濃度為0.005 ng I-TEQ/Nm³,結合多氯聯苯的毒性濃度為0.005 ng WHO-TEQ/Nm³,火化場防制設備改善後排放濃度顯著下降,顯示近期國內火化場的整改工程對於降地未來戴奧辛排放超標風險有很大的幫助,業者也表示新防制設備能避免緊急排放口的黑煙排放,建議排放濃度較高或是設備較老舊火化場業者盡早執行設備改善;另一火化場使用袋式集塵器搭配觸媒磚,排放濃度為0.063 ng I-TEQ/Nm³ ,結合多氯聯苯的毒性濃度為0.056 ng WHO-TEQ/Nm³,該火化場觸媒操作溫度足夠,排放濃度低,建議國內火化場業者比較觸媒塔操作溫度是否達到設計值。 排放清冊更新部分,民國111年國內戴奧辛排放量推估結果約為41.12g I-TEQ/年,較民國110年低,排放量降低的主因為金屬製造行業活動量下降,主要的固定排放源包含:電力能源產源之鍋爐、鋼鐵冶煉業(燒結爐、電弧爐) 及廢棄物焚化爐為主,占整體排放量55.9%,電弧爐業者在111年的平均排放係數與活動量均較低,導致該業別排放係數下降。重金屬部分,111年鉛(Pb)、鎘(Cd)、汞(Hg) 及砷(As)排放量推估結果分別約為26.73公噸/年、0.698公噸/年、1.442公噸/年及2.221公噸/年,與110年相比鉛(Pb)排放量下降趨勢較顯著。不確定性分析的部分,由於國內針對戴奧辛排放潛勢較高的業別均有定檢頻率規範,故戴奧辛固定源排放係數不確定性較重金屬低,與固定源相比面源與線源部分活動量與排放係數均有較高的不確定性。 本年度針對宜蘭縣與花蓮縣各1座次水泥窯執行汞(Hg)流布調查,發現2個受調查的水泥旋窯均有汞循環現象,宜蘭縣水泥窯的質量平衡為35.4%(輸出量/輸入量),花蓮縣水泥窯質量平衡為91.0%,顯示宜蘭縣水泥窯的循環現象較顯著,水泥旋窯廢氣中汞經由生料粉吸附、粉煤吸附與集塵器飛灰會再次被投入旋窯形成累積,這可能使業者排放濃度隨著操作時間不斷上升,2廠主要的汞輸入來源包含:水洗飛灰、鐵渣、黏土和石灰石,雖然水泥製程石灰石使用量占生料比重很高但因其汞濃度較低,倘若使用汞濃度較高的替代性生料,石灰石汞輸入量則不一定為最高,2廠汞輸出部分主要均以排放管道排氣的形式排出,3根排放管道中以生料磨煙囪為主要汞排放途徑,汞為易揮發物質,旋窯熟料(製程產品)經過高溫燃燒故汞輸出量較低。 本計畫針對非鐵二級冶煉、燃材及其他燃料鍋爐、大型一般焚化爐、電弧爐等排放源進行8場次戴奧辛排放減量輔導,其中1家業者為水泥窯鐵渣之供應商,根據本計畫與過去地放政府汞流布調查結果,鐵渣為水泥窯的主要汞來源之一,專家建議須調查鐵渣汞含量較高的原因是否為燃煤飛灰,並探討使用其他汞濃度較低物料拌合的可行性;另外2座非鐵二級冶煉戴奧辛濃度高的原因主要為粒狀物累積在管道壁上、時常開蓋加料造成爐溫變化,與會專家建議未來須盡速進行管道清洗與相關粒狀物防制設備改善。另外1家業者亦有戴奧辛排放濃度接近排放標準,根據業者提供資訊推測可能受進料含氯量增加影響;今年共輔導3座燃材及其他燃料鍋爐,其中有2座均使用循環硫體化床鍋爐燃燒SRF,另1家業者以木屑為燃料,2家使用SRF的業者均有較高戴奧辛排放濃度紀錄,國內雖有燃料成分標準,但SRF氯含量差異大,提升操作難度,本年度輔導業者部分都有氯含量高的問題,除檢視高溫區段的氣體停留時間、控制適宜的含硫量、檢討活性碳噴灑量及檢視粒狀物蒐集設備效果,都是能控制戴奧辛排放的方法;今年輔導國內排放濃度較高的煉鋼業電弧爐業者1場次,該廠廢氣管道積灰嚴重的區域,溫度有可能落入戴奧辛再合成溫度區間,專家學者建議針對製程排氣溫度進行管控,同時該廠的排氣溫度變動較大,需探討排氣溫度變化時,製程落入戴奧辛再合成溫度區間的區域是否執行清灰作業,以避免重金屬氧化物催化合成戴奧辛;112年有大型一般廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛排放超標,根據其戴奧辛排放物種分布,專家學者建議針對其濾袋上的濾餅分布情況進行調查,釐清是否有微小顆粒排放的疑慮。 透過石化工業區之遠端空氣品質監測結果,發現海湖、仁大、林園三處工業區含氯物種為重點HAPs,進一步針對工業區內含氯製程執行廠內監測確認排放來源,結果顯示,大洋、台塑仁武廠內VCM高值元件洩漏有關,但對固定站影響有限。台氯於EDC儲槽改善後,廢水廠排放EDC、CF對固定站影響逐漸顯現,後續要求業者規劃原廢水含氯減量及廢水處理單元確實密閉等改善措施,本計畫持續透過監測結果掌握業者改善成效。 規劃及檢討修訂排放管制標準與相關行政作業部分,本計畫已針對鋼鐵業、水泥窯與焚化爐提出排放標準修改草案,同時於112年上半年與業者招開溝通會議,了解業者改善的難處與所需的改善時間,鋼鐵業排放標準草案下修了燒結爐、煉焦爐的一般空氣污染物排放標準以督促業者穩定操作,水泥窯排放標準則針對汞與氟提出排放標準草案,加強管制未來水泥業廢棄物再利用可能導致的高濃度排放,焚化爐排放標準草案下修一般廢棄物焚化爐之一般空氣污染物與汞排放標準;本年度舉辦1場次的火化場防制經驗分享交流會,請使用較先進戴奧辛防制技術的業者分享操作上之優缺點,供其他業者未來設備改善參考。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛、重金屬、揮發性有機物


專案計畫編號 EPA-112-FA12-03-AA163 經費年度 112 計畫經費 17900 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/26 專案結束日期 2023/11/15 專案主持人 羅鈞
主辦單位 環境部大氣環境司 承辦人 林怡君 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-112-FA12-03-AA163.pdf 22MB 成果報告

The project of environmental monitoring and emission reduction counseling of dioxin and heavy metal.

英文摘要 This project's main tasks include: (1) atmospheric environment dioxin and heavy metal environmental monitoring, (2) dioxin emission characteristics of stationary sources investigating, (3) emission inventories of dioxin and heavy metal updating, (4) emission reduction consulting for stationary sources and administrative support regarding emergency response to pollution incidents. In the two atmospheric monitoring sessions conducted in the 2023, sampling for dioxins and heavy metals took place during May to July and Septemebr to October. The average dioxin concentrations at 22 air quality monitoring stations across the country were 0.018 and 0.009 pg I-TEQ/m³ (0.017 and 0.009 pg WHO-TEQ/m³) for the respective periods, while the concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were 0.0018 and 0.0013 pg WHO-TEQ/m³. The annual average values were