

中文摘要 行政院111年核定「減量回收及資源循環推動計畫」,為提升資源循環再利用率,環境部資源循環署根據行政院核定之「廢棄物管理及資源化行動方案之具挑戰及須關注廢棄物推動策略」,規劃於全臺北、中、南三區以促進民間參與方式,預期共設置三座廢木材處理設施,藉此提升全臺廢木材資源循環再利用率。 本計畫優先推動北部區域推動廢木材處理設施興建,預計以促進民間參與推動廢木材處理設施方式辦理相關規劃,執行內容包含根據促參法規範,辦理廢木材處理設施之可行性評估及先期規劃作業,同時協助辦理建廠用地之用地合法化作業,另協助資源循環署與地方環保局溝通,以利下階段招商作業進行。 除北部區域之廢木材處理設施外,本計畫同時調查評估中南部廢木材處理設施之促參可行性,透過調查中南部木質資材產量,評估廢木材處理設施之規模及協助尋找合適用地,藉此評估未來中南部地區促參辦理方式。
中文關鍵字 廢木材、生質燃料、廢木材、機械分選、促進民間參與公共建設法、用地評估,用地合法化使用、財務分析


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6518.778 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/21 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 孫宏華
主辦單位 循環署循環處理組 承辦人 陳翔營 執行單位 磐誠工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告(F).pdf 39MB

Private participation in building up waste wood recycling plant project

英文摘要 In response to the Executive Yuan's approval of the "Waste Reduction, Recycling, and Resource Circulation Promotion Plan" in the year 2022, the Resource Circulation Administration , Ministry of Environment, based on the Executive Yuan-approved "Action Plan for Waste Management and Resource Utilization, Challenges, and Key Strategies," plans to promote private participation in waste management in the northern, central, and southern regions of Taiwan. The objective is to enhance the recycling rate of resources by establishing three waste wood recycling plants across northern, central, and southern regions. This project prioritizes the construction of waste wood recycling plants in the northern region. The plan is to facilitate private participation in the promotion of waste wood recycling plant, including conducting feasibility assessments and initial planning for waste wood recycling plant in accordance with the regulations of the Promotion of Private Participation Act. Additionally, the project involves assisting in the legalization of land for plant construction and facilitating communication between the Resource Circulation Administration , Ministry of Environment and local environmental protection department to streamline the subsequent investment solicitation process In addition to the waste wood recycling plant in the northern region, the project also assesses the feasibility of promoting private participation in similar facilities in the central and southern regions. Through a survey of wood material production in the central and southern regions, evaluating the scale of waste wood recycling plants, and assisting in identifying suitable land, the project aims to assess the most effective methods for promoting private participation in waste wood recycling plants in the central and southern regions in the future.
英文關鍵字 Waste wood, Biomass fuel, Mechanical treatment, Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects, Land use assessment, Legalized use of land, Financial analysis