

中文摘要 本計畫延續歷年土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫之工作內容,已完成臺南市轄區內土壤調查作業、地下水調查作業、監測井巡查維護、污染場址監督查證及驗證作業、貯存系統審查及調查作業、公告事業申報審查及查核作業、高污染潛勢工廠土水污染預防管理作業、農地定常監測作業、緊急應變工作、教育宣導及行政配合事項等工作。 土壤調查作業,農地同步採樣已完成16 點次土壤採樣作業,因樣品均未超過食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準之重金屬限量標準,故依據作業原則不進行土壤樣品分析。電弧爐煉鋼製造程序周邊農地預警監測已完成17 點次農地土壤採樣作業;其中2 點土壤重金屬鋅檢測結果超過食用作物農地管制標準,另有6 點土壤重金屬鋅超過食用作物農地監測標準。地下水調查作業,部分監測井仍有超過管制標準之情形,但與歷年監測結果相似。 污染場址監督查核作業,每兩個月執行一次場址巡查作業。今年度已完成6 處場址驗證作業,其中,富億實業廠有限公司之重金屬檢測結果鋅超過土壤污染監測標準;鉻、銅及鎳超過土壤污染管制標準,故須持續列管,其餘4 處場址皆解除列管。另執行13 處未列管場址之查證結果,2 處場址須依七條五採取應變必要措施,11 處查證結果均低於污染監測標準,無須列管。目前列管場址數為57 處。 貯存系統審查作業,網路申報率均為100%。貯存系統(地下儲槽)現場查核作業,已完成24 站污染潛勢評價機制現場查核輔導及土壤氣體檢測。貯存系統法規符合度確認及輔導作業,已完成9 處110 年起新設之地下儲槽系統辦理法規符合度確認及輔導工作、42 處110 年已完成輔導未符合法規之地上儲槽改善追蹤及複查工作。 公告事業土壤污染評估調查報告、現勘或採樣之查核作業均未發現異常。高污染潛勢工廠預防管理作業已完成47 家事業之查核及輔導作業,並針對111 年度及112 年度查核結果為中污染潛勢工廠會同專家學者進場查核輔導。 事業土水污染預防管理作業,已執行「A.加強管理群」現勘42 家次,於現勘前辦理行前說明會1 場次;另已針對「B.自主管理群」召開預防管理說明會1 場次,並視預防管理成效進行19 家次追蹤。亦針對「C.檢視管理群」17 家,執行現場勘查並進行資料比對。農地定常監測作業,已執行共85 組水質初驗、8 組水質複驗;另已執行41 組農地土壤採樣及XRF篩測;本年度監測無異常情形,無須執行污染成因調查。 教育宣導及行政配合事項,辦理4 場次宣導說明會、1 場次研商會議、1 場次輔導會議、1 場次種子教師培訓研習會及10 場次校園教育宣導相關活動;以及每月發佈5 篇土水相關新聞稿或文章以及2 篇社群網路宣導。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 16520 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/03 專案結束日期 2023/12/20 專案主持人 楊詔棻
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 朱盈蓁 執行單位 南台灣環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告.pdf 37MB


英文摘要 The works of Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Contamination hascontinually followed by previous project over the past few years, which has completed thecontent of soil and groundwater investigation, monitoring well inspection and maintenance,system review and investigation of storage tank, declaration and inspection of registeredenterprises, supervision and validation of contaminated site, emergency response,educational propaganda, and administrative support in Tainan District. In term of soil investigation, regularly monitoring and simultaneously sampling of farm land has completed, the results of regularly monitoring were exceeded the standard of soil and crop armland while the results of simultaneously sampling were not exceed the standard. In addition, according to 17 early warning monitoring results of farmlands surrounding the factory with electric arc furnace steelmaking manufacturing process, the heavy metal zinc in the soil at 2 sites exceeded the control standards for edible crop farmland, and the heavy metal zinc in the soil at 6 sites exceeded the edible crop farmland monitoring standards. As for the groundwater investigation, some of the monitoring well results still exceeded the control standard but mostly the same as previous results. Registered site report reviewing, committee holding, and monthly site patrol had been completed. 6 of site validation, 4 of de-classification since its standard conformity, 1 of site still been registered since the test still exceed the standard. In term of 13 of site verification, 2 of sites had announced as contaminated site since the test exceed the standard. In total, there are of 57 sites in Tainan up to now. The declaration rate of storage tanks reach to 100%. 24 on-site inspections of the underground storage tanks have been completed, and all investigations are complied with standards. There was nothing abnormal from the investigation of soil contaminated registered enterprises, verification of on-site survey and sampling, and farmland monitoring processes. Verification and counseling of high contaminated potential factories had followed the protocol of EPA, potential risk management work has been implemented for 78 factories, including strengthen-management group, self-management group and check-management group. In term of administrative support, 17 propagandas had completed, press releases, articles, internet propaganda related to soil and groundwater had announced each month.
英文關鍵字 soil and groundwater