

中文摘要 112年度臺北市毒性化學物質災害防救及輔導計畫主要工作目標為強化毒性及關注化學物質暨食安相關化學物質源頭管理、增加危害預防應變及事故處理能力、災害潛勢風險評估、業者或管理者宣導教育訓練及其他,依據計畫契約書工作事項及後續待完成如下: 1. 執行「毒性及關注化學物質暨食安相關化學物質源頭管理」工作項目方面:辦理既有及新列管毒性及關注化學物質運作場所稽查151件次;查訪化工原料販賣業者輔導訪查254件次,上述查核毒性化學物質、關注化學物質及食品安全相關化學品運作場所,加強高風險運作場所查核頻率,查核總件數達405件次,已達成期末查核400件次之目標。執行轄內毒性及關注化學物質運作及流向勾稽485家;轄內毒性化學物質運送勾稽11件次;辦理選定化學物質之勾稽查核90件;執行辦理許可證、登記文件、核可文件預審作業251家次;毒性化學物質抽樣20件,已達成期末需抽樣20件次之目標;後續持續配合環保局提供之毒性化學物質或有關物品之抽樣名單進行相關工作。 2. 執行「危害預防應變及事故處理」工作項目方面:無預警測試及臨場輔導8場次;執行毒化物運作廠家橫向通聯測試累積291家次,以確保發生毒化物災害時,運作場所緊急應變單位之聯繫管道暢通;實地檢查運作廠商應設置之應變器材及偵測警報設備8家次;完成相關實兵演練或沙盤推演合計5場次;持續整備待命以協助臺北市毒災現場之應變及環境監測工作,倘若境內發生毒化災事故時將支援化學防護服及氣體檢測儀等應變器材。 3. 執行「規劃本市毒性化學物質災害潛勢風險評估」工作項目方面:完成臺北市轄區內222家毒性及關注化學物質運作場所(含達分級管制量3家、運作關注化學物質廠家27家)之毒災外洩、火災熱輻射及爆炸過壓危害風險分析,並納入,提供避難疏散規畫建議;更新112年度臺北市最新基本資料、人口分布、氣候資訊、敏感單位、緊急應變單位及第三類毒性化學物質運輸行經路線等資料;並統計近10年間臺北市化災事故件數,並進行事故場所及災害類型統計。 4. 執行「業者或管理者宣導、訓練及其他」工作項目方面:完成毒化物、食品安全管理宣導會及聯防小組組訓會議合計6場次;已完成化學防護包50份採購及交付作業,並提供環保局使用。 5. 本計劃於決標日次日起駐局人員兩名旋即正式進駐機關,協助處理毒性化學物質管理暨防災資料建檔及文書等相關作業,將持續聘僱至112年12月計劃結束,該兩位進駐人力吳湘羚及游雅涵,分別畢業於高雄第一科技大學環安系及東南科技大學環工系,並有毒性化學物質相關工作多年經歷。 截止至本計畫結案日為止,實際進度已達進度100%,符合計畫要求,未來工作將持續計畫內的工項目並完成合約工作項要求外,並持續進行預防減災工作,評估毒化物可能危害潛勢,提供臺北市政府防救災相關建議,並與各救災單位保持合作與互動關係,以降低毒災事故之發生,並減少因事故而造成人員、財務之損失及環境衝擊。
中文關鍵字 源頭管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4020 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/31 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 王子奇
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳建興 執行單位 中國文化大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年台北市毒災期末報告_V3.7.pdf 24MB

Project on Rescue, Prevention, and Guidance of Toxic Chemical Hazards for Taipei City, Academic Year 2023

英文摘要 Project on Rescue, Prevention, and Guidance of Toxic Chemical Hazards for Taipei City, Academic Year 2023-2024 aims to improve source management of toxic and food-related chemical substances. The objectives of the project also include strengthening the ability to respond to and prevent accidents and hazards, assessing potential risks, and training operators or managers. The following are tasks completed according to the project agreement: 1. Source management of toxic and food-related chemical substances: This project has completed investigating 151 operation sites handling existing and newly listed toxic and concerned chemical substances, and has conducted 254 visits to chemical materials venders. The investigations attempted to explore how toxic and concerned chemical substances were processed in operation sites, especially those at high risks. A total of 405 cases were completed, exceeding the goal of 400 cases as planned. 485 operation companies have been examined for their chemical substance operation and distribution. The project completed 11 check-ups of toxic chemical substance distribution and safety checks of 104 selected chemical substances. A total of 251 companies were audited for their operation permits, registration documents, and approval processes. The project sampled 20 toxic chemical substances. The project will examine and analyze the substances on the sample list provided by the Department of Environmental Protection. 2. Strengthening the ability to respond to and prevent accidents and hazards: The project has conducted eight unannounced tests and provided guidance to the sites. Information exchange and communication among 291 companies were tested to ensure effective communication among the emergency response teams. The project conducted field trips to eight companies to examine the emergency response equipment and alarm systems. The project provides Taipei City with toxic substance operation strategies and environmental detection. Should there be toxic hazard accidents, chemical protective clothing, and gas testing machinery will be provided. 3. Assessing potential risks: The project has completed the risk analysis of 222 operation sites for toxic and concerned chemical substances. After analyzing the risk of toxic spill, thermal radiation, and explosion due to overpressure, the project provided suggestions including evacuation plans. The project updated basic information, population distribution, climate information, sensitive units, emergency response units, and Class 3 toxic chemical substance transportation routes in Taipei City. The project has collected and analyzed the number, places, and types of chemical accidents in Taipei City in the past ten years. 4. Training operators or managers: The project conducted four seminars promoting source management of toxic chemical substances. The project procured 50 chemical emergency response kits for the Department of Environmental Protection. 5. This project has employed two staff members to station at the governing agency, dealing with the management of toxic chemical substances and filing of disaster prevention-related documents. The employment of these two members will continue until December 2023. These two members graduated from related departments and have years of working experience. By the time the project ends, the project has been completed 100%, which meets the requirement. In addition to fulfilling all the requirements, the project will continue implementing disaster prevention tasks, assessing possible risks, and providing suggestions regarding rescue and prevention for disasters. The project team will work closely with disaster prevention units to reduce incidents of toxic hazards and minimize the harm to personnel, financial loss, and impact on the environment.
英文關鍵字 Project on Rescue, Prevention, and Guidance of Toxic Chemical Hazards for Taipei City, Academic Year 2023