both lower than historical averages in the corresponding calendar months. Heavy metals, primarily crustal elements, accounted for an average proportion of approximately 1.53~6.39% of PM₁₀. However, some northern stations were influenced by overseas pollution transmission in May, resulting in higher mercury concentrations. High mercury concentrations also happened in Kao-Ping area in May, but the concentrations decreased in the October. In the emission inventory update section, the estimated dioxin emissions in Taiwan for the 2022 were approximately 41.12g I-TEQ/year, lower than the emissions in the 2021. The primary reason for the reduction was the decreased activity in the metal manufacturing industry. The electric arc furnaces had lower average emission factors and activity levels in 2022, contributing to the reduction. The main stationary sources included boilers in power generation, the iron and steel smelting industry (sintering furnaces, electric arc furnaces), and waste incinerators, accounting for 55.9% of the total emissions. For heavy metals, the estimated emissions in the 2022 for lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and arsenic (As) are approximately 26.73, 0.698, 1.442 and 2.221 tons/year respectively. In terms of uncertainty analysis, the emission coefficient uncertainty is lower due to regular stack test conducted in high emission potential industries. However, there is higher uncertainty in mobile and fugitive sources. Mercury distribution investigation was carried out for 2 cement kilns in Yilan County and Hualien County. Both kilns exhibited mercury circulation, with Yilan County's cement kiln showing more significant circulation. Mercury in the kiln's waste gas was adsorbed and re-entered the kiln, potentially leading to increasing emission concentrations over time. The main mercury input sources included washed fly ash, iron slag, clay, and limestone. The mercury main output was stack emission. The iron slag was a major mercury source in both cement kilns. The source of high mercury content in iron slag should be conducted, possibly related to coal combustion fly ash, and exploring the feasibility of using alternative materials to lower the mercury content. This project conducted emission reduction consulting for 8 emission sources, including non-ferrous secondary smelting furnace, boilers, large-scale municipal waste incinerators, and electric arc furnaces. One of the emission source was the supplier of iron slag to cement kilns. According to this project and past research done by the local government, iron slag is a major mercury source in cement kilns. Experts recommend investigating the reasons for high mercury content in iron slag, possibly related to coal combustion fly ash, and exploring the feasibility of using alternative materials with lower mercury concentrations. In one of the two participated non-ferrous secondary smelting facilities, the high dioxin stack emission concentrations were mainly due to particle accumulation in pipelines. Experts suggest pipeline cleaning frequency enhance and improvements in particle control devices. The other participant, with dioxin emissions close to the emission standard, may be influenced by an increased chlorine content in the incoming materials. This year, two using circulating fluidized bed boilers were included for emission reduction consulting. One burned solid recovered fuel (SRF) and other used wood