

中文摘要 本計畫截至112年12月20日止,已完成100%工作項目,包含:監測井巡查維護、地下水枯豐水期監測採樣、加油站稽查及測漏管調查、貯存系統查核輔導、污染改善完成場址驗證、農地土壤污染預防採樣分析、事業預防管理成效追蹤、法規說明會辦理、最佳管理措施(BMPs)檢核作業、太陽光電設施推廣說明會、公告事業審查及技師查核、緊急應變作業等,分別摘要說明如下。 一、監測井巡查及維護修復作業 巡查針對井況評估呈現異常之監測井2口執行再完井,及完成2口監測井外觀維護、1口監測井設施修復、1口監測井異物排除及3口廢井作業。 二、地下水監測作業 枯水期監測已於112年3月24~29日執行完成,6口次監測井於重金屬及揮發性有機物項目皆未超出監測標準情形,僅於一般項目有超出第二類監測標準之情形;豐水期監測已於112年8月21~22日執行完成,分析結果與枯水期相近,6口次監測井於重金屬及揮發性有機物項目皆未超出監測標準情形。 三、加油站稽查及測漏管調查 於每月稽查顯示無異常;於測漏管調查作業中,已於112年3月24~29日執行完成18站,其中澎大加油站4號測漏管有PID超出1000 ppmV情形,因此進行測漏管土壤間隙氣體GC/FID定量分析,MTBE達944 ppm,甲烷達151 ppm,乙烷達146 ppm,丙烷達781 ppm,依期初報告審查會議結論,於7月再次進行澎大加油站測漏管調查,4號測漏管PID為41.4 ppmV,FID為7.5 ppmV,測值屬合理範圍。 四、貯存系統查核輔導 延續近2年之貯存系統查核輔導作業,今年度完成1處地下儲槽系統法規符合度確認及5處地上儲槽系統改善複查。本縣為海洋觀光大縣,縣內飯店民宿有使用貯存系統之需求,因此辦理相關清查,完成已登記1195家旅宿業者之清查,其中37家已停止營業,營業中有飯店23家、民宿2家具備儲槽系統。 五、污染改善完成場址驗證 外垵漁船加油站場址於111年7月提送改善完成報告,於112年3月23、25日進行機關驗證,土壤採樣6點位及地下水採樣2點位,檢測結果顯示土壤地下水均符合污染管制標準,此場址於112年5月5日解除列管。 六、農地土壤污染預防 本縣為無農田水利灌溉小組縣市,每鄉鎮抽測1組為原則,本縣計有馬公市、湖西鄉、白沙鄉、西嶼鄉、望安鄉、七美鄉共6鄉鎮,需進行6組土壤及水質抽測,於4月完成抽測前之3場環境勘查評估,以覓得適合採樣之農地,並於7月完成土壤採樣,重金屬檢測結果均低於食用作物農地之管制標準;6處採樣用農地之灌溉水源均為自有民井,於8月21~23日完成灌溉水採樣,各處農地灌溉水重金屬均低於灌溉水質基準值或未檢出(N.D.)。因白沙鄉農地土壤重金屬鉻、鎳濃度相較其他鄉鎮為高,灌溉水複驗於白沙鄉農地旁之民井執行,檢測結果重金屬低於灌溉水質基準值或未檢出(N.D.)。 七、事業預防管理成效追蹤 配合推動事業自主監測及預防管理制度,於5月23日辦理B群事業自主預防管理作業說明會,向B群事業單位說明自主預防管理作業之相關流程及系統操作方式;B群事業部分於8月10日前往台電公司尖山電廠及10月20日前往台電公司澎湖區營業處進行現地勘查,並就自主污染預防管理計畫內容提供修正建議;C群事業部分於9月27日前往台水公司馬公海水淡化廠及10月17日前往台水公司成功淨水場辦理事業現場稽查,確認是否有製程異動或異常狀況。 八、土壤及地下水污染宣導活動 於6月19日辦理貯存系統法規重點與系統申報法規說明會,邀請對象為本縣貯存系統業者,就貯存系統管理辦法及申報作業等面向進行宣導,使各貯存系統業者具備更深入之認識;同日另辦理污染土地及相關場域推動太陽光電設置推廣說明會,邀請對象為現有污染場址之管理單位,以配合再生能源政策推廣太陽光電設置。 九、最佳管理措施(BMPs)檢核作業 於場址改善進度報告審查會議時,檢閱改善單位是否執行最佳管理措施,為確認最佳管理措施是否落實執行,需辦理現場檢核作業;於6月26日前往湖西供油中心及馬公汽車加油站等場址,並請審查委員現場提供檢核建議,供改善單位後續推動參考。 十、公告事業審查及技師查核 北辰加油站依土壤及地下水污染整治法第8、9條規定,於10月11日提送土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料,經資料檢閱及通知事業補正資料,環保局於10月26日核定相關資料。技師查核作業依環境部之管考相關規定執行,本縣去年度僅有1件由統一精工股份有限公司澎湖加油站提送土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料,因此該案簽證技師列為今年度技師查核作業對象,於7月邀請委員進行書面審查,及10月辦理現地查核,查核結果列為第二級缺失。 十一、緊急應變作業 環境部通知本縣水庫有底泥重金屬濃度高於上限值之現象,考量本縣水庫係供應居民飲用水來源,重金屬濃度高於上限值如為外來污染,可能影響居民飲用水安全,因此進行緊急應變作業,進行水庫進水路及出水口附近之底泥調查,以釐清底泥中重金屬來源,成功水庫底泥之鎳測值超出底泥品質指標上限值之現象,雖有母質影響,但非全因原生母質之鎳含量致使底泥中鎳測值偏高之原因,興仁水庫底泥之鎳測值超出底泥品質指標上限值之現象,應為受母質特性造成。 進行農地土壤污染預防之採樣分析作業時,發現白沙鄉及馬公市之農地土壤重金屬濃度高於食用作物農地土壤污染監測基準值,考寮農地作物係提供居民食用,為釐清農地土壤中重金屬來源,因此進行緊急應變作業,進行農地周邊土壤採樣分析;白沙鄉及馬公市農地重金屬測值超出食用作物農地土壤污染監測基準值之現象,應為受母質特性造成,灌溉用地下水質未受重金屬污染,且灌溉水非為農地土壤中鉻、鎳之來源。
中文關鍵字 污染查證、場址驗證、事業自主預防管理、農地土壤污染預防


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5200 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/20 專案主持人 董仁
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 呂昆憲 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112澎湖土水期末_定稿.pdf 18MB 期末報告定稿

Plan of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work in Penghu County, 2023

英文摘要 As of December 20, 2023, 100% of the work items have been completed, including: monitoring well inspection and maintenance, groundwater monitoring and sampling during dry and high water periods, gas station inspections and leak detection pipe surveys, storage system inspection and guidance, pollution improvement completion site verification, agricultural land soil pollution prevention sampling and analysis , project preventive management effectiveness tracking, regulatory briefings, best management practices (BMPs) inspection operations, solar photovoltaic facility promotion briefings, announced project reviews and technician inspections, emergency response operations, etc., are summarized below. 1. Monitoring well inspection and maintenance and repair operations The inspection carried out re-completion of 2 monitoring wells that showed abnormal well condition assessment, and completed the appearance maintenance of 2 monitoring wells, the repair of facilities in 1 monitoring well, the removal of foreign matter in 1 monitoring well and the operation of 3 abandoned wells. 2. Groundwater monitoring The dry season monitoring was completed from March 24 to 29, 2012. None of the 6 monitoring wells exceeded the monitoring standards for heavy metals and volatile organic compounds. Only the second type of monitoring standards were exceeded for general items; wet water The first-term monitoring was completed from August 21 to 22, 2012, and the analysis results were similar to those in the dry season. None of the six monitoring wells exceeded the monitoring standards for heavy metals and volatile organic compounds. 