

中文摘要 嘉義縣內最主要的河川(朴子溪、北港溪及八掌溪)屬於遭受事業、生活污水以及畜牧業污染的混合型污染河川。為推動河川流域之污染防治工作,嘉義縣環保局委託技佳公司執行「112年嘉義縣水污染源稽查管制暨水污費徵收查核計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),計畫執行期間針對轄境內重要河段及可能污染區域加強監測管理,極力推動污染消除、改善水質污染等工作。本計畫執行全期程為112年01月01日至112年11月30日共計11個月,計畫工作項目包含事業污染源許可管理、執行事業查核作業、廢水處理功能診斷及評鑑作業、水污染防治費徵收、飲用水相關業務、水環境巡守隊運作及輔導、生活污水污染減量宣導、辦理說明會及計畫人員教育訓練等配合事項,各項工作執行成果如下說明: 一、 事業污染源許可管理 計畫執行期間受理申請案374件,其各項許可申請案為110件、逕流廢水削減計畫264件,總退件為119件,退件率為31.8%,與111年受理申請案344件,總退件為169件,退件率為49.1%,相較之下,退件率有下降之趨勢。 另受理各類許可申請374件中,已完成核准(備)計有358件(核准完成率達95.7%),以同一申請案(件)統計則本計畫平均總審查日數為8.15日;依審查件次統計,已完成563件次許可審查,每件次審查平均日數為9.05日。 執行20件次許可審查之現場查核作業,其中有14家經查核發現與申請文件內容不符,截至112年11月30日已完成改善並核准發證者有11家,餘3家尚未完成核證。 事業或污水下水道系統依定期檢測申報期別,已完成申報件數有316件,審查認可316件,整體認可率為100.0%。 環工技師簽證業務查核共計2件,其查核結果屬1級缺失1件,屬2級缺失1件。 推動許可整合業務,完成辦理1場內部教育訓練及2場許可整合宣導說明會,會議中邀請嘉南藥理大學米孝萱教授擔任講師,2場會議召集48家事業參與,參與人數共計72人,參與率達100%,並全數(48家)完成污染流向圖繪製及上傳至環境保護管理資訊系統(EMS)。 二、 事業廢污水排放查核 事業稽查共計614件次、採樣302件次,查獲8件違反水污法案件,處分金額59.4萬元。 委託專家學者執行10家深度查核輔導,其6家依委員意見完成改善,另4家尚未完成改善,本計畫持續追蹤改善進度;另執行廢水處理功能診斷輔導作業6家,於3月執行初評作業、5月執行複評作業,7月召開診斷協談會議,並依會議結論之業者承諾事項進行後續追蹤,該6家中無需改善者1家,承諾改善者為5家,截至11月30日,已完成改善者有3家,另2家未完成則為涉及許可文件變更。 針對113年氨氮加嚴管制行業別且廢水排放於地面水體之22家事業,提升稽查採樣力道共計稽查採樣39件次,檢驗結果皆符合放流水標準限值。 三、 浮動式水質感測器或科學工具作業 本計畫使用浮動式水質感測器及科學工具進行24小時水質連續監測,共計399件次,監測期間無異常情形發生,另架設之水色攝影機,監視期間亦無異常情形。 四、 沿海地區非列管事業放流水重金屬污染清查作業 針對縣轄內東石鄉、布袋鎮、義竹鄉等沿海地區之未列管之事業,且有產生事業廢水及含有重金屬之風險者執行清查,已清查13家,結果皆非屬水污染防治法列管事業定義及分類。 五、 辦理委託工業區查證 於112年5月29日辦理第1場委託查證協談會議,其會議提出2點提案,提案一「工業區辦理聯合稽查成效討論」、提案二「工業區區內事業廢(污)水污染量之掌握」,經決議事項(1)聯合稽查成效頗佳後續頻率提升為每季1次;(2)請各工業區針對高污染行業別執行採樣時,請知會環保局會同。第2場會議於112年11月21日辦理,會議提出2點提案,「工業區區內事業水肥統一由污水廠收受處理」及「工業區定期申報及工業區檢測異常通報及應變作業流程」。 六、 飲用水相關管理 自來水水質檢驗完成558件,其符合飲用水水質標準557件、未符合飲用水水質標準1件;非自來水水質完成抽驗62處,其62處之檢驗結果皆不符合飲用水水質標準,環保局皆函文通知其鄉鎮市公所及相關單位加強宣導飲水安全須知;針對轄內淨水場11處及加壓站5處之水源水質採樣完成34件次,其檢驗結果全數符合標準;飲水機設備稽查308處,稽查結果皆符合規定;飲水機水質抽驗144件次,檢驗結果皆符合標準。另完成280筆地號新設案件審查工作,其中169筆位於飲用水保護區範圍內。針對轄內露營區位於飲用水水源水質保護區23處執行稽查,其結果設有預鑄式之污水處理設施為16處、設有構築式污水處理設施為7處,其均未見廢水排放情形。 七、 協助辦理嘉義縣水環境巡守隊志工服務計畫 水環境巡守隊有24隊,總人數為731人;為求嘉義縣水環境巡守隊工作效益提昇及使隊員更加瞭解環保署政策執行方向,本計畫協助各隊辦理工作檢討會、座談會、教育訓練及宣導活動等,除有效宣導相關考核事項及環保署現行執行策略外,更可加強各隊員對於巡守隊業務的認知及向心力,以彰顯嘉義縣河川巡守隊運作績效,統計各項相關活動共175場次,計2,542人次。 統計水環境守護網通報案件共77件,已全數移請權責單位處理,處理率為100%;協助辦理淨溪、淨川及環境整頓相關活動100場次,參與人數3,227人次,總計清除一般垃圾約30,866公斤及資源回收約963公斤。 辦理「112年第一次巡嘉河特色經營運作聯繫座談會」,邀請嘉義縣消防局指導救護包紮技術及生命徵象評估等課程,以提升志工救護能力,降低受傷時所造成的後續傷害;辦理志工基礎及特殊訓練計2場次,訓練人數77人,將為後續巡守隊注入生力軍。 辦理「雲嘉嘉流域水環境巡守保育交流會議」,透過跨縣市共管流域污染熱區進行討論,進而讓縣市交界污染防治聯繫管道暢通以達到聯合稽查及巡守目標,精進水環境維護管理作為及策略。 八、 水污費徵收查核稽催 111年第2期及112年第1期徵收名單分別為353家及355家,申報期間利用電話催辦件數分別為267件次及174件次,已使於期限內完成申報,其中112年第1期有1家未進行申報,其因公司營運不佳已歇業,目前已辦理逕為核算完成結案,其繳費金額分別為2,946,624元及2,894,378元,本(112)年水污費總徵收金額為5,841,002元。 九、 其它配合辦理事項 於3月30日辦理稽查人員教育訓練;3月27日辦理許可審查人員教育訓練;4月21日完成生活污水污染減量宣導影片拍攝,並於5月10日提送成果影片;辦理10場次生活污水減量宣導及12次公共場所生活污水減量宣導影片播放;辦理2場水污染防治法相關法令說明會。
中文關鍵字 許可管理、稽查、監測、飲用水、巡守隊、水污費、生活污水


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 9680 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 陳威憲
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 張瓊敏 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年嘉義縣水污染源稽查管制暨水污費徵收查核計畫-期末報告定稿-本文.pdf 19MB

2023 Chiayi County Water Pollution Source Inspection Control and Water Pollution Fee Collection Review Plan

英文摘要 The most important rivers in Chiayi County (Puzi River, Beigang River, and Bazhang River) are mixed polluted rivers polluted by industrial, domestic sewage, and animal husbandry. In order to promote the pollution prevention and control of river basins, Chiayi County Environmental Protection Bureau entrusted GEGA ENGINEERS & CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. to implement the "2023 Chiayi County Water Pollution Source Inspection Control and Water Pollution Fee Collection Review Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”). During the implementation of the Plan, the monitoring and management of important river sections and potentially polluted areas within the jurisdiction will be strengthened, and efforts will be made to promote pollution elimination and water quality pollution improvement. The implementation period of this Plan was from January 01, 2023 to November 30, 2023, The planned work items include the management of industries pollution source permits, implementation of industries inspection operations, diagnosis and evaluation of wastewater treatment functions, collection of water pollution prevention and control fees, drinking water-related industries, operation and guidance of water environment patrol teams, promotion of domestic sewage pollution reduction, handling briefing sessions, and education and training of planners, etc.The implementation results of each task are described as follows: 1. Licensing management of industrial pollution sources During the implementation of this Project, a total of 374 applications were accepted. This comprised 110 applications for various permits and 264 applications for runoff and wastewater reduction plans. The overall number of rejected applications was 119, resulting in a rejection rate of 31.8%. In contrast, in the year 2022, 344 applications were accepted, with a total of 169 rejected cases and a rejection rate of 49.1%. Comparatively, there is a decreasing trend in the rejection rate. Additionally, out of the 374 applications for various licenses that were accepted, 358 have been approved or prepared, achieving an approval completion rate of 95.7%. Based on the statistics of the same application cases, the average total review period for this Project is 8.15 days. Furthermore, according to the statistics of review cases, 563 permit reviews have been completed, and the average review period for each case was 9.05 days. On-site inspections were conducted for 20 license reviews, revealing inconsistencies in 14 of them compared to the content of the application documents. As of November 30, 2023, 11 companies have successfully implemented improvements and received approval 11 of them for the issuance of licenses. However, the remaining 3 companies had not completed the certification process at that time. For industrial or sewage and sewer Systems, 316 declarations were completed within the specified periodic testing period. All 316 declarations were reviewed and approved, resulting in an overall approval rate of 100.0%. There were a total of 2 inspections conducted for the environmental engineering technician certification, and the results indicated 1 deficiency at Level 1 and 1 deficiency at Level 2 The licensing integration business was promoted, involving 1 internal educational training and 2 licensing integration promotional briefings. Prof. Hsiao-Hsuan Mi. from Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science served as a lecturer during the meetings. A total of 48 enterprises were invited to participate in the 2 meetings, with a total of 72 participants. The participation rate reached 100%, and all 48 enterprises completed the drawing of pollution flow diagram, which were subsequently uploaded to the Environmental Protection Management Information System (EMS). 2. Inspection of industrial wastewater discharge There were 614 industria inspections and 302 sampling cases conducted for the inspection of industrial wastewater discharge. Eight cases of violations of the Water and Pollution Law were discovered, resulting in a sanction amount of NTD594,000. We commissioned experts and scholars to conduct in-depth audits and guidance for 10 companies. Six of them have completed improvements based on the committee's opinions, while the other four have not yet completed improvements. This Project continues to monitor the progress of improvements. In addition, we conducted a diagnosis and guidance operation for the wastewater treatment functions of six companies. In March, we conducted an initial assessment, followed by a re-evaluation in May. In July, a diagnostic negotiation meeting was held, and the commitments made by the companies in accordance with the meeting conclusions were subsequently tracked. Among these six companies, one did not require improvement, and five committed to making improvements. As of November 30, three companies have completed improvements, while the remaining two have not completed improvements due to changes in permit documents. For the industry with intensified regulation on ammonia nitrogen in 2024, comprising 22 enterprises discharging wastewater into surface water bodies, we enhanced inspection and sampling efforts, conducting a total of 39 inspections and samples. The test results all complied with the standard limits for discharged water. 3. Operation of floating water quality sensors or scientific tools This Project utilizes floating water quality sensors and scientific tools for 24-hour continuous monitoring of water quality, totaling 399 monitoring instances. No abnormalities occurred during the monitoring period. Additionally, a water color camera was installed, and no anomalies were observed during the surveillance period. 4. Inspection of heavy metal pollution in water discharged from non-managed enterprises in coastal areas Investigations were conducted or unlisted businesses in coastal areas such as Dongshi Township, Budai Town, and Yizhu Township within the county, and those with the risk of generating industrial wastewater containing heavy metals. A total of 13 enterprises were investigated, and the results indicated that none of them fell under the definition and classification of enterprises regulated by the Water Pollution Control Act. 5. Handling the verification of entrusted industrial zone The first entrusted verification consultation meeting was held on May 29, 2023. Two proposals were presented at the meeting: Proposal 1 "Discussion on the effectiveness of joint inspections in industrial zones" and Proposal 2 "Control of the amount of waste (sewage) pollution from businesses within industrial zones." After discussion, the following resolutions were made: (1) For joint inspections with good effectiveness, the frequency will be increased to once per quarter in the future; (2) Each industrial zone is requested to notify the Environmental Protection Bureau when conducting sampling for high-pollution industries. The second meeting was held on November 21, 2023, with two proposals presented: "Business water and fertilizer within the industrial zone will be uniformly collected and processed by the sewage plant" and "Regular reporting in industrial zones and procedures for reporting anomalies and responses in industrial zones." 6. Management related to drinking water. 558 tap water quality inspections were completed, with 557 meeting drinking water quality standards and 1 not meeting standards. Additionally, 62 non-tap water quality inspections were conducted, and the results for all 62 locations did not meet drinking water quality standards. The Environmental Protection Agency issued a letter notifying township, town, and city offices and relevant units to enhance publicity on drinking water safety instructions. Furthermore, 34 samples of water source quality were collected at 11 water purification plants and 5 pressurization stations within the jurisdiction, and all test results were compliant with standards. Inspections of 308 water dispenser locations revealed that all were in compliance with regulations. In addition, 144 water dispenser water quality inspections were conducted, and all results met the standards. The review of 280 new land code cases was completed, with 169 located within drinking water protection zones. An inspection of 23 camping areas within the jurisdiction's drinking water source quality protection zones found that 16 had sewage treatment facilities, and 7 had structured sewage treatment facilities, with no wastewater discharge in any of them. 7. Assisting in the implementation of the Chiayi County Water Environment Patrol Volunteer Service Program. The Water Environment Patrol Team consists of 24 teams with a total of 731 members. To enhance the efficiency of the Chiayi County Water Environment Patrol Team and ensure better understanding of the Environmental Protection Department's policy implementation direction, this Project assists each team in organizing work review meetings, discussions, educational training, and publicity activities. These efforts effectively communicate relevant assessment matters and the current implementation strategies of the Environmental Protection Department. Additionally, they strengthen the understanding and cohesion of each team member regarding the patrol team's activities, highlighting the performance of the Chiayi County River Patrol Team. A total of 175 related activities were conducted, involving 2,542 participants. According to statistics, the Water Environment Protection Network reported a total of 77 cases, all of which have been transferred to the responsible units for processing, resulting in a processing rate of 100%. The program also assisted in managing 100 activities related to clean streams, clean rivers, and environmental rectification, engaging 3,227 participants. Additionally, the initiative led to the removal of approximately 30,866 kg of general garbage and the recovery of approximately 963 kg of resources. The "First 2023 Xunjia River Characteristic Operations Contact Symposium" was conducted, featuring guidance from the Chiayi County Fire Department on rescue bandaging techniques and vital sign assessment courses. The aim was to enhance volunteers' rescue capabilities, thereby reducing injuries during rescue operations. Two sessions of basic and special training were provided for volunteers, with a total of 77 individuals trained. This initiative is expected to bring new strength to the subsequent patrol team. Organize the "Yunjiajia Basin Water Environment Patrol and Conservation Exchange Meeting" to facilitate discussions on the collaborative management of pollution hotspots within the basin across counties and cities. The goal is to enhance communication channels for pollution prevention and control at the junctions of counties and cities, achieve joint inspection and patrol objectives, and improve actions and strategies for maintaining and managing the water environment. 8. Inspection and reminder of water and sewage fee collection The collection lists for the second period of 2022 and the first period of 2023 were 353 and 355 respectively. During the declaration period, the number of telephone reminders was 267 and 174 respectively. The declarations were completed within the time limit. For the first period of 2023, one company did not make a declaration, and it has gone out of business due to poor operation. The case has been completed and the accounting has been completed. The payment amounts were NTD 2,946,624 and NTD 2,894,378, respectively. The total amount of water pollution fees collected in this (2023) year was NTD 5,841,002 yuan. 9. Other cooperation matters The education and training for inspectors were carried out on March 30, and the education and training for license reviewers was organized on March 27. The filming of the domestic sewage pollution reduction promotional video was completed on April 21, and the result video was submitted on May 10. Additionally, 10 domestic sewage reduction publicity sessions and 12 domestic sewage reduction publicity videos in public places were played. Furthermore, 2 legal briefings on water pollution prevention and control laws were conducted.
英文關鍵字 Licensing management, Inspection, monitoring, drinking water, Patrol Team, water and sewage fee collection, domestic sewage