chips. Both facilities had high dioxin emission concentrations in the past stack test results. Despite national fuel component standards, the significant variation in SRF chlorine content poses operational challenges. Guidance given by the experts for these participants included examining gas residence times in high-temperature zones, controlling appropriate sulfur content, reviewing activated carbon injection rates, and evaluating the effectiveness of particulate collection equipment. For the electric arc furnace, the accumulation of ash in the pipe before baghouse region could potentially fall in dioxin de novo temperature window. Experts recommended temperature control for process exhaust gases and investigating the region which has high potential falling in the dioxin re-synthesis temperature range to avoid de nove. In this year, a large-scale municipal waste incinerator exceeded the dioxin emission standards. Based on the dioxin congener, experts recommended investigating the distribution of filter cake on the filter bags to clarify concerns about the emission of fine particles. Through the remote air quality monitoring results in the petrochemical industrial zone, it was discovered that the main concern of Hailake, Rende, and Linyuan industrial zones was chlorine compounds hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Further investigations focused on conducting on-site monitoring within these industrial zones to confirm emission sources related to chlorine-containing processes. The results indicated that high concentrations of Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) was related to components leaked in Dayang and the Formosa Plastics Renwu Plant, but the influence on fixed stations concentration was limited. Following improvements in Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) storage tanks by Taiwan VCM corporation, emissions of EDC and Chloroform (CF) from the wastewater treatment plant gradually became significant at fixed stations. Subsequently, measures were requested from the industry to plan for reducing chlorine content in original wastewater and ensuring the effective sealing of wastewater treatment units. This project aims to continually monitor and assess the effectiveness of industry improvements through these results. Regarding the planning and review of revisions to emission control standards and related administrative procedures, this project has proposed draft amendments to emission standards for the iron and steel industry, cement kilns, and incinerators. Communication meetings were held in 2022 with industry representatives to understand the emission reduction challenges and the time required for improvements. The draft amendments to emission standards for the iron and steel industry include lowering the general air pollutant emission standards for sintering furnaces and coke ovens to encourage stable operations by the industry. For cement kilns, emission standards for mercury and fluoride were proposed to manage high potential mercury emission due to alternative material usage in cement industry. The draft amendments to incinerator emission standards were proposed lowering the general air pollutant and mercury emission standards for municipal waste incinerators. Additionally, a experience-sharing meeting was organized this year discussing insights on cremation furnace emission control.
英文關鍵字 Dioxin, Heavy metal, Volatile Organic Compound