3. Gas station inspection and leak detection pipe investigation The monthly audit showed no abnormality; during the leak detection pipe investigation operation, 18 stations were completed from March 24 to 29, 2012. Among them, the leak detection pipe No. 4 of Pengda Gas Station had a PID exceeding 1000 ppmV, so the inspection was carried out. GC/FID quantitative analysis of soil gap gases in the leak detection tube showed that MTBE reached 944 ppm, methane reached 151 ppm, ethane reached 146 ppm, and propane reached 781 ppm. According to the conclusions of the initial report review meeting, the Pengda gas station test was conducted again in July. During the leakage pipe investigation, the PID of the leakage measuring pipe No. 4 was 41.4 ppmV and the FID was 7.5 ppmV. The measured values were within a reasonable range. 4. Storage tank system audit guidance It was completed the compliance confirmation of 1 underground storage tank system and the improvement review of 5 above-ground storage tank systems. This county is a major marine tourism county. Hotels and B&Bs in the county have the need to use storage systems. Therefore, relevant inspections have been carried out. An inventory of 1,195 registered hotel and B&Bs has been completed. Among them, 37 have ceased operations. There are 23 hotels and 2 B&Bs have storage tank system. 5. Contamination Improvement Completed Site Verification Wai'an Fishing Boat Gas Station site submitted an improvement report in July 2011, and conducted agency verification on March 23 and 25, 2012. The soil sampling point was 6 points and the groundwater sampling point was 2 points. The test results showed that the soil and groundwater were in compliance with the requirements. Pollution control standards, this site was delisted on May 5, 2012. 6. Prevention of agricultural soil pollution This county has 6 towns including Magong City, Huxi Township, Baisha Township, Xiyu Township, Wangan Township, and Qimei Township. It needs to conduct 6 sets of soil and water quality sampling tests. Three environmental survey assessments before the sampling tests will be completed in April. Agricultural land suitable for sampling was found and soil sampling was completed in July. The heavy metal test results were all lower than the control standards for edible crop farmland. The irrigation water sources of the 6 sampling agricultural lands were all private wells. On August 21 Irrigation water sampling was completed on the 23rd. Heavy metals in the irrigation water of various agricultural lands were lower than the irrigation water quality benchmark value or not detected (N.D.). Because the concentration of heavy metals chromium and nickel in the soil of Baisha Township's agricultural land is higher than that of other towns, the irrigation water was re-tested at a private well next to the agricultural land in Baisha Township. The test results showed that the heavy metals were lower than the irrigation water quality benchmark value or not detected (N.D.). 7. Tracking of prevention management effectiveness of enterprises In cooperation with the promotion of enterprise independent monitoring and preventive management systems, a briefing session on independent preventive management operations of Group B enterprises was held on May 23 to explain the relevant processes and system operation methods of independent preventive management operations to Group B institutions; Group B enterprises were held on August 8 On October 10, he went to Taipower Corporation's Jianshan Power Plant and on October 20, he went to Taipower Corporation's Penghu District Sales Office to conduct on-site inspections and provide revision suggestions on the contents of the independent pollution prevention and management plan; Group C business unit went to Taipower on September 27 The company's Magong seawater desalination plant and Taiwan Water Company's water purification plant were successfully inspected on October 17 to confirm whether there were any process changes or abnormalities. 8. Activities of Soil and groundwater pollution A briefing session on the key points of storage system regulations and system declaration regulations will be held on June 19. The invitation targets are storage system operators in the county. The seminar will be held on storage system management methods and declaration operations, so that each storage system operator will have a deeper understanding. ; On the same day, a promotional briefing on the promotion of solar photovoltaic installations on contaminated land and related sites will be held. The invitees are management units of existing polluted sites to promote solar photovoltaic installations in line with renewable energy policies. 9. Audit of Best Management Practices During the site improvement progress report review meeting, review whether the improvement unit has implemented best management measures. In order to confirm whether the best management measures are implemented, on-site inspection operations are required; on June 26, we went to Huxi Fuel Supply Center and Magong Bus For sites such as gas stations, review committee members are asked to provide on-site inspection suggestions for reference by the improvement unit for subsequent promotion. 10. Review of Announced enterprises and Audit of signature by Professional Environmental Engineers In accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Law, Beichen Gas Station submitted soil pollution assessment investigation and testing data on October 11. After reviewing the data and notifying the enterprise to supplement the data, the Environmental Protection Bureau approved the relevant data on October 26. material. Technician inspection operations are carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations on management examinations of the Ministry of Environment. Last year, there was only one case in this county where soil pollution assessment investigation and testing data were submitted by Penghu Gas Station of Uni-President Precision Industry Co., Ltd., so the technician in this case was listed as the technician of this year. For the audit work targets, committee members were invited to conduct a written review in July and an on-site inspection was conducted in October. The inspection results were classified as level 2 deficiencies. 11. Emergency response Ministry of Environment notified the county's reservoirs that the concentration of heavy metals in the sediments is higher than the upper limit. Considering that the county's reservoirs are sources of drinking water for residents, if the heavy metal concentration is higher than the upper limit, it is external pollution and may affect the safety of residents' drinking water. Therefore Emergency response operations were carried out to investigate the sediment near the reservoir inlet and outlet to clarify the source of heavy metals in the sediment. The nickel measurement value of the reservoir sediment exceeded the upper limit of the sediment quality index. Although it was affected by the parent material, However, the high nickel value in the sediment is not entirely due to the nickel content of the original parent material. The phenomenon that the nickel value in the Xingren Reservoir sediment exceeds the upper limit of the sediment quality index should be caused by the characteristics of the parent material. During the sampling and analysis operations for the prevention of agricultural soil pollution, it was found that the concentration of heavy metals in the agricultural soil in Baisha Township and Magong City was higher than the soil pollution monitoring benchmark value for edible crops. Kaoliao agricultural land crops are provided for residents to eat, in order to clarify the agricultural land Sources of heavy metals in the soil, so emergency response operations were carried out to conduct soil sampling and analysis around farmland. The phenomenon that the measured values of heavy metals in farmland in Baisha Township and Magong City exceeded the benchmark value for soil pollution monitoring in edible crop farmland should be caused by the characteristics of the parent material and irrigation. The quality of the groundwater used is not polluted by heavy metals, and the irrigation water is not the source of chromium and nickel in agricultural soil.
英文關鍵字 Verification of contamination , prevention of agricultural soil pollution, prevention and managment of soil pollution in business, Site verification