

中文摘要 水體水質與環境氣候及人為活動息息相關,為了提升水體環境品質,本計畫執行4大工項,冀望可加強水體優化管理並達到水質改善目的。未來氣候變遷會導致氣溫(水溫)升高及極端強降雨與乾旱之水文條件,影響水資源之水量與水質,衝擊水環境(含生態)與社會經濟活動,本計畫研究氣候變遷對水體水質之影響程度,並提出調適策略行動方案。聯合國在2030年的永續發展十七項目標中,也提及「潔淨水資源」,將水資源的取得和重複利用列為重點之一,因此我國現正推動政策選定關切物質,針對關切物質的處理回收技術進行深入研究,以提高資源使用效率和效益。另外,我國綠色國民所得帳水污染項目中,主要編製實物流量、排放、品質及質損四種帳表,透過蒐集各污染源排放至承受水體的污染物數量,藉以瞭解社會經濟發展對水污染影響,以及經污染防治後水環境仍須承受的壓力。依廢(污)水製程回收再利用及流域污染治理之成本效益等研究成果,作爲未來流域污染治理策略之依據。同時本計畫亦協助分析水庫水質、提供環境影響評估案件地面水體水質模擬之審查意見等。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷、廢水回收、水庫水質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 8900 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/21 專案結束日期 2024/02/15 專案主持人 林鎮洋
主辦單位 環境部水質保護司 承辦人 李思源 執行單位 國立臺北科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AA156.pdf 20MB

2023 Water environment quality improvement management plan

英文摘要 The quality of water bodies is closely related to environmental climate and human activities. In order to enhance the environmental quality of water bodies, this project implements four major tasks, hoping to strengthen the optimized management of water bodies and achieve the purpose of water quality improvement. Future climate change will lead to hydrological conditions such as rising temperatures (water temperature), extreme heavy rainfall, and droughts, affecting the quantity and quality of water resources, impacting water environments (including ecology), and socio-economic activities. This project studies the impact of climate change on the water quality of water bodies and proposes adaptation strategies and action plans. The United Nations seventeen Sustainable Development Goals in 2030, "Clean Water Resources" are mentioned, emphasizing the acquisition and reuse of water resources. Therefore, our country is currently promoting the selection of concerned substances in policies and conducting in-depth research on the treatment and recycling technologies of concerned substances to improve resource utilization efficiency and benefits. Additionally, in our country's Green GDP accounting for water pollution, four accounts are mainly compiled: physical flow, emissions, quality, and damage, to understand the impact of socio-economic development on water pollution, as well as the pressure that the water environment still needs to bear after pollution prevention and control. Based on research results such as the cost-effectiveness of wastewater recycling and reuse processes and basin pollution control, they serve as the basis for future basin pollution control strategies.At the same time, this project also assists in analyzing reservoir water quality, providing review opinions on the simulation of ground water body water quality for environmental impact assessment cases.
英文關鍵字 climate change, wastewater recycling, reservoir